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I am revising this story so i apologize if it seems confusing. I didn't want to take it down so this is how it be until i finish revising it. Thanks for checking out my story!

Weeks later Amari sat  ruminating over  the war. The Fazuk refused to hear her opinions and ideas. The thought made her blood boil with anger. Women were not valued as assets for war and their ideas about warfare were often discarded, Still Amari had pondered and  strategized  endlessly on how to end this war with little casualties

Rumors swirled that the Fazuk wanted Amari  permanently  for a mistress. He no longer paid head to what the clan whispered about. He had  always did what he wanted  unapologetically. and possessing her was paramount for him. They had been doing the flirtatious dance for too long and every time she  blushed, his cock would thicken  with desire and anticipation. He wanted to see her panting and delirious with lust, but he didn't wish to frighten her so he  had suppressed his longing taking his comfort and pleasure from others.

He noticed her friendship with his intended and the time was drawing near that he would have to finally accept his fate. He didn't want to wed Ula until he personally  felt ready. In truth he did not want to wed her at all, but he knew it was what his tribe needed to end the tiresome war.

Once he committed to being a  husband he would never be with another again. As Fazuk It was his right to have anyone he wanted wed or not, but he did  not believe in speaking the sacred words and not upholding them. So  he would take no other once he was wed to the Leviki woman.

Yet the idea of never having Amari, never being able to touch her smooth dark skin or taste her luscious full lips made his heart lurch and beat painfully.

He was not sure how he would ever be able to not have her once he did. She was like the Gurgo plant that his men often took to relax and feel happy. He needed her desperately. The clawing ache of  yearning had been long festering and now he felt as if her had reached his limits. 

 Yema was not enough anymore. He needed his goddess. He thought frequently  of ways to get her;  perhaps revealing his true name to her. Not many knew it. Only his closet men and his grandmother Elka. It was considered an intimate and powerful thing,  entrusting someone with your given name. It meant you had their ultimate trust. 

He would seduce her and once he had his fill he would fulfill his duty and wed Ula. Time was running out , Soon the Leviki  Fazuk would arrive  and he would be aggrieved to see his daughter still unwed. The slight might cause him to pull his aid from his clan and they needed all they could get to fight the Raziks

Just then as if his thoughts conjured her, The object of his obsession confidently  walked into the hall. she carried his plate of meats, Her gaze fixed on him. He could see lust simmering poorly concealed  within their enticing depths.

Yes. He needed to find a way to have her and Soon


Amari walked to the communal baths one night. Late as always to avoid anyone being there. It was the only thing she looked forward to each day. A nice soak and scrub. Wistfully Amari thought  of the hot baths she used to take back home, She stripped quickly and stepped happily into the water, at least it wasn't cold water she thought gratefully . 

Luxuriantly Amari  began to scrub slowly; enjoying the solitude and the cool  feeling of the water. Her peaceful silence was interrupted abruptly by a body treading into the water alongside her

Amari yelped covering herself unsuccessfully as she saw the Fazuk gazing at her.

"What are you doing?!"

"Bathing" he said simply still watching her. 

 His eyes slid down her body languidly . Amari could see the desire in them as he openly admired her figure

"I just gave you one" she sneered glaring at the sly man

He shrugged dissmissively

"I needed another"  he replied as he moved closer to her

Amari  fought not to shrink into herself , then she realized she had no reason to be shy or insecure. Amari was not the most petite nor slim girl,  but she loved her curves and had spent many days learning to appreciate them despite  what many people around her thought

She removed her hands and stood proudly and unashamed letting the Fazuk look at her in all her naked glory. Slowly she turned away from him and continued washing as if he were not present 

Suddenly she felt his breath on her bare neck. His hands fingering her wet curly hair appreciatively 

Amari's  breathing began to labor at his closeness. She fought not to show her attraction but she knew she failed when he brought his other hand around to cup  her full breasts and squeezed it lightly

A moan tore from her lips. She could feel his erection pressing into her thick backside. Amaris mouth watered with want.

"You are a beautiful woman. Unlike any i have ever seen"  he murmured

 Then Amari felt the warm press of his generous lips along her shoulders. She closed her eyes in rapture as she felt the warm wet sensation of his tongue, licking  at her dark skin;  emitting a deep husky groan of desire from him at the taste of her flesh.

He moved even closer rubbing himself against her. His hand on her breast moved down heading to her core.

"O i...I...I am sorry" 

Amari and the Fazuk spun around to see Ula, holding her clothing and a drying cloth; looking at them embarrassed. She turned and ran out of the room

Hot shame overwhelmed Amari as she realized she almost just gave in to the Fazuk and now her only friend his intended had saw.

Quickly she moved to leave. The Fazuk caught her hand tugging her back

"Stop!"  Amair hissed irritated

"What is wrong Zukia?"

"What is  wrong that was your future bride you know! and who is Zukia? My name is Amari"  she spat impatiently

He ignored her and continued attempting to pull her closer

"She is of not concern to me. Simply an alliance agreement. I want you Amari" 

Despite her anger at her situation Amari felt a tiny spark of pleasure at hearing him say her name but she could not give in 

"I cannot. She is my friend"  she said weakly

" Why? she does not care for me in that manner"  He demanded his tone no longer seductive 

"How do you know? Why do you want me anyway? just go find Yema"  she growled and charged out of his hold and the water.  She moodily snatched up her clothing an fled the room

Amari spent the night flooded with unbidden thoughts of the Fazuk. His touch, the memory of his strong hands on her bare skin and she knew without a doubt she was in trouble

With his relentless pursual. Ula or not. Amari knew it would be only a matter of time before she finally caved.............................

The true action will began soon

Do you think Amari wrong for wanting Orion even though she is friends with Ula?

What do you think of the consequence  of  Amari giving into her lust for Orion?




Thanks for Reading!!!!!!!

Timeless Love (BWWM)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora