Chapter Four.

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It's been almost two weeks since the party and he hasn't texted me. He was probably just being nice. He isn't into me. I sat on my usual spot on the couch and watched stupid reality tv show reruns. I'm so stupid. I told Connor about it and he said that he was surprised Ricky hasn't texted or called me yet. I'm probably just overreacting. I'm the new girl in town and we have the same friends so he obviously wants to get to know me because of just that. And anyways, we've only talked/met once. It's not like anything was going to happen. I'm just going crazy because that's what a girl does when she likes a guy. She goes crazy. I'm going crazy.

"What's up, buttercup?" Andrew said as he sat down beside me, interrupting my thoughts.

Andrew was probably my closest friend here in LA. Jack's one of my best friends but he's always gone so me and Andrew have more "bonding time" I guess you could say. And Connor, well, Connor's never in town. He's a busy boy.

"Just thinking," I told Andrew with a big overdramatic smile.

"I hate you sometimes. Oh and by the way, we are going to a cookout tonight."

"Where at?" I asked, barely paying attention to him and focusing on the tv.

"At O2L's," he coughed.

"Bitch say what. I'm not going."

"You see, I already told Jc we were coming so you wouldn't back out."

"Again, I repeat. Bitch say what," I said glaring at him.

"C'mon, it'll be fun, mr grumpy pants! Don't let some stupid boy bring you down," Andrew said and lightly punched my arm, "We have to be there at 6."

I looked at my phone, 4:45. I guess I better go get ready.


I looked in the mirror. I wore a plaid shirt and some jean shorts. The shorts weren't booty shorts though. They were a little above mid-thigh, covering the semi-old purple scars scattering my upper right leg. I sighed thinking about it. I wasn't happy about my little habit. I don't want to do it anymore but it's not that simple. It's an addiction. You can't just stop all of a sudden. Especially after you've been doing it for years.

"Are you ready?" Andrew asked as he walked in, interrupting my thoughts. "Jack's meeting us there."

"Okay, I'm ready," I said as I followed him outside.

When we walked up to the house, you could hear everyone in the backyard. Andrew and I didn't even walk in the house. We just opened the gate and headed straight towards everyone. Quickly, Andrew left my side to go talk to Rebecca and Andrea. I sighed.

"Hey buddy!" I heard from beside me. It was Jenn. Thank God. "Why the long face?"

"Nothing, Jenn. I'm fine." I said trying to reassure her.

"Whatever you say," she said and smirked. Jenn then grabbed my arm and pulled me towards everyone else.

"Ugh, Jennnnn," I groaned. "I just want to be left alone."


After being at the party for a little over an hour, everyone has talked to me except for Ricky. He keeps looking at me and mumbling to Kian and then Kian looks at me and mumbles something back. This has happened several times already tonight. What the hell is his problem.

I walked away from Andrew and Jack, who were arguing about something, and headed straight towards Ricky and Kian.

"Excuse me, can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked, looking straight at Ricky. Then, I looked at Kian and he just walked away, getting the hint.

"What's your problem with me?" I blurted out.

"Oh you mean besides the fact you gave me a fake number, nothing. I mean if you didn't like me-"

"What? What are you talking about?" Okay I'm seriously confused. What the hell is he on about.

"A few days after the party I tried calling you and some girl named Jessica picked up," Ricky said.

"Let me see your phone," I demanded with my arm out.

He hesitantly handed me his phone. I went straight to my contact. Ah hah!

"I've spotted the problem. I put a three at the end of my number instead of a 5," I told him then fixing it and handing him is phone back.

"Ohhhhh... Im sorry for accusing you then," Ricky said.

"It's okay," I said smiling at him, "I understand."

"I guess we should head back over there," he said and I followed him to the crowd of people that were sat around a bonfire.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2014 ⏰

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