Chapter 1: The Stranger From the Sky

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Firestorm: Origins

Special thanks to my friend Josiah for inspiring me to create this story, to my younger brother Braden for stepping up to the task and becoming a genius, incredible world-builder for Varius, and to all my friends and family who have supported me along the way. I love you all.

In loving memory of Robert Hunter Ash, a fantastic friend and a beacon of light to everyone he knew. 


It was an unusually cold and humid November evening, making it difficult for most to enjoy the countless flashing lights and the overpowering beauty of the towering skyscrapers in every direction. Even in spite of the overcrowded sidewalks and the constant squealing of the Houston busses as they grinded to a halt every few dozen feet, she always enjoyed walking through the city at night. But she had somewhere to be soon. She walked down a dimly lit alley between two buildings and ducked beneath a wooden barricade that led into a small warehouse. Inside were almost a dozen people in old, worn-down coats and tattered jeans. A few more were wearing beanies on their heads, gathering around a barrel that flickered in the darkness with no more than a few glowing coals. The girl waved and called out to catch their attention. "What's up guys?"

One of the older men sitting against a metal support girder looked over at her and grinned from ear to ear. "Ay, fire girl! What's goin' on?"

"Nothing much; I brought y'all some snacks," the red-haired girl said with a smile as she slung off her hero-themed backpack and removed two boxes of protein bars and a family-sized bag of chips. "I know it's cold outside, so I brought lots of protein. How are y'all holding up?"

"Better now that you're here," one of the women lying beneath a thin layer of newspapers said as she sat up. "Can you do your thing sweetie? Frank can't start a fire to save his life."

One teenager in a beanie glared at the dark-skinned woman as he threw more smashed pallets of wood into the metal barrel, which was little more than embers now. "Thanks, barb..."

"Sure, hold on." the girl rubbed her hands together and walked over to the barrel while taking off her jacket. Everyone in the room gathered around as she thrust her hands into the red-hot ash, garnering surprised gasps from a few. Moments later, bright orange flames shot up, wreathing the wood in intense fire that crackled like a large fireplace. Everyone backed away with gasps of astonishment as the girl pulled her hands from the flames, completely unaffected. Barb shook her head in disbelief as she wiped the ash off of her arms and put her jacket back on. "God bless you, Aryn. Thank you, thank you..."

"It's no problem, really," Aryn insisted.

"So how d'you do that, for real?" one of the older men asked. "You got some kind of superpower like that guardian angel?"

"That's a trade secret," she said jokingly. She seemed to be thinking for a moment before taking a sharp breath. "Oh, I almost forgot! I have a new story!"

Several people perked up at the mention of a story, and she saw the old man slap another guy on his arm, waking him from his slumber. "She's got some good stories, listen up!"

"Have any of you heard of Atlantis, the ancient city lost to the ocean? Well-"

Aryn's phone vibrated in her backpack, and she pulled it out momentarily before standing up abruptly. "Of course... Sorry guys, it's my mom; I have to get going. I'll be back in a few days, I promise! Keep the fire going!"

Looks of disappointment and sadness were cast as she looped her backpack over her shoulders and ran out of the building and back out onto the street. Before she could walk ten feet, a bolt of lightning streaked through the sky, illuminating the tall, black storm clouds that were rapidly forming over the city. The cold didn't bother her, but she didn't want to be caught outside when the downpour started.

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