Two; Drive-Ins and Secrets Blurted

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Two; Drive-Ins and Secrets Blurted


{Linden's POV}

"Here," Dally said, handing me a switchblade. "Put it in your pocket and only use it in an emergency. We don't want to give the Socs a reason to jump ya."

I nodded, slipping it in my pocket. "Thanks Dal," I told him.

"Careful walking home, ya hear? Johnnycakes, Pony, and I will meet ya on the corner of Pickett and Sutton later," he told me.

"I will, Dally, thanks," I said, hugging him quickly. He hugged me back quickly, and I never wanted it to end. That way, I wouldn't have to go back to that hell-hole I call a home.

I waved goodbye to the rest of the gang, and started back towards home.

I've never told anyone, but my home is horrible.

Take Johnny's home life, and multiply it by about ten. Then you've got my folks.

They're horrible. Whenever they see me, they somehow feel the need to beat me down until I can't walk.

They beat me so bad once, that I locked myself in my room for a week. I told the gang that I had gotten sick, and my mom had me bedridden.

And they - believing me - shook it off, and told me they were glad that I was better. Johnny was the only one who looked at me strangely.

I sighed, kicking a pebble into the street and watching it roll into the storm drain. Johnny suspects something. I just know it. But what does he suspect?

I walked up the creaky wooden steps to my front door, and gently eased it open, listening for my parents. It was quiet, so they were either passed out drunk in the family room, or getting even more drunk at a bar somewhere. Either way, they won't bother me.

I stepped into the house, taking shallow breaths, my heart thumping wildly in my chest. Fear built up in my stomach, like it always does when I walk into my own house.

I softly closed the door, and quietly hurried into my room, located in the very back of the house. It wasn't much, but it's my sanctuary. Just a small bed, with navy blue sheets. A small window on the back wall, a tiny closet. A lamp with a bulb I know has to be replaced soon - it was dimming.

I let out a tiny breath, and sank down onto my bed, pushing my dirty blonde hair back from my face.

I looked at the clock I had put on the small rickety table next to my bed, and saw it was only six. I told Dally I would meet Pony, Johnny, and him at seven. One whole hour to go. I can survive for an hour.

The door slammed, and two slurred voices reached my ears.

Or not.

My heart thumped in my chest again, and I sat in the corner, on the floor, with my knees pulled to my chest.

The slurred voices got louder, and their feet pounded on the floor.

"Where are you, brat?" Dad slurred, and I cowered further into the corner, burying my face deeper into my arms, which were wrapped tightly around my knobby knees.

My door slammed open, and the rank smell of alcohol burned my nose.

I started shaking, and a hand wrapped around my elbow, and tugged me up, throwing me against the wall. "You're worthless!" He sneered, punching me in my stomach, making me double over.

He threw me to the ground, making my head bang against the floor with a loud crack!

Mom grabbed a fistful of my hair, and yanked my head up off the wooden floor. "Why do you even come home? I don't ever want to see you in our house again! You got thirty minutes to get your crap together and leave!"

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