Chapter 8

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I see the shock in her eyes. She's staring straight at me; speechless. I couldn't find the right words to explain to her.

"Uhh, mom, it wasn't what it looked like--"

"Agenos, it's alright, you--"

"I was just doing a--"

"Agenos. It's alright, you don't have to explain anything. I already know.

Oh my God. She knows. But HOW? After all those years of trying so hard to hide my powers, how does she know? Now, I'm speechless.

"I never thought this day would come" she sighed. "Let's sit down Agenos,"

"I think I should leave noe," said Minerva, walking towards the door.

"It's alright Minerva, you can stay." said Mom.

"Before your grandfather passed away, he showed your father and I his powers. Well, that was before your father passed away as well. We didn't believe it at first, or should I say we refused to believe it, but we eventually got convinced. He also told us you were next in line to inherit it."

"But, if you knew the whole time, why haven't you told me before?" I said, still a little confused.

"I wanted to, I really did. But, I just didn't know how. Your grandfather never told us when you would fully realize your power."

"Well, it's been five years since that day, mom."

"I'm so sorry for being so ignorant. I promise, I'll be more supportive this time." said Mom, hugging me tight.

"Mom, there's something I need to tell you,'

"What is it, son?"

"...The 120-year battle is in two months."

She remains silent for a while, then hugs me tight again.

"You'll win the battle, Agenos. I know you will."

"I just wish dad was still here..."

"He'd be very proud of you, knowing that his son has grown up to be quite a young man."

"Thanks Mom."

"By the way, your grandfather left something for you in the attic, let me just take--"

"You mean this one?" I said, holding out the book wich was still in my hands.

Mom just smiles and sits back down with me.

"You've been snooping around his stuff, haven't you?"

"Well, I might've let Minerva scan through his old photos..."

"Sorry about that, by the way," said Minerva still standing near the door.

"It's alright, Verlockh wouldn't have minded that" said Mom, smiling again.

"And I guess you've seen his favorite necklace there, have you?"

I take out the necklace I wore in the attic out of my shirt. I wonder why it was hiding in there.

"He wanted to give that to you. He said, 'As long as he wears it, nothing bad will ever happen to him' "

"I already feel safe wearing it." I said, smiling at the mark on the pendant.

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