Chapter 1

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My alarm clock screams and I am forcibly awakened. Damn it, school again. I do have something to look forward to; I won't be going to just any highschool this year. Who would've thought I'd get the chance to study in the Metropolis Science High School, the most prestigious highschool in the country of Meluvia?

I haven't talked to Minerva for a while ever since she joined Karate Camp this summer. I don't even know where she'll be studying this year.

Minerva, my bestfriend, is the only one I've told about my powers. We've been friends since preschool. I trusted her, and she trusted me. She didn't believe at first (or should I say she didn't want to believe) but in time, she got convinced.

My phone suddenly rings. It's Minerva; she must be getting ready to go to school too.

"Hey Agenos! Long time no talk!"

"Yeah, I know. How was karate camp?

"Boring, just practice; no real fighting. How's your water control? Getting good?"

"Yeah, I've been practicing a lot and I'm getting stronger every time. Hey, where are you studying this year anyway?"

"Metropolis Sci Hi!!! You???"


"Oh my God, I can't believe it!!! When did you take the entrance exam?"

"Last month. You?"

"The month before! Oh my God, Agenos; I can't wait to see you there!!! Oh, and you've gotta show me those new moves. Gotta hit the shower now, bye!"

"Yeah, see you there."

Wow. I never expected we'd go to the same school this year. And again, who would've thought--- Metropolis Scie Hi!!!

Ever since I knew I was an elemental, showering has never been a problem for me. I just turn on the tap and I wave the water over my body. It has saved me so much time since then.

Being a water elemental, I can control anything with water. I can manipulate mist, water vapor, and-- wait for it-- the clouds. Yup, you heard it right, the clouds. Since these clouds contain water droplets, I have the ability to control them. I can even travel with "cloud surfing". And that's how I intend to get to school today.

You see, I can make the water carry me around, and I can do the same with the clouds. The only difference is that I do this airbourne.

One day, while half the town was at the movies to watch the most popular movie of the century, I decided to stay at home to practice. At the pool, I made myself a water elevator, and it carried up to the clouds. While I was there up in the highs, I did a little experiment to see if I could move the clouds. To my surprise, I was able to do more than I imagined. That's how I learned to cloud surf.

So, I cloud surfed to school and went through the huge metal gate. My jaw dropped as I took in what I saw.

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