Chapter 4

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Jimin was still surprised at what happened at work. He didn't understand why Mr. Jeon was acting all protective towards him but he kinda liked it, no wait he loved it. You see, Jimin loves to be pampered and showered with attention that's because his parents Namjoon and Soekjin loved spoiling their precious mochi. To them, he was their child in every way and no one dared to mention Jimin's other parents in their presence.

Needless to say, they weren't very happy about the trip to Paris but when Jimin gave them puppy eyes they couldn't say no, but they were worried when Jimin said he kinda likes his boss who they knew as cold hearted and ruthless but brushed it off. It was better that Taehyung was also going with Hosoek to Paris. At least, they could keep an eye on Jimin.

So when morning came, they personally took Jimin to the airport where Jungkook was already waiting in the private jet, while Taehyung and Hosoek flew business class as they wanted their private time, much to the relief of Jungkook. As much as he loves them, they have a habit of annoying the shit out him.

"Good morning Mr. Jeon." Jimin said sweetly, sitting down across Jungkook.

"Ah Mr. Park! It's a Good morning indeed." said Jungkook as they buckled up when the plane took off.

After going through details of their trip, Jungkook could see Jimin was sleepy as he kept yawning cutely. Jungkook chuckled at the sight before standing and lifting Jimin who wrapped his legs around Jungkook's waist sleeping on his shoulder. This made Jungkook extremely happy as he made his way to the bed and cuddled to a sleeping Jimin who looked cute as fuck.

When the plane finally touched down, Jimin tried to apologize for his behaviour earlier on but Jungkook wouldn't hear it as he kept on saying he didn't know what the other was talking about.

This slightly hurt Jimin's feelings, but got to the conclusion that Mr. Jeon didn't like him like that.

Little did he know that Jungkook was already in love with him. No wait, Jeon Jungkook was obsessed with the younger.

When they got to the hotel, Jimin was surprised to be sharing the presidential suite with Jungkook but didn't question it as he assumed that's how Mr. Jeon did things.

Soon it was time for the conference and of course Jungkook being the possessive fuck, he is told Jimin to stay by his side at ALL times to which Jimin complied, while Taehyung and Hosoek silently laughed at the order.

jungkook's outfit

Jimin's outfitDid I mention jimin is blue eyed in this story?

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Jimin's outfit
Did I mention jimin is blue eyed in this story?

Jimin's outfitDid I mention jimin is blue eyed in this story?

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Jungkook kept close watch over Jimin. He could see the hungry eyes looking at his Jimin making him tighten the grip on Jimin's waist. When the younger looked at him with confused eyes, Jungkook would simply play it off.

Soon Jungkook gave a speech after receiving the award for the 'Most Prosperous Business of the Year' for 4 years in a row.

As they continued to mingle with the many business people that Jungkook couldn't give a shit about especially when they kept on complimenting him and his Jimin, then came the ex he'd hoped to avoid and never see in his lifetime...Anna.

"Ah Jungkook! I'm so glad you came." said Anna, placing her arm over Jungkook who quickly pushed it away.

"What do you want Anna?" Jungkook asked, completely unamused.

"Nothing but who's this?" Asked Anna, pointing at Jimin.

"My PA and none of your  concern." Jungkook said, gritting his teeth.

"Oh! I didn't know your company started hiring faries, what a shame to have to stoop so low for publicity." said Anna, clearly jealous over Jimin's beautiful looks. But that comment made Jungkook mad.

"Hosoek, can you take Jimin and have a snack or something. Taehyung and I will be there momentarily." he said, placing a kiss on Jimin's forehead who blushed furiously causing Jungkook to smirk while handing him over to Hosoek.

Jungkook and Taehyung then turned their attention to Anna.

"You listen here, you gold digging bitch- ass piece of shit. Don't ever talk about my best friend like that or you'll regret it." Taehyung began, pointing a finger at her while Jungkook went beside Anna lowering down to her size.

"Don't fuck with me. Because I swear to the devil, I will shatter that piece of shit company of your dad's to its last piece of glass." Jungkook warned, voice dangerously low before walking away.

"Oooh bitch! you just got told." Sassed Taehyung, who also left leaving a shocked Anna behind. To be honest, Taehyung never liked that bitch when she was dating Jungkook and was very happy when he broke up with her. He even bought champagne to celebrate.

Jungkook went to the table as fast as he could when he saw Min Yoongi talking to Jimin.

Jungkook placed Jimin on his lap completely ignoring the other's presence as Jimin blushed and hid in the crook of Jungkook's neck making Jungkook even happier.

"Mr. Jeon, I'm tired can we go now?" Jimin asked in the cutest voice that gave Jungkook a mini heart attack. Even Yoongi couldn't help but coo at the younger's adorableness .

"Then sleep" Jungkook replied simply.


"No buts Jimin. Sleep. I'll wake you when it's time." said Jungkook sternly, but he never had any intention of waking the smaller as he would rather let people see that Jimin belonged to him and only him.

"Ah Mr. Jeon, fancy meeting you here." Yoongi said, showing a fake smile as he was about take Jimin for himself.

Jungkook didn't even bother returning the fake smile as he didn't have time for such nonsense.

"Did you like the present I sent you?" Jungkook asked instead, stroking Jimin's back.

"Oh that...I had to feed it to the dogs." said Yoongi.

"Mmm... good choice. Never try that nonsense again, Mr. Min. Next time, I won't be so lenient." Jungkook warned, leaving with a sleeping Jimin in his arms.

Yoongi looked back at them with a sly smile.

"Oh don't worry Mr. Jeon I've found a much better and cuter target..."

I'm going to rewrite this again

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I'm going to rewrite this again


Edited by: amazing_alaska001

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