Chapter 1 adam

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I was sitting at the table with my family. My wife Alice, my son Kyle, and daughter, Jill.
We were listening to Kyle and Jills day in school when I looked outside to find a man just standing there screaming and coughing. I told my son to call 911 as I went out to help him. As I got to him he fell, I picked him up and he started hacking up blackish red blood, then he passed out. When the ambulance arrived to bring him away, I could have sworn that I saw his arm move. After the incident, we went to watch the news and what we saw was so horrible I almost threw up. We saw cities up in flames, people biting each other in the streets, and an ambulance crashed in the school my kids go to covered in blood and the same colored blood the man coughed up. Right then I new i had to get out of this city. I went up to my safe, pulled out my .44 magnum and stuffed it into my jacket, and gathered as much food, cloths, and medicine we could find. Now we were driving, I'm not sure where, but it was somewhere out of the city. We stopped at a supermarket and got as many supplies as possible. As we got back to the car, a women and child came up to us, the women was crying and bleeding from her wrist, neck, and leg. She told us that we needed to take her son Thomas with us out of the city. I asked why and she said "you need to take him, if you don't he could die" and then she collapsed. My wife rushed to help her "no pulse" she said, just then the women bit alice's neck. I ran up to her and she screamed "get away, take Thomas and go before I become one of those freaks and kill you all!". I refused and kept walking towards her, and she lunged at my neck, blood spitting from her mouth. I tried to push her away but i couldn't, so I pulled the trigger and sent a bullet straight into her heart. She started to get up so I took Thomas and my family and left.

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