Fuck You

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Jake is really mad this time... And I fucked everything up.....Now he doesn't love me anymore, which made me cry even harder, because I love him so much. Now he doesn't love me... He was the only person who ever loved me, and I was happy with him, and now it's all gone. I.....i don't know what to say. I mean, is what I say a lie? Does he not trust me? What did I do? Without him, I'm nothing. I just need desperately for him to come and scoop me up off of the floor and hold my body as close to him as possible. He doesn't even have to say sorry... I'll say sorry for once. He always says sorry to me... even if I'm wrong...... I never say sorry.... Everything is my fault.....and there's nothing that I could do about it.. The thought of him not loving me anymore makes me shake...so hard. Jake is my drug....and I honestly can't stop shaking. Or crying... or lying on the floor. I'm just going to wait for him to come for me. I feel like the mirror that he punched. Broken and all over the place. He just.....flipped out. You know?.....like he was crazy... Like he didn't give two shits about me. He turned something that I didn't even do, and he blamed it all on me, and not only did he not scoop me up, he told me that I could go ahead and cry, because he didn't give a fuck about me crying. He didn't give a fuck about my pain. He didn't believe a word I said, and he said that he was tired of me.


I just don't care anymore. You could only care so much... I tried to make her love me, and I honestly thought that everything was falling into place. How the fuck could I let a victim play me? Stupid! Why didn't I just stick to killing these bitches, man.... But no, I just had to fall in love with this one. What the fuck is wrong with me! Never will I ever let that shit happen again. Ever! I can't fucking stand her. If it was up to me she'd be dead by now... but it's not, and the thought of even putting her name in the same sentence as death brings tears to my eyes. I can't stand the fact that I like her so damn much. I love her and there's nothing that I could fucking do about it. I fucking hate that. I honestly do hate that I love Jayla Crawford more than my fucking self. I wish I didn't, and I pray to God everyday that she loves me as much as I love her, when I should honestly be praying and asking for forgiveness for my sins because I've done ALOT of shit, and just because I'm that ignorant, she's the first thing I think about when I wake up in the morning, and from the moment she pops up in my head she stays there all day. I can't do anything about it. Im crazy for her. I went crazy...on her, and she cried like never before right in front of me.. and you don't know how bad I wanted to pick her up and apologize to her. You don't know how much it hurt me to see her like that, and it was all my fault. I made her cry. I did more than make her cry. I told her I didn't give a fuck about her... after that, I felt like I told myself that same thing. I don't know what to do....I wouldn't mind taking a piece of glass and shoving it in Roc's stomach while I look him in the eyes, feeling his thick blood rush down my hands; but he's my friend.... I don't know if he's my friend... Maybe not, but he's......... There's like one percent of me that does give a shit about this rotten ass nigga. I don't know why. Then, there's no use of fighting him, because if someone chained me to a house and lit it on fire, at the end of the day it still wouldn't change my feelings towards Jay. Maybe knocking some sense into him wouldn't work, but it would damn sure make me feel better, and I honestly don't want to fuck up a nice house, but it'll be worth it, and I'm still mad at Jay. There's nothing I could do to take back what I said, and from all she knows, I don't care, so I'm going to let her think that, and I'll be sleeping on the couch tonight to stay away from her. Where the hell is Roc at? I need space from Jay....do I? Alls I know, is when I find Roc, he's getting his ass beat.


So I'm in the basement sitting on the couch and playing the game, and then out of nowhere Jake comes up and wraps his damn arms around my neck. So I'm trying to get his hands off so that I can breathe, and he's tightening his grip. So.....


Roc struggles, but elbows me in my stomach. It hurt like hell but I held Roc's body as close to me as possible to prevent him from getting any jabs in. Roc was trying not to let me hear him choke in my grip. He turned around and tackled me to the ground where we exchanged punches. Roc grabbed my hair in the midst of it all.

"What the fuck, bruh! Nigga. I swear to God, if you don't let go of my hair, your ass is going through the muthafuckin wall." I said as calm as I could. He didn't let go. We both got up and I held onto him, getting a running start towards the wall where I rammed him into it leaving a dent. His head hit the wall pretty hard. I got a hold of his shirt and pulled him toward the glass table then threw him down on it. He fell right through it, but he pulled me down with him. He threw wild punches at my face, to my chest and my stomach. I threw punches as well, punching away my anger until my fists started to bleed. Shards of glass scraped us both. We eventually grew tired and stopped, laying back down and staring up at the ceiling trying to catch our breath.

"You just got your ass beat." Roc said lowly as he looked over at me.

"No nigga, that was you, and don't talk to me. Im not your friend anymore. Don't look at me, don't speak to me, don't fuck with me anymore. I'm done with you."

"I still love Jay.. There. I said it, and there's nothing that you could do about it, Jake."

A punch to the mouth shut him up... for like ten seconds, and then he started laughing with a busted lip.

"Why are you doing this to me?....what did I do to you, Roc? You see something that I really care about and you just...take it from me. I thought we were boys."

"Stop being so sensitive, nigga. I'll leave her alone. You can have her."


"I'm sorry, Jake....shit."

"Fuck you...Cause' you know what? A sorry isn't enough. Not from you. I don't believe shit you say, Roc. Cause' you full of shit, you know that? And if I gotta kick your ass everyday until I believe that you won't fuck with her anymore, then so be it. I don't want to live with you anymore, but I ain't going anywhere, so I suggest you keep your distance from me, because at this point, if you got ran over by a dozen cars, I could care less. Stay the fuck away from me."


I watched Jake get up and walk away from me. He walked upstairs.

"You are such a bitch."

"I don't give a fuck. Fuck you." He locked me downstairs. It's pretty funny to me. Jay wants to snitch? Okay. I don't cope well with snitches, and I put an end to that shit, real quick.


"So....we all just gonna act like we didn't just hear the basement get fucked up?" I asked. Ej and Jacob nodded. Jake walked upstairs after slamming the door. He looked like shit. He came and laid across the floor and started to get comfortable as if he were about to take a nap. Like ain't shit happened.

"I'm gonna go check on Jay...." Connor got up. Jacob pulled her back down.

"Don't get in between that shit." He mumbled.

"I didn't touch her." Jake informed us with his eyes closed. It got quiet. We all listened to Jay sobbing and whimpering. Ej cleared his throat.

"So... what time does the game come on?" He asked. Trina shoved him.

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