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I was talking to Hyunjin after school about the incident with Eunji that had happened at lunch.

"Hyunjin-ah why would she do that?" I sighed and swung my feet back and forth.

We were sitting at the park bench across the street from the school waiting for the other boys.

"I don't know what to tell you y/n, she's been acting weird since before we even moved here."

"Did something happen back home in Busan?" My curiosity only grew bigger.

"Not that I know of. Everything was good, the only thing that was missing was you. We all missed you y/n-ah".

"I'm sorry." I frowned. "Maybe if I had paid more attention to her and the others this wouldn't have happened."

"Don't apologize, there's no need to apologize if you've done nothing wrong." He smiled at me.

"But I clearly didn't do anything right either."

We stayed quiet for a few minutes. The silence was broken by Mark's voice coming from the distance.

"Y/N come on, lets go."

"Go where?" I asked as he approached me and Hyunjin.

"Renjun just arrived. We are all going to suprise him at his house before he gets home."

"Renjun is back!" I smiled cheerfully. "Can Hyunjin come to?" I asked him.

"Yes now lets go!" He rushed us.

We met the others and hurried to Renjun's house before he came back from the airport. We let ourselves in using the spare key he keeps underneath the doormat.

"Sunshine did you order the pizza?" I asked Haechan.

"It's on its way." He confirmed.

We suddenly heard the jingle of keys opening the front door.

"Welcome back!" We yelled in unison.

Although he tried to hide it, the corner of his lips curved upwards showing his shy smile.

"I was only gone for a month." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"But we missed you." Jaemin and Jeno suffocated him in a large hug.

"ya...I can't...breathe!" He gasped for air in between each word.

After all the boys settled down Renjun noticed Hyunjin.

"Um...Hello, I'm Renjun."

"Yes I know...well I don't know you but I know you who you are." He began to stutter. "I-I'm sorry, thats creepy isn't it? I- uh- I'm Hyunjin."

Renjun seemed to be amused by the shy Hyunjin.

"Nice to meet you." He simply stated with a slight smile.

I noticed Hyunjin slightly blush from the corner of my eye.

"He's my friend from Busan, he just recently moved here with his sister." I introduced him.

"I see." He smiled again.

We heard a knock on the door which I assumed to be the pizza. Haechan opened the door and paid the delivery boy.

We gathered around the living room floor and began to eat.

"How was your trip back home?" Jeno asked.

"It was nice as always." He answered simply.

"How are your parents doing?"


Renjun wasn't much of a talker when it came to sharing about his personal life. He has always been slightly mysterious in a sense making him the one I knew least about.

"You won't believe what happened while you were gone." Jisung excitedly jumped up.

"Try me." Renjun raised an eyebrow.

"Noona and Haechan are dating!" He blurted out.

"I know." He casually stated.

"What do you mean you know?" Jaemin asked shocked by his response.

"You do all know that they have been dating for about two months right?"

Me and Haechan turned to each other in schock.

"I thought I was the only one you told." Jeno questioned us.

"You were." Renjun answered for us before we could.

"Then how did you know?" Jisung asked.

"Because I'm the most observant out of all you idiots." He said without any further explanation.

Hyunjin softly laughed to himself.

I flicked his forehead. "What are you laughing at."

"Nothing." He innocently smiled.

"So this whole time you knew and you didn't tell me?" Chenle finally spoke raising his voice a little. "...I mean us."

"It wasn't for me to share. They obviously didn't want anyone to know or else they wouldn't have faked fights just so they could spend some time alone during lunch."

My mouth dropped open.

How did he know!

"Is that what you two were doing? Sneaking off together?" Mark continued questioning us.

I could feel my cheeks burning of embarrassment. I looked at Haechan and could tell he was feeling the same way.

"Why would you two sneak away together?" Jisung innocently asked.

"Ya! Thats not important." I awkwardly laughed out loud.

"You're not 5 Jisung, put two and two together." Chenle bluntly stated and stood up. "I have to go, I have a lot of Homework to do tonight."

He left without saying anything else.

"What's his problem?" Jeno asked and we all shrugged our shoulders.

Renjun rolled his eyes. "I really am surrounded by idiots."

"Whats that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, now are we gonna finish eating this pizza or not." He replied while reaching for another slice.

His hand accidentally held onto Hyunjin's who had also reached for pizza at the same time.

"Im sorry." He apologized and instantly retracted his hand. "Go ahead and take it."

Hyunjin nodded and took the piece Renjun had  originally reached for.

"Ya!" Jeno raised his voice.

"Why aren't you nice to me like that." He whined and looked at Renjun.

"You're annoying thats why."

Everyone laughed at his blunt comment.

"That's our Renjun-ah!" Mark smiled, "Adorably savage."

"Good to have you back."


Sorry if this chapter was a little short and boring :( New Update coming soon will be more interesting!!!! Please look forward to it~

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