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Bodes:  ‘Look, I’m sorry for what I said last night. I was drunk and Laura pissed me off. My relationship isn’t perfect, ya know?. I feel like a shitty brother.’ 

Yeah—you should. I wanted to text back, but I held my tongue. As always. Pick your battles, my father used to say and my mother drilled into my head. 

Me: ‘We all say stupid shit, Bodes. It’s whatever.’ 

It’s not whatever, Cals. He demeaned you across school grounds for enjoying sex. He used it against you and called you names. All in good time, Cals. Karma will come back and bite him in the ass one day. Now is the time for sleuthing while he's feeling sorry.

Me: ‘Have you heard from Mom lately?’

Bodes: Yeah. Yesterday? She said something about Dad’s lecture on campus in a few weeks. He’ll be back on campus. Why?

Each year my father gave a lecture on the importance of sobriety to campus' across the state. Important, yes! And his first stop? Ours.

Me: Oh great, his speech. 🙄 Kace said something concerning? Moms sick or something. I dunno. 

Bodes: weird. I’ll ask. Ttyl.

And we were good. Just like that. He had successfully got away with calling me names and I let him. Whatever. I could dwell on that later. Right now I had to focus on the now. Poor Jade, she had come down with the flu. And me? I had to do a whole radio show by myself. Unprepared me! Jade usually put the show together hours in advance but hadn’t had time. Obviously, with her head hanging in the toilet, she couldn’t have done it. I should have checked the message boards an hour ago when she texted me she wouldn’t make it. I should’ve prepared better. 

Here’s to flying by the seat of my pants. 

The darkness of the world engulfed me as I strolled down the sidewalk. The crickets chirped in the background. As students, loud laughs and voices bounced off the brick buildings along the way. Someone---somewhere was having a fantastic time all while I was a shaky, anxious, and sweaty mess.

Get it together, Cals. Run the show. Tits up! You got this, girl. 

I took my keys from my pocket and reached up to unlock the door. Almost blocking out the noise of the rustling bush next to me flowing in the wind.

Wait a minute.

I scrunched my brows together—there was no wind tonight. I darted my eyes to the trees above and they didn’t move an inch. I swallowed the lump in my throat. I put my keys between my fingers ready for some weird fight. Was it an animal? A human? Was it Zane? 

“Oh, my god!” I screamed out almost pouncing on the boy in front of me. My arm flew up in defense and I almost stabbed him in the eyes with my keys. I covered my heart with my hand and paced the sidewalk. As Dex stepped out from the shadows holding his hands out like an innocent man accused of a crime. 

“God, I’m sorry!” He said with a sheepish grin on his face. “I didn’t mean to scare you.” He put a hand on my shoulder and I took a deep breath reeling my panic back in. It’s just Dex not some psycho stalking out of the bushes. 

It wasn’t Zane.

It wasn’t Zane…...

“Jesus, Dex, you can’t sneak up on a girl like that! And what the hell were you doing in the bush?” I hissed pointing wildly, and he chuckled. Seriously laughed at me! He just chuckled at me like I was the friggin circus rolling into town. Did I have a red nose and face paint? Was this a joke? 

Sex and Radio (Book 2)Completed|| Where stories live. Discover now