Liar liar pants on fire.

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We arrived at the tower of London. Tom had bought the tickets, refusing my pleas to let me pay for myself.  

It made me feel awkward and guilty, him paying for my ticket. Awkward because him paying for me put a 'date' like spin on the whole situation, and guilty because I didn't want him to spend his money on me, I wasn't worth it and I didn't want to feel indebted to anyone.  

I will definitely be paying for the next stop on our tour.  

I love the Tower of London, history fascinates me, and here you can practically smell it, almost breathe it and most definitely see it. We followed the tour guide around, and I listened in fascination at the tales he told.  

My thoughts were rudely interrupted by a loud guffaw. Confused I looked around for the culprit, when my eyes landed on Tom...of course.  

"What?!" I asked.  

"You." He continued laughing.  

"What about me?"  

"Your face, you're like a little kid on Christmas morning." He said, shooting me a cheeky smile.  

"Shut up!" I replied, a smile making its way onto my face. Then I remembered that my face had never been gleeful on Christmas morning, and my face fell.  

Tom noticed, and looked at me with an expression of curiosity mingled with worry.  

"Come on." I said and dragged him forward to catch up with the rest of the group. He followed along behind me, and I was grateful he let the subject drop.  

The tour ended and we took a million and one photos. My favourite was of me and Tom on one of the spiral staircases, pulling the best terrified face we could manage.  

"I think that one's my favourite." Tom echoed my thoughts, leaning over my shoulder to look at my phone. "Send it to me?"  

"On its way." I said smiling. "Where to now? It's your turn to choose."  

"Oh about the London Eye?"  


After much arguing over who would buy the tickets, Tom finally gave in and let me pay. We managed to get a pod to ourselves, much to our relief. We'd had a close call with people recognising us as we left the Tower.  

I had my face pressed up against the glass like a goldfish, marvelling at the sights of London. It really was my favourite city in the world. Tom was laughing at me.  

"What?" I asked.  

"Your face, if it got any closer you'd practically be making out with the glass!" he continued to chortle.  

The eye was coming to a stop; we would have to get off soon.  

"You're just jealous!" I joked. 

"I am not!" he quickly replied.  

My breath caught in my throat in surprise, he was lying.  

His face looked panicked at my reaction.  

"You're lying!" I said. 

"No I'm not!" he said quickly, "how would you know if I am lying anyway. We've only just met!" he went on defensively. 

"Because I can tell when people are lying to me," I say, he raises an eyebrow sceptically. "Everyone has a tell, a little involuntary reaction the normally don't do. You for instance, well your forehead twitches."  

"I could just have a twitch."  

"Well yes, you could. But your pupils dilated ever so slightly, even though there is plenty of light, and your eyes shifted slightly to the left, as if you thought that I would be able to tell you were being untruthful if you looked me in the eye. Not to mention the speed with which you denied my claims...the lady doth protest too much." I joked smirking.  

"Okay okay, you caught me. I was a little jealous." He laughed, "it doesn't mean anything though." He said calmly.  

"Oh I know." I said calmly smiling. I could tell he was sincere.  

We got off the Eye and spotting a few paparazzi to the left turned right and walked off discretely as possible. It worked, they didn't spot us. As we walked, I could feel Tom watching me, wondering and probably coming up with theories... 

"So how come you are able to tell when people are lying?" he questioned. Everyone always asked this, and I always gave the same answer... 

"No reason."  

He rolled his eyes. "So you're telling me, that you can tell when anyone is lying, even if you've just met them?"  

"Yep." I said popping the p.  

"I think we're going to have a fun afternoon proving that..." he replied a sly smirk on his face.  

Oh god, what have I gotten myself into...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2012 ⏰

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