Solangelo: Will x Nico from PJO

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Hi! This is my first attempt at writing a fanfiction that isnt a byproduct of late night Theology Assignments...

Funny story about PJO, me and my friend Olinda love Nico and after House of Hades and finding out Nico liked boys, we decided to create a character for him to put in our demigod roleplay. The character we created was a tall blond boy in the Apollo cabin....sound like anyone you know? You can imagine our surprise when Will was introduced as a possible love interest for Nico. Anyways I just wanted to share that funny momement and hopefully it will easy that pain you are about to feel after readin this. I hope you enjoy!!!

It made him happy, being with Nico. The Italian hadn't realized it, but Will was nothing without Nico. It was quite ironic actually, that the son of Hades lit up the son of Apollo's world (As cliché as that sounds). Being around Nico made Will safe. His worries and fears melted away the second the black-haired boy came into view. Will trusted him with everything he had because he knew Nico would never betray him. Nico was Will's and he loved him so much.

That is why it hurt so much. To see his boyfriend's bloody body being dragged back to camp by beaten-up campers. Jason and Percy had to drag Will off Nico's body, begging him to stop trying to heal Nico. He was dead, there was nothing Will could do. The Earth was enveloped in Darkness as Hades mourned for his lost son. At least Nico died heroically, Will told himself, but that didn't stop the pain from consuming him.

Sympathetic glances were all he got at camp. No one was sure how to console Will, but that was fine, he didn't want to be consoled anyways. He had tried everything: from praying to Hades to begging Hazel to let him sacrifice his own soul from Nico. She wouldn't let him though. Nico wouldn't have wanted that. And deep in his heart Will knew she was right. Nico was gone and Will had to live without his Angel.

PLS dont hate me too much. This was supposed to be a happy story, but idk man shit happens. Anyways, I love feedback so let me know about your thoughts! Also if you see any grammar or spelling mistakes, TELL ME! i wont get offended i promise! Thanks for reading!!!!!!!!!!

~Queen Mally of Shipping T^T

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