letter 1

587 30 2

dear jade

it's luke, obviously and we're busy in the recording studio and im bored so i thought id write to you to see how you're doing with izzy!

god, she's growing too fast and i hate it, 3 months old already, before you know it she'll be 5 and wanting barbie dolls and wanting to wear fake high heels. how is our little girl anyway? i miss her, and so do the boys! has she smiled? please don't tell me ive missed my little girl smiling for the first time :(

well, how have you been? i got the last letter you wrote to the boys and i, we even got the little photos of iz and weve put them in our wallets :---) i miss you, we all miss you, but me more so i guess.

ash said he cried when you facetimed him the other day, he misses you that much it's crazy, i shed a tear or 12 when i saw izzy on FaceTime, god she looks like you, and that's a good thing. cal and ash think she looks like me, with my nose and all that, but mikey is dead set on her looking like you, he said she has your freckles and dimples, well, our dimples.

i miss you, a lot. and ive already said it a few times in this letter, i miss you. and there it is again. i don't know if ill even send this letter, maybe ill get scared and leave it shoved in the front pocket of my bag for a year or 3. you know what im like.

we wrote some killer songs this trip, and i can't wait for you and izzy to hear them, maybe when izzy has more of an attention span :----) but im excited, there's a song called wherever you are, which i know you'll love. because i love it.

i miss you, and ill see you and our little girl soon. im counting down the days, only 27 days left and we can see you both again :----) im missing australia, but you two more, we made a cute kid.

a very cute kid.

it feels like years i haven't seen you in, and i saw you got your braces off. i always found it cute when you were paranoid to smile in restaurants after you ate, because you were scared of food in your braces, and it's still one of the things i love about you. especially when we dated. remember that? i was so happy, and you were happy, well, i thought you were. but ash is cool too :----) im kidding, he's daddy.

ive heard you more than once.

you're so cute. and you finally dyed your hair back to brown, it was something you wanted to do for months, and you did it. you even got the piercings you were too scared to get, see? and you look amazing. i always thought you looked amazing, with pink and blue hair, and even when you were too scared to even get your ears pierced, and now they're popping up everywhere, nose, cartilage, everywhere.

izzy definitely looks like you, beautiful like her mother. shy like us both, but more beautiful.

stay beautiful.

love and miss you

luke xx

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