Kiss in the cafeteria

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Summary : Everyone knows Jaune is a nerd but that is one of his most charming traits and most found him endearing in a number of ways so absolutely no one was surprised when he started speaking animatedly about a Romance video game based on an Animè that he had watched least of all when he was excited about said video game.

It was another busy day at Beacon academy and Jaune was sitting in the cafeteria and chatting about the new video game that came out and the game was based off of an Animè he liked called To Love Ru but the game didn't follow the canon from that specific Animè instead in the game you could choose which girl you want the character to end up with.

Jaune : You see in the story the main character likes the wrong girl but in this game you choose the girl you like.

Ren : Sounds intruiging Jaune I've watched that Animè and read the manga which girl would you choose?

Pyrrha : Yeah tell me really I'd like to know which girl you'd choose as well if you were the main character.

Nora : I want to know as well,ooh haha I bet it would be a girl who's naughty but loves the MC a lot.

Jaune : I'll tell you then I'd choose Momo if I was the Animè's main character

Yang : Pretty solid choice,Momo is a naughty girl but actually she really loves the main character...a lot  

Weiss : Funny enough I actually agree with your choice,she's really determined

Ruby : Yeah you guys,I watched that too and it seems like the kind Blake would enjoy.

Blake : I see you're a man of culture Jaune,also it's a given that everyone's watched it as it is quite popular

Jaune : Thank you guys that for no reason at all to do with me would choose the right girl and you Pyrrha?

Pyrrha : I for one think you have chosen the right one too,I think she's a go getter,also speaking of...

Next thing anyone knew Pyrrha had grabbed Jaune by his collar and then she planted a solid kiss on Jaune's lips which earned her a startled yelp from Jaune who's whole face erupted into a bright shade of red from getting kissed by a really attractive girl like Pyrrha in front of the school's whole population who were all shocked before then Pyrrha pulled back.

Jaune : P- P- Pyrrha what? How? Since when? No way you can't have feelings for me you're way out of my league!

Everyone had finally warmed up to Jaune at this point so they scoffed at his still self deprecating personality.

Pyrrha : Jaune listen I really like you as in like like you so I think it's safe to say that I am very in love with you.

Jaune : Well uhm I really like like   you too Pyrrha,before I lose my nerve Pyrrha will you uh be my girlfriend?

Pyrrha : Yes it's obvious tho Jaune I would love to be your girlfriend I am sincere when I say that 

Pyrrha and Jaune slowly kissed each other while everyone,even the ice queen Weiss let out an "aww".

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