one; halloween

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"Matttt," I yelled from my friend's basement, "please bring me a Mountain Dew when you come back down here!"

"Sure thing Sophie," his low voice yelled back at me.

When he walked downstairs Matt gave me a glare. "You took my seat, get up you idiot!" He said as he threw a can of Mountain Dew in my lap.

I reluctantly got off of the comfy couch and sat on the floor as I pouted. There were too many kids packed in this basement for everyone to sit on the couch, I was just hoping Matt would be a gentleman and let me keep his seat.

My best friend Bailey spoke up, "come sit by me soph I'll give you a good cuddle."

I stood up blocking the tv for a mere second to move over to where Bailey was sitting.

"Hey get out of here you're blocking my view. This show is starting to get creepy finally," Matt said in a joking manner.

I sat down next to Bailey and opened yet another jolly rancher. Since we were freshman it was still acceptable for us to go trick or treating so we had gathered as much candy as possible and then come back to Bailey's house to watch some scary movies.

Bailey was my best friend but Matt was more than a best friend to me. He was my ride or die since we were little kids. Our moms were really good friends so we practically grew up together and I could always count on him to have my back.

I never had many friends except Bailey and Matt before high school, but we had just met a few new friends at the beginning of the school year. I finally had some cool people to hang out with which was refreshing compared to the nights I spent alone crying in my bed all summer.

Bailey had been kind enough to host a Halloween party at her house this year and she invited all of our new friends. Ian laid on the floor next to his crush Jaden, Russell and Dom sat next to Jaden, and the couch was occupied by Matt, Merlyn, Ciarán, me, and Bailey.

Bailey and I had always been a little different than other girls so we didn't mind hanging out with guys all the time. Our lives were drama free and that is all we cared about after going through the hell that was middle school. Did anyone actually enjoy those three years? No, I didn't think so.

The movie was starting to get actually scary. We were watching As Above, So Below and the beginning was a little slow, but now I was becoming genuinely frightened.

I screamed and held onto Bailey tighter. I turned to my left to see Matt laughing at me at the other end of the couch.

"Soph, you are such a pussy this isn't that scary yet," he taunted me.

"Easy for you to say Mr. 'I'm so dark and anxty'," I replied in a snarky tone.

"Hey, leave me out of this! We are talking about your problems here Sophie. I'm just saying if you want to finally get a boyfriend you might have to prove that you aren't such a pussy."

I hated when he made fun of me for always being single. Matt could pick up girls really easily so he was always hanging out with a new girl. I never really had the good looks or social skills to attract any guys so I had never dated anyone before.

I decided to just not reply to Matt's comeback and I continued to watch the movie.

About two minutes later I screamed once again. This time Matt got out of his seat and walked over to where Bailey and I were sitting smushed together since there wasn't enough room on the couch for both of us.

Matt took my hand and lifted me out of my seat. "Come on Soph I'm going to teach you how to properly watch a horror movie," he said as he dragged me towards his spot on the couch.

Matt sat down and patted his lap for me to sit on. We were really good friends so it was not uncommon for us to cuddle and have sleepovers. Our moms knew that we would never be romantically interested in each other so they didn't care.

I sat down on Matt's lap, got comfortable, and regained my focus on the movie. Once again there was a jump scare and I screamed. Matt began to laugh at me.

"Listen Sophie, if you are that focused on the movie the jump scares are going to get you. You need to look towards the screen but focus your eyes off to the side. That way it will look like you are watching and the boy will think you are cool when you don't scream at a jump scare."

"Matt are you sure that I need to act so tough. I understand why a guy would act all tough but isn't it cute when girls get scared. If I scream won't he just be forced to cuddle me or something," I said very uncertain of the advice he just gave me.

Matt replied, "I don't know Soph, I just think tough girls are badass. Don't you want your boyfriend to think that you are a badass." 

"I mean not necessarily," I said a little bit confused. "I feel like I'd rather have my boyfriend think I'm pretty than badass. And no offense but I'm not chasing after you, so I don't know if I need to put on the tough girl persona."

I didn't care to impress Matt by being a badass, but I did note the fact that he likes tough girls for future reference when I'm either trying to make fun of him or set him up with someone.

Once the movie finished we decided that it was time to go home so we all left Bailey's house and went our separate ways except Matt and I. Matt always made sure to walk me home if it was late at night and he lived pretty close to me so it wasn't a huge inconvenience.

"Did you have fun tonight Soph?" Matt asked.

"Yeah, it was pretty good I guess. How about you?"

"It was alright. I just wish I could have found a pretty girl to invite to the Halloween party," he replied.

"You always need a girl, don't you?" I questioned. "Why can't you just accept being single once in a while?"

"It's just fun having a girl ok. These relationships don't mean anything cause we are just kids so I might as well have fun with it right?" He said. "I think you are just mad because you never have a boyfriend."

"Have you ever thought that maybe I don't want one?" I responded as we continued to walk down the street towards my house. "Just because you need attention all the time doesn't mean that I'm the same way."

"Whoa, why you gotta call me out like that?" He said.

"I don't know, I'm sorry Matt. You just know how I am ok, you shouldn't be surprised that I don't have a boyfriend. I get anxious talking to people."

"It's fine Soph, I know," he replied. "I'm just saying if you ever feel the need to have a boyfriend I would be more than happy to set you up with someone."

"Thanks Matt, I appreciate it," I said flashing him a smile.

And with that we arrived at my house and said our goodbyes. I quietly creeped up to my bedroom and drifted off to sleep.

Helloooo, I just decided to start this story for fun cause I think Matt is dope.

I hope y'all like it (:

Salud // Matt ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now