Canto 8: Evil Braves the Light

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Canto 8: Evil Braves the Light

©2020, Olan L. Smith

What demon disturbs the dirt of this domain where I sit

Within the whirlwind? Who dares drag a herald to his demise,

And cheer his torment on the wings of a subversive

Dragon? The Devil's flames melt the walls of the cavernous passages

Of Hell, here he makes his nest in the dank darkness. He has no grip

Over good, and the heavens will not surrender to any beast who

Chooses Satan as its lord. I will not be swallowed alive,

And I have not judged this world yet, though the time of discernment

Always nears; I have hope in a time of renewal, of seeing humans till

The darkness under where evil does not escape

An eternal prison. It is a netherworld where evil hides its face,

And dares not show it before the Lord of Lords, who now watches

His children turn from him one-by-one, but some are swallowed

Alive, while chanting, "We follow the New Lord of Lords whose

Name is upon every lip; we will follow him into the great abyss.

We know he is Lord, for his words lead us down to the depth of

Hell where we belong, He is the evil one; our savior comes to take

Us home, but not before he rules the Earth for a thousand years.

Their children's, children's, children will bless us for showing us

The shining fires of hell that smelt our treasuries' gold at no cost,

The profits are ours, and freedom be damned. We rule by our greed.

He will stand before the masses and shout; I am your Savior,

Where is this Jesus guy? Nobody knows. But the masses are

Hypnotized by the glitter of gold and hear not his words of heresy.

And they shout, "Give us more gold, and give us more profit; show us

The way to your kingdom!" I am soon to judge the worthy souls,

I will escape this dungeon and walk the earth to seek my sheep.

I will shine my light, and evil will scurry to the shadows to hide its face.

Epic Poem: Poets  of Life, Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now