Canto 5: A Field without Corn

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Canto 5: A Field without Corn

©2019, Olan L. Smith

They all came to testify against the King in the age of corn―

Circle about and above; dig long tunnels beneath the earth,

Condemn him, he is the Great Impostor predicted of old

Come to destroy the world and lead all into the abyss,

And many followed him to Fifth Avenue to watch him gun down

The innocents of the prideful that felt evil couldn't prevail.

Over their grandeur, and we stand at the entrance to Hades

Pondering how this evil came in our midst and fooled

So many, and ruined a greatness that has shown as a beacon

For the world. The Ides of March comes soon for

Him who no longer can hide behind lies while faking truth,

And irking the noble with filth from pigstys flung in their

Faces. "Fuck you," he yells. You can't do this to me; I'm flawless;

The perfection-of-perfection; king of beauty and art.

He's grabbing pussy, and the masses shout grab more!

Shoot the innocence of a nation, and it will be your

Undoing, a downfall of the unrighteous, the aptness of ruin,

The faultless shot heard around the world. They will raze

Your fallow field, you evil son-of-a-bitch, and they'll

Walk over your grave without knowing it;

You're a sham, a limp willy unprepared, and who then

Wants to emulate you in life. Hitler will stand apart from

You, in Hell he's afraid you will ruin his reputation; the clamor

There moots the light of the fire. But alas,

Even in this world, the dimensions fluctuate, and rightness

Comes with a big ass eraser to eradicate you from history,

And soon we will forget your deeds, as we forgot Nixon.

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