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camillecheri old men in my dms expecting me to fuck them just because i've dated a few people older than me........... exit kindly
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usera exit kindly because she has timmy tim now she doesn't mf need ur old man dick

userb send them my way if they have ££££££

userc ok we get it you like older men ur not special it's not a personality trait

realchalamet that's not why i'm in ur dms leave me alone🥵
L camillecheri ur a whole two years older ok. my
time dating old people has passed. stop😡

userd i really hope they get together i would die for timille honestly my parents

usere camille and timothée are the perfect couple and if anyone says differently please just square up to fight me. please. i'm ready
L userf sam ur 5ft u can't fight anyone
L usere shut Up ellie i would fight for timille

armiehammer timothée is essentially a baby so let him stay in your dms pretty please
L elizabethchambers do you really want to keep
enduring him talk endlessly about her?
L armiehammer point: taken

irisbenson send the old rich men to me cami cos i could do with some ££ to fly out to LA and smACK U FOR NOT REPLYING TO MY TEXTS
L camillecheri bitch i replied an hour ago
L irisbenson oh yeah OOPS love u

userg she's so annoying it's not a personality trait like userc is right shut up for fucks sake
L userh piss off leave her alone

useri timmy talks to elizabeth and armie about her🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
L elizabethchambers SO MUCH

camillecheri 🥺🥺🥺

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