Inevitable Punishment (Pt. 1)

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Nat's POV:

If I had known that the punishment of sneaking out of our quarters was to climb up the huge cliff that overlooked the camp without any harnesses, or safety assurances, I would’ve immediately backed down. Even if I was recklessly ‘brave’, as Bertholdt sometimes praised, or ‘too curious for her own good’ like Reiner often scolded me with, punishments that the Commander gave were harsh. I winced as I felt someone gently flick my forehead, and so I looked up ahead of me to frown at Annie.

“Thanks to you, we’re going to be on his shit list. And I think you personally traumatized a kid.” She nods over to Hope, who was whimpering as she scaled the cliff with ease.

“She’s fast!” I hissed, and looked as she was a few yards ahead of us, not bothering to look down. “Damn, she needs to tell me her skills with heights…” Murmuring this under my breath, I push my foot up to another ledge, wincing as a cramp started to form in my hip. I wavered, and then paled as I noticed how high we were by now. If it weren’t for Annie, I could’ve dropped out by the first few days. I was timid and not physically appealing, but Annie had given me proper lessons with her own methods of combat. I was glad, of course, and I hoped that all of us could stay together, maybe until our adult years.

“Got a problem, Nattie?” Ymir mocked, holding onto a plant, her legs swaying like they were dancing; leisure, yet swift movements erupted from her long legs. It terrified me, how she could carelessly dangle herself over the ledge of a cliff that was, at the most, 30 meters tall. Shaking my head quickly, I start to try and grab onto another ledge, fumbling with the footholds until I heard a small screech from under us. Looking down, my eyes widened as I noticed the unmistakable form of Christa, with her bright wisps of hair like long, dainty threads of gold hold out her hand to Mina, who was grimacing as she held her side.

“Christa!” Ymir called, growling at me before starting towards her, then frowning as she couldn’t go very far without being in trouble herself. “You’re so dead.” She said lowly to me, her eyes narrowed with fury as she started to climb again, to the top. I look over to Annie, who had paused for a moment, but kept going up the cliff.

“A-Annie, we need to-”

“No, we don’t. That’s her own problem. Mina can get herself out of this, I’m sure.” She said with a side glance over to the dark haired girl, then started to tug me along. “Now let’s go.”

“N-no.” I manage to stutter, frowning a little.

“What? Nat, you’re bad enough with-”

“Then just let me drop! I’m just baggage, aren’t I? All I’ll be to you is extra baggage who you’ll just have to drag along, and-” I yelp as she just takes me by the collar of my shirt, starting to climb again. “Annie, what’re you-”

“I said we’re not going to help.” She hissed, glowering down at me. Managing to wrench myself from her grip without stumbling, I clung onto the ledge of a plant, frowning up at her.

“This might be a test of teamwork, An. If we don’t do this and do good in our tests, you won’t be able to get into the Top Ten!” I remind her, and sigh softly, looking back down and trying to push down the bile that came to my throat. Hearing the calls from Mikasa and Sasha, who was munching on a loaf of bread that she managed to sneak from the kitchens, I look back down again from their encouraging, then sigh softly and grimace, starting to lower myself.

“You’re so dead after this.” I could hear Annie mutter with annoyance, and stop to look down at me with a small glare. I sigh a little, and keep going groundward as I try to not lean on the rope like vine, untangling it as best as I could.

“I know, An.” I scowl back, and then hold out the rope, leaning back so that my feet were dug into the rock, and crouched before jumping, propelling myself backwards as I landed again on the rock, though I stumbled and scraped my temple with a wince.

“What’s she doing?! Oi, Nat!” Sasha called, her voice shrill, like it was of a frightened animal’s call. Eyes flickering over to the girl, who was struggling to hold onto the small hand of Christa’s, I start a little quicker, not caring that my hands were getting scraped by the thorns on the vine or the sharp rocks on the cliff. I couldn’t depend on Annie and everyone else anymore; I had to be strong in my own way and make sure that no one would get hurt by me. I pulled them into this, so now I’ll pull them out of it.

“Nat, the rope’s going to break soon. Get her and let go of the rope as soon as you can.” Annie commanded with a quiet tone, and then kicked her foot up to grasp another ledge. Nodding at her words, I instead start to yank at the said vine. “What’re you-”


“Sh. I have an idea.” I assure the girl, who only scoffs and rolls her eyes, but complies as she pulls herself up, being helped to her feet by Mikasa and Sasha at the top.


“Your ideas are always stupid.” She retorted with a bored gaze, but either way still crouched by the edge, her eyes intent and focused on one location. “Move to the left. The next ledge is loose on your right.” The blonde then muttered under her breath, Sasha looking to her with curiosity at her actions. Nodding to the girl, a smile went alight on my face as I started towards the left, managing to pull harshly on the vine one more time, it making my arm fall back to my side with an unbalanced retreat to the ledge of the cliff.


“Hurry, I can’t hold onto her for long!” Christa called, winding the rope she managed to find around her wrist, steadying herself before yelping as the girl’s hand slipped out of her grip slightly, making the brunette shriek and try to hold onto something, but her legs only fell against weak, crumbling rocks.


“Mina!” Another voice called, and I turned to barrel into the speeding form of Hope. Yelping as we both started to tumble, I held onto the rock that Annie had first helped me on. Hope clung onto the tiniest ledge I’ve ever seen, and started towards the girl again; that girl had no notice on how she was defying gravity or physics, but that was something to discuss later.


“Hope, grab the rope and then go lower. I think that if we’ll be able to suspend the rope, I can pull them up while you climb up.” I offer, holding out the other end of the vine to the girl. She looks at me doubtfully at first, but nods with understanding before grasping the end held out to her.

“Got it.” With that look of approval, we started towards our first priority.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2015 ⏰

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