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Hey guys! This is my second short story. My first is The Mysterious Case of Jennifer Moore (

This story is about a guy on the drug "bath salts," a hallucinogenic drug that makes you freak out. Hope you like it!


He didn’t do anything wrong. He didn’t deserve it. It came upon him with the force of a million swords, piercing his brain and leaving him a puddle of whimpering pain. He tried to scream, but it left his cracked lips a hoarse yelp. He could feel something changing inside him. He dropped the little packet as he started to fall.

Sean Arlotta clumsily dismounted his bike as he pulled into the grocery store parking lot, dazed. Planning on buying a jug of milk and a few apples, he strode towards the front door. Moments after he stepped over the threshold he suddenly stopped, feet anchored to the white tile, hands crumpling into fists.

The wave of colors and sounds hit him hard. He cringed at the bright warehouse lights overhead, the constant whirring of the air conditioner, the beeping of the cash registers, the frigid chill of the freezers, the buzzing of conversation reverberating off the stark white walls.

Sean suddenly knew he should not have come here. He fingered the little packet in his sweatshirt pocket, regretting he ever bought it from the dealer at the dorm party. He pulled it out and read it.

“Damn these bath salts,” Sean slurred. The assault of images was triggering hallucinations. He shrieked and accidentally bumped into the demon walking casually towards him.

“What the hell, dude?” the large man with horns shouted at him. “Get off of me!” Sean darted down aisle seven to get away. However, he noticed the eyes peeking out from behind the peanut butter. Terrified, he sprinted to the freezer section, observing that he was getting a little warm from running around so much. He was scorching. He ripped off his sweater and, paranoid, jumped in with the steaks, ducking beneath the glass cover.

“You don’t have to hide! I know you’re there!” he bellowed to an unknown follower. “I know you’re trying to catch me, Satan! You’re not gonna get me until I die and go straight to your doorstep!” he roared.

Sean, sweltering, screeched to the invisible monsters in his head. He dropped the packet of bath salts as he collapsed to the floor, writhing and screaming and soaking himself in sweat. Shoppers crowded around him; ready to call 911 if he was having a seizure. How could they have known extreme sweating and panic attacks were symptoms of being dangerously high on bath salts? As the herds of people moved closer, the doomed teenager slowly stopped and stood up.

A doctor that happened to be shopping at the grocery store rushed to the front of the crowd while several big men provided a barrier to keep the crowd back. The doctor desperately tried to inspect him without his crucial supplies, feeling for his pulse and identifying his shocking symptoms. No one noticed how Sean screwed his face into a dark grimace, the whites of his eyes more red than white. He shifted between his legs, looking extremely uncomfortable. The doctor jerked back in surprise as Sean roped his arm around the doctor’s neck and slowly lowered his mouth to the doctor’s ear.

“Help… me,” he gurgled before roaring thunderously and launching himself onto the doctor’s back. Many people in the crowd screamed and ran away, leaving their shopping carts as they scattered, trying to escape the horrid scene. The man seized the doctor, his eyes red and unflinching and hungry. He sank his teeth into the doctor’s shoulder, thirsting for human blood. The nurse screamed, pushed up cautiously against a shelf of Cocoa Puffs.

The taste of blood stirred Sean into a frenzy. Chewing at the doctor’s face, he crouched on top of the poor man. Police had since arrived after a few complaints about the teenager jumping into the meat freezer.

“Stop! Get off of him!” One uniformed officer ordered Sean off the mangled body of the doctor. He continued to gnaw at the doctor’s flesh. The policeman hurried towards Sean, cautiously placing his hand on his Taser as he neared the zombie.

“If you don’t get off right now, I am going to Tase you,” the officer warned. Sean looked up, scowling, and then continued to tear at the doctor’s flesh.

Zap! The policeman raised his Taser and shot Sean in the shoulder. He fell to the ground, motionless, not even screaming. Being high on bath salts gave Sean a resistance to pain.

A few seconds later, he lazily wiped a splat of blood off with his forearm and growled. His eyes flickering, he crawled towards the cop, snarling.

BANG! The policeman resorted to using his gun. The shots did not slow Sean down. BANG! BANG! After the third shot, Sean shuddered and coughed, blood streaming out of the corner of his mouth. He lay down on his back, eyes half open.

When they finally closed, his mind had lulled into a peaceful slumber, free of the crazed snare of the high.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2013 ⏰

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