Part 21 - The end

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"I'm moving out in three days." The three sat at their morning table eating freshly baked pancakes.
"What?" Levy looked up from her plate.
"Tck. Always the dramaqueen." Gajeel turned his head.
"Oh you both know it's time. I can't thank you enough, you've helped me more than I could ask for, more than I have been helped before. And for that I have left some of my strength in you. Use it well to continue to protect others. You're both doing great at that part already. I'll collect some stuff, and set a camp in the woods for a while."
"You can still stay, we don't mind." Levy looked at Juliana with sad smile on her face.
"I miss it Levy, I don't belong in an unnatural building where I'm reminded of my... well, where I can't see."
"You're giving a heads up before you leave the area?" Gajeel partly asked, partly demanded
"Of course, I wanna stick around to watch just a little longer," Juliana smiled

The day goes by with Levy helping Juliana find her old gears and buying some in town. At night Gajeel sat looking at the moon again. It's full.
"Gihihi, of course," he melancholically commented
"It's a beautiful night, huh?" Levy walked up to him and sat beside him looking to the moon.
"Yeah, it is."
"Are you okay?"
"She told me it wouldn't be much longer when you went to Lucy's."
The silence between the two more awkward than in all the days they had lived together.
"So, what now?" Levy tried
"Guess I'm going back to the dorm then."
Levy felt a knot in her chest. It hurt to think about this big thing being over. To be alone every night again.
"Levy, do you..." Gajeel asked nervously, trailing off
"Do you maybe," he coughed, and turned his gaze right in front of him
"If ya don't wanna go back, it's okay,"
"What?" Levy asked, the knot in her chest dissolving
"You can stay if you want to,"
"Do... do you want me to?" Levy asked just as nervously
Gajeel exhaled and turned to look Levy in her eyes, a blush on both his and her cheeks.
"It's been... nice having you around. Really nice. Like, ah, oh fuck it. Levy I want you to stay here." He looked away again.
Levy smiled big, feeling brave for a moment and putting a hand on Gajeels cheeks to turn his gaze back to hers; "I would love to keep living with you Gajeel."
Gajeels embarrassed face turned into a big smile, and he leaned forwards taking Levy's head in his hand, kissing her. Levy leaned into the kiss as well throwing her arms around his neck. 

Juliana stood at the door. "There they go, about damn time," she smiled as their auras intertwined before her, sending out strong waves of pure love and happiness.

And as Juliana moved out and sets up a camp at the forrest, Levy moved the rest of her belongings into Gajeels house. Lucy and Mirajane almost lost their voice from squealing when Levy told them the story of how the two confessed their love.

Juliana stuck around for a couple of weeks before saying goodbye, sending post cart for every new big town she wandered into. When she returned to Fairy Tail, it's with an important mission.

"Juliana, good to see you again!" Juvia screamed across the guild, as Juliana stepped towards the guild door, still not quite happy about walking inside.
"You too Juvia. Do you have that thick-pan somewhere around?" Juliana joked
"Oi, you!" Gajeel smirked coming to the door.
"Hey hey, there he is," She laughed. "I brought you something,"
"Uh what is it?" Juvia looked at the brown bag Juliana pulled up.
"It's a secret" Juliana winked; "Somewhere else?"
"Yeah" And with that the three left, spreading rumors in the guild of what just happened. And as rumors travels fast, Lucy told Levy of the weird hushed interaction and Juliana's appearance.

Going to the now shared home for answers, Levy felt a little hurt that Juliana left without seeking out her too. The lights were on in the house. Levy walked in to a Juliana and Juvia having a happy conversation on the couch between her many bookshelves.
"Juliana!" Levy gave her a big hug and greeted Juvia as well, wondering where her boyfriend was. As if on que, he walked out the bedroom in his nice clothes, looking straight at Levy.

"Shrimp," Gajeel stated, "ahem, Levy. You have no idea how much this time with you have meant for me. And I know I'm still kinda an ass. But..." He put his hand in his pocket, taking out a big black box in the shiniest steel. And went down on one knee

"Levy, would you like the rest of your life locked to this ass of a man?"

Tears ran down Levy's face. She was laughing and crying and in less than a second Gajeel was back on this feet hugging her "Nonono you don't have to, it's okay, please don't cry-"

"Gajeel you complete idiot, it's happy tears! YES! Yes of course, of course." Levy laughed.

Gajeel put a nice ring with a small black stone in it on her finger, and she put one on his.

Juliana stood: "And with this, I will grant you the best of wishes and with the power that have been given me, grant you the strength that love can give to magic. Give me your hands." As Juliana held her hand over their rings a blue and green light started shining from the stones and her eye. "May you forever protect and love each other, and as long as this love continues, may these signal to you both, if protection is needed. If one of you is in real danger, this ring will tell you, and lead you to each other. May you both be blessed by the magic, the nature and all in between."

As usual party broke loose as the two stand in front of the guild door, hand in hand told them all of the good news. But no one was happier than the blue haired girl standing beside her fiancé, ready to go through everything for him, and feeling the warm feeling in her chest reappearing, and this time, staying.

The end. 


Finally done. 
And what a trip this has been. I started this a very long time ago, and never thought I would finish, but here I am. 
Thank you to all, who gave me the believe, that I could do this. And that it was somewhat good. Despite bad English, and a long trip (and some possibly cheesy lines) I'm very proud of this work. 

Someday I might revisit it and fix the obvious mistakes in grammar, especially in the starting chapters. 

Thank you for your time.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters, or the series, and I presume you know about the manga/anime Fairy Tail since you read this. If not; go check it out. 

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