19 November 2014

117 5 1

Heyyy welcome back to

Best of:......*
Comment'er: Spark187

Well done..

Do you want your go ahead to comment Like share or message or write on my wall..


Best books
Fantasy: Secret Wings
Poatry: Blind Date and other poams
Sad: Heart Stroke
Mystery: The Move:Waterklift high
Imagination: The Move:Waterklift High
Royal: The Move:Waterklift High

Notice:The top lists arent always the most popular but sometimes the best stories i assure you everything i put up i've read


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News: Guess what..
Writing game

Have you ever wanted to write a book with someone. A reading/writing group
Here is your chance

The book
•The Writing game
#All you have to do is message me what chapter you want and boom its yours..

Each and every chapter is made by another auther
And guess what
You get tagged in WattyMaggi and in the story
Join now with the new book journey.
Once a Author always a Author..


Enjoy your day.

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