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Kelly is a young guy who stays with his parents, wealthy ,reputed honoured individuals in Los Angeles, he is taking to one of the precious colleges and given everything money could buy .
Kelly's first day in school was like hell, first of all he came into the school compound, and someone speeding really fast from a vehicle spilled mud on him while speeding in the mud which the college was covered in after a heavy rainfall last night .Kelly was so angry and he just had to spend the whole day in school with his outfit all covered in mud, he walked the hallways in shame at his muddy outfit like some six year old child who slipped while playing in the rain, everyone coming in,in the hallway, near Thier lockers looked at him mockingly and laughed he was so embarrassed, on getting to the bathroom, the water wasn't coming on and he had already pulled his pants only on his boxers about to get it clean still figuring out the whole mess, a group of Lady cleaners badges in and he went on like "who's there can I get my privacy pls, don't you peeps got manners in this side of the country " and one of the ladies, smallish in statue, light in complexion was kind enough to be quite understanding she told Kelly sorry for Thier behaviour and this rest room have been put out of use for the main time since it's having "pipe connection problem "she called it,but he wished he had an orientation on this before getting into such mess, well the deed had been done, she stared at him in confusion of how he had no pants on and pity noticing a pair of pants on the soap dish which was covered in mud and his sweater also stained but slightly and told him sorry and told him to wait, she ran out quickly, while other cleaners giggled looking at him and mummbled words he couldn't hear, he was so curious to know what they were talking about but well why did he care and while he was cleaning the kind cleaner brought a pair of old jeans and a fairly used handkerchief from a closet which the students nicknamed lost and found and told him he could use the handkerchief to clean his sweater and could use the fairly old jeans till the end of the day ,quite embarrassing but he had no option took the jeans, cleaned his sweater and walked away and showed sincere gratitude to the cleaner for her help.
He came to the hallway, removing some keys from his pocket to a locker,in which the number was boldly signified on the locker and tagged on the key, he was given at the signing book in the reception where he signed as a new student enrolled in the college that year, on getting dear he opened the locker and was welcomed by nasty cobwebs in the locker, it wasn't enough with the drama, coackroaches came trooping through one of the drawers in the locker he was frightened and had goose bumps all over her almost did it on himself thats"pied on himself "he ran to get the genetor closet guy  who helped him in cleaning but before he could be done, the bell rang for classes. Kelly left and grined in an angry tone and said "oh precious heavens could this day get any worst "the genetor guy just looked at him with a big smile as he was walking nodded his head and said "oh college days been there "and continued cleaning, Kelly got to the class it was another mission he was confronted with getting a chair and this class ran a kind of supermarket with sellers and Thier own brand ,they were a group of people in the front mostly with glasses he just said to himself "this must be the serious dudes ",he wasn't that too intelligent he told himself going to the middle, met a group of students dressed in a kind of castle regalia speaking some kind of Spanish language mixed with archaic English and he said "this must be the wierdo's and he just walked past when a man in some flabby looking jeans really hairy with doughnuts in his mouth said "hey handsome get your self a chair "Andrew a guy on black outfit pushed him by his chest to a sit in the midst of people of the black outfits guy kind of dressing with crazy hairstyle both girls and boys, and the girls chewing gum inappropriate nasty way and in fear and confusion, sweating profusely he said to himself "this must be the bad guys " he sat quietly without a squeek till the end of the lesson ,sooner like after twenty minutes the bell rang for launch those same guys dragged him out and the whole class was staring at him and one of them shouted. A bodly built dark skinned guy with short brown curly hair, cute all girls confessed he is, his name is ray almond, he shouted "hey what you 'll staring at "take those eyeballs in before I pluck it out "and he left, we were walking down the hallway to the cafeteria everyone, walking gave way with Thier heads down, "I wondered said Kelly in his mind how deadly this gangsters could be "he just kept mute, when they got there , the slander one with dyed hair green looking like some pair of fried noodles he described. Fondly called snakes but actually his name is Rex duine screamed at young innocent looking dudes, two had glasses the other three didn't have, he was told they were the smart collection, Rex told them all "get your dirty ass up this table is taken "starring at them all in anger "get up "he shouted in his deep masculine voice hitting the table had and the so called" smart collection "ran like scared two years old babies but that name made me laugh cause I got a spray like that back home he  giggled, then they all turned to me ,the collar of my cardigan hanging from the fair at least I could say decently dressed Raj telson, I managed to know all Thier names but what Kelly couldn't put together was why All of them had r names, finally he was set loose and made to sit Raj grabbed a guy and called him and said some words to his ear and that's when they all starred at me closely and said ray said "what's your name fella"Kelly be came a stammerer as he began ke ke ke lly  jack son he managed to mutter out, we want you to join our gang, you look cool we need a fourth ring all this ray  explained and said trust me you don't wanna say no, the guy Raj talked to in the ear brought launch to us, they gave me and left that's when Raj said "dude think carefully about this opportunity, we are giving you ten days "enjoy your meal they all stood up and left ,then a cute, pretty looking girl entered, and came straight to Kelly's desk after collecting her launch "hi I am Janice" she said Janice kendolen she said again, at least something good happened today he thought,hi yeah I said I am Kelly, Kelly Jackson we exchanged pleasantries and they began talking, our conversation were on our first experiences in the college, we were in the same year but she resumed way earlier than Kelly, the bell rang and she'll left, talking to Janice was the best moments of my day in college, school closed and I had to pick my little sister Kate, quite a drama queen, she was chubby, cute, pretty, sweet but quite dangerous when she doesn't get her way, Kate is six years old, "Daddy's little angel "and mummy's" precious diamond ",is what we nicknamed her I love her ,she is my best sib, she helps me collect money from dad, cooperates and covers me up when I go for night concerts and buys me snacks when I run out of launch money but if I annoy her she becomes a nasty beast. Kate came out of her class giggling with her age grade girls, she sighted Kelly and told the girls "oh well kell is here gotta go catch you'll up tomorrow "she ran hugged Kelly, he held her hand as they walked to the car pack in hope Thier driver was already here I gave her the sealed packed chocolate chips I got her she collected it and told him thank you, she starred at Kelly, Kelly knew what she wanted, she wanted him to asking her how her day was, and if he should, she would go on any on as if it's not going to end, he asked and she began first of all I got a locker, he stuffed his ear piece in his ear covered it with his sweater hood as if he was listening but he wasn't just nodding when she makes hand moves and giggles when she giggles and she went on, luckily Thier driver captain Kelly fondly called him because he loves to talk about his voyages on the sea when he was still a sailor and whatnot Kelly didn't like is that both of them will be talking how would they want him to understand so Kelly preferred not listening but that's not all the drama he still got Thier elder sister Kira Jackson I call her mum's look alike, she loves acting all grown up especially when she clocked seventeen and dad told her she is a young adult, and she gets praised for studying law what's she Kelly thought" a godess" even Kate doesn't like her, she is annoying Kate always mimicks her when we are talking she is all Kate stop that, you are too young to be doing that young lady but I have to confess she is sooooo beautiful, but she likes bossing everyone and everything around even our puppy Chelsea, we finally got home Kate took a pause so did captain as we all came in quietly to avoid getting into mum's look alike trap but eventually we all got there, oh Kate and Kelly welcome "make sure you take your shower she always began, then head straight to the study to get started with your assignments and revision for like an hour then nap time for like an hour before you are allowed to watch TV, she is also very observative, she noticed the pants I was putting on was not mine, she scolded me and said "let this be your last warning Mr Kelly Jackson "I simply nodded,wait for it, Kate always came down stairs screaming" Kira why did you take my remote and exchange my rose,strawberry fadolton product bathing cream with some baby berry wash "kiiiiiiiiiira she screamed and Kira will simply give her the age restrictions on her fadolton cream "this is the height of it Kira "I always have spare, Kelly had a trick he always does he puts the spare spoilt remotes at sight but in different locations and had the key shop duplicate his music room key and so he has nooo worries at all, when Kate was done showering, she always went to Kelly's room to do her homework always looking angry ,he first of all made her laugh by acting in a comic way then he would help her with her home work and revision, put on his TV for her go to his music room to practice his songs. Kelly was really shy, he just sang in voice, Kate and mum always tells him he has a wonderful voice and he should join the church choir or school band, he knew how to play the piano and drums real well, so as he was practising Kate came in to listen to one of the songs he loved most among all his songs and told mum when he is done with school, e will take up his music career, the song is fear

In the dark, I wonder how
I might make it to where I want
My imagination  makes me feel
I should just stick with where I am
Oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

Fear fear fear let me out
Let me out
I wanna ride, I wanna fly 
Oh fear fear let me out
Kate already mastered the song, because she is always hearing it everyday that passes, she is also a good singer Kelly commented but shy too and knows and loves to dance but is shy. We often giggled after singing at each other, we both were on another song bonded that talks about me and my sister Kate I love this baby girl, then we will do some instrumentals and leave ,we always sang and spent lots of time we often forget the day is no longer young again ,Kate was the best "Kelly let's go greet mum and dad is like they are home, I must tell mum what Kira did "I just laughed and followed
Downstairs in the living room, as usual dad and mum usually munching down something and watching one of Thier favorite shows" mum welcome "Kate always began mum replied "oh sweetie I asked of you, Kira said you were with super man here "how was school today "then she will take Kate to the dinning and they will keep on talking, while I was left with dad,the next bombshell came,"Kira is cooking dinner "Daddy's coffee cup fell and his coffee spilled, Kate screamed, I stood there in shock, then Kate and dad put up an act Kate would say "dad remember I have a dentist appointment by 8pm oh see the time 7:30 pm "then dad said "oh yes swee--"mum often interrupted "but that's dinner time can't it be shifted "Kate will shout no no no it can't well you see ouch it hurts, Kelly let's go drags Kelly, dad ouch ""sorry dear bye sweet heart we will be back "they all go out dad gets pizza and peppered chicken wings they quickly munch on it and head for home, after eating I had a flash back of the last time Kira cooked when she was fourteen oh lord Kate west 3 years, she was hospitalized, mum and dad couldn't go to work for a week we were all stooling and on drugs ,well the next week was my turn, I went to search for new foods, that's when I found it peppered chicken sauce and rice it was delicious everyone said I was full of joy in began taking secret Saturday catering classes only Kate knows about it and it's only her and myself I cook for and she really loves it, well I don't want anyone to know how does it sound a boy cook #"FYI awkward "I entered and online cooking competition once but told my sister Kate to go take it but they didn't give her saying she is underaged.  Well that's it ,we went home and met only mum, who said our dinner is on the table we all pretended to be tired and ran to our room to sleep, I wondered what tomorrow at college will be and I got some pondering questions to ask andI need answers and this is my week of decisions, let's see how it goes

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