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camidickens text my mums to ask if i should buy this and they both told me to "put some actual clothes on" so i'm taking that as a no?

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camidickens text my mums to ask if i should buy this and they both told me to "put some actual clothes on" so i'm taking that as a no?

❤️651K 💬 4.65K
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usera i would literally die for you

userb cos they don't want their daughter being a massive whore? too bad it's too late
L camidickens ok

userc i hope you bought it anyway i'm SCREAMING

eleanorfw that's my fucking GIRL
eleanorfw fuck it UP sis
L camidickens 🥺my heart is yours

userd can't believe her and cevans broke up
L userb ur the only one, it was inevitable
L usere and i'm here still stanning pamille

irisbenson u sexy bitch
L camidickens love u whore

userf just go date someone ur own age u slag
L userg ok tea

margotrobbie you look incredible ❤️
L camidickens love you toooo much🥺🤩

userh date a guy ur age

useri stop dating older men ur basically jailbait
L camidickens sweaty i'm single AND legal
L camidickens so hop tf off
L eleanorfw go off baby

userj only reason i care about her dating older men is because i'd rather her date me
L userk MOOD

userl she's got two moms????
L camidickens it's called lesbianism, sweety, look it up ! (i know u weren't trying to be rude so in all seriousness yes — mama #1 birthed me with a close friend so that her and mama #2 could have a baby <3

zendaya u look CRAZY GOOD
zendaya i could kiss u
L camidickens mwah xxx

tchalamet has liked this photo

first few chapters will be short ish just to get u a lil bit of camille ! enjoy my loves, ive written up to chap 20 already loooool we love procrastinating uni exam revision <3 if i fail my degree it's for timothée chalamet ok ahahahahahahah

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