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“God, Callie, you can’t keep your fucking clothes on for two whole seconds? Now the whole school will see this!” Bohdi barked like a dog behind me hot on my trail through the crowded party. I made my way down the stairs skipping steps, desperately trying to lose him in the sea of drunken morons. But damn the luck, my brother made it impossible to shake him. 

“You know this whole big, bad brother act is cute and all, but you can stop now!” I huffed back, tossing my arms in the air. 

I flew through the front door. A woman on a mission. I sped past Reed who was still attached to the damn flagpole hollering for help from us, but my anger burned rapidly in my ears drowning out his pathetic whines.

I stomped across the lawn like a child during a temper tantrum with Bodhi on my tail. Still. An angry---or should I say utterly enraged---drunk Bodhi on my heels. It was never a good situation to be in either. He’d say things he regretted later, and I’d say things I regretted. Or maybe not so regretted. He deserved some of my tongue lashings. We’d end up resenting each other more, and we’d eventually stop talking. For a few days at least. Then we'd come crawling back to each other with apologies. Our relationship was weird.  

“You know, you never think before you act! You only think of yourself. You’re too impulsive.” He shouted for the whole universe to hear how disappointed he was in me. Thanks, "Dad".

“So my “act” as you call it isn’t a fucking act. I have to keep you in line so your disgusting naked pictures don’t end up on TMZ! AGAIN!” He yelled with veins bursting from his forehead, and I finally stopped to face him. Narrowing my eyes in on the sneer present on his lips and the snarl coming from his throat. I ground my teeth to dust trying to hold back the cruel words I wanted to say to him. I wanted to yell. I wanted to scream. I just wanted him to fuck off.

And, of course, the motherfucker brings up the TMZ incident. Of fucking course perfect, golden boy, Bodhi brings up the biggest mistake of my early 20s and rubs it in my face. 

He’ll never let me live down the fact I exposed my boobies at a party last year. Someone snapped a pic and leaked it everywhere. And they sold my pictures to a magazine for some quick cash and some dark web shit. I humiliated Dad. I tarnished our family name. I did this, and I did that. But he’s done just as bad shit in his life. I could bring up his streaking incidents from Freshman year. Or his drunk pictures. Or the pictures of him posing with blunts and one-hitters. But you know what? I didn’t. He could keep up this “my sister is the disappointment“ charade all he wanted. Whatever helped him sleep at night. I knew myself. I knew what I wanted in life. And he obviously had some issues with it and me.

“I’ll fucking take care of it, God! You have got to be the most annoying sibling on the planet! I can’t have one good night with—-” I spat, quickly getting cut off by his ever-moving, asshole mouth that could never figure out when to shut the fuck up. Make like an asshole and clench, Bodes. Now’s the time Bodes to shut the hell up! 

“One good night?! That’s fucking hilarious, Cals. How many times have I had to swoop in and save you from publicly humiliating this family? More importantly DAD! Does he mean so little to you?” He snarled, getting into my face now like a dog about to attack. Well, I wasn’t about to bow down and let my brother dictate my life. I’m a fighter. 

“Stop swooping in, Bodhi. I give you permission!” I growled back, getting more into his face. Almost squishing our noses together and the veins bulged from his forehead and neck. As he strained to hold his ground. He never backed down, and neither did I. 

“If they knew what a fucking whore, you were they’d shit themselves.” He spat drunkenly, knowing exactly what to say to hurt me. And I mean, really hurt me.

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