Chapter 1

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Author's Note: After some consideration, I've decided to post this story here on Wattpad. I've been reluctant to do so, because I get some comments on here that aren't very respectful. Please keep in mind that I do read all the comments. As the old saying goes: If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. If I do receive distasteful comments, I'll delete them. With that being said, I hope you guys enjoy this story. Comments and votes on chapters are much appreciated. 

This is already completed on AO3. You can find it here:

You can also find me on social media: Twitter | eren6ever, Tumblr | miko-writes, Instagram | dressed_in_darkness


The fact that I could smell him behind three steel doors assured me of what Hanji had said earlier that morning. We weren't dealing with a normal alpha. This one was lethal. And out of all the people they could have sent to come talk to him, they chose me, one of the few remaining omegas. They were either crazy, or confident that the serum running through my veins would hold even in the presence of an alpha of this magnitude. Already I could feel some primal instinct within me responding to his scent, submitting to it, but I beat that part of me down and signaled to Mike to open the doors.

"Are you sure, Levi?" he asked.

"No, but what other choice do I have."

After a brief moment of hesitation, he flipped the switch, and the first door began to rise. It only took seconds for the aroma permeating the air to become potent. The omega inside me writhed in submission, eager to please the alpha creating that delicious scent that promised me hours of pleasure, but I fought back my instincts as best I could. I refused to crawl into this alpha's confinement chamber on my hands and knees, begging to be mated. I never submitted to anyone, alpha or otherwise, and I wasn't about to start now. If Hanji trusted that the suppressants she created would see me through this, then I would trust in them too. They had never failed me before.

When all three doors were raised, I stood outside the entrance with my hands clenched by my sides. I couldn't move. If I did, I had no doubt that I would sink to my knees and let this alpha take me. His scent was everywhere at once, invading all my senses, and fuck did it feel good.

"Levi?" Mike questioned in concern, no doubt smelling my arousal. "Say the word and I'll shut the doors."

I lifted my hand to keep him from doing that. "No, I'm fine. Just give me a minute." I took a deep breath and exhaled on a moan. Despite the way my body responded to this elite alpha's scent, I wasn't going into heat. The suppressants were doing their job. All that was left to do was resist my instincts, which I would do no matter what, because I belonged to no one.

With that thought in mind, I found my bearings and walked into the brick corridor. I followed it down to the doorway of the chamber, then I jerked to a stop. They had the alpha chained in the middle of the room in nothing but a pair of trousers. Yet even down on his knees, his arms outstretched to either side of him and held in place by shackles, he was still a powerful, menacing presence. My body shook with it as the omega inside of me recognized the threat. My instincts screamed out and I began to whimper, showing submission in the most basic form.

His head snapped up at the sound, phthalo green eyes locking onto mine. "Omega," he growled, tilting his head back to sniff the air. He groaned deep in his throat and began rocking his hips in search of friction. "It's been so long since I've smelt an omega. Is that the reason I've been brought here? To mate with you?"

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