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Day 1

Kelly and Kate successfully get to school ,Kate goes to her block and Kelly gets to his successfully," I hope today is better than yesterday Kelly said to himself, well no stains on his clothes but gets to his locker and is welcomed with another mystery on hands he sees a paper stained with blood on it boldly written "make the right choice "he is scared and looks around him and sees no one, he gets to class and one of those packs A.K.A "farts accelerators "were put on his chair, he sat unknowingly and it's sounded as if he farted the whole class burst into  laughter it was horrible and embarrassing .

He was able to stay successfully in the class not untill he was set up and made to slip and fall, he had to go to the school nurse and get bam rubbed on his leg which was kind of a very painful experience, he came out "it's like today is gonna be worst "that's when he saw Janice kendolen sitting on the wait bench near the nurse office, he asked her what she was doing, she said "waiting for you, I heard you slipped so I decided to come check on you, you know ,he really appreciated it, she gave him ice vanilla yoghurt which she grabbed at yogga's palace on her way here it could calm your wounds she said and he replied "yeah thanks, I really appreciate "she assisted him to walk to the theatre since lit drama was the next subject and they went on reaching there, the drama teacher scolded him for coming late and making another person come late and turned to Janice "are you his Nanna or his mum, young folks doing adult way, come late to class I'll deal with ya" grab a chair, we are going to the listening  to the exposition on the next drama we will be analysing, characterising, making use of your critics and figure of speech, so listen carefully she announced. Kelly noticed one side of his trouser was stuck to the chair, he tried pulling out, it did not budge, he made slight sounds which drawed the teachers attention to him "her limp boy she called Kelly what ya'll making all the fuss about "he replied it my pants it's stuck, she had a brief look at it and pulled out really good chewed gum "oh so you were chewing gum inappropriate my class ,oh no you just pushed the tiger to the wall " she took him by his collar and threw him out of the theatre "and stay out Mr " she said in harsh tones, everyone in class was laughing, Kelly felt like crying, so he entered some lab, Raj noticed he entered the chemistry lab and he is also not aware of where he entered ,so he put the  burner on poured little fuel into it and put paper on it everyone began to smoke ,students where asked to leave that area for safety till they put the fire out and since Kelly was found in the mess, the chemistry teacher suspected him, blamed him took him by the collar to the detention room "sir I have a new naughty student for your he said to the displinarian who told Kelly "grab and orange and an hamster kage and gold fish bowl, get a sit ,sit and start cleaning "Kelly was frustrated and sad but what would he do, Janice tried searching for him untill she was told that
They were at detention for misbehaving, Kate showed captain were Kelly was kept at closing hours when he arrived to pick them,he aologize to the teacher on Kelly's behalf and went away ,he was very sad even Kate noticed but knew he won't answer any questions in this state of mind, so she let him be ,they got home, he ran straight upstairs put his head under his pillow, laid flat on his bed and didn't say a word, well no one apart from Kate really cared ,he stayed in such sadness all day, he refused to eat lunch or dinner but now one apart from Kate really cared, she came upstairs to his room saying "hey kell come have dinner at least it's not good to skip meals "I looked at her wondering whether I was adopted, because his parents never appreciated him when he did something good, scolded him every time he did something bad, never really cared whether he was okay or not Thier ideal children were always Kira and Kate, well maybe he is a bastard or adopted then he heard "that's it i am bringing your meal here " she  brought it but I didn't eat it because I wonder why would I eat i am really useless to this world. Kate gave up and ran downstairs to get mum I secretly came down stood by the stairs to hear what they will say, Kate told mum "muum Kelly won't eat "she replied I am busy go meet your father, she went to dad "daad Kelly won't eat "ooh yeah sorry dad said "what Kate said both of you are just bunch of" lazy coconuts "it's your son and you picked work over him, she grined entered her room and locked the door not up to ten minutes mum and dad rushed after her knocking on her door "princess mummy and daddy are sorry please open the door "in my mind I said I was in my room all afternoontill now no one cared and she called them lazy coconut if it's me my ass will be hurting right now, I went to my room locked myself in my room and ended for the night. Wow let's see what tomorrow has for me

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