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what am i supposed to do when i'm here

throw rocks at my window

there is none

there's no rocks.


i already was gonna do that so i looked and it's all just sad little specks of dirt and leaves that fell and some sticks

oh wait

although delilah knew he was there, she wanted to feel like someone wanted to see her. this was her vision of romance and whether or not harry liked her, she wanted romance. when harry walked into her life, she noticed how romance seemed like such an easy thing for him.

the rock harry had finally found on the ground hit her window, bounced off onto her roof, and almost nailed harry in the face. he dodged it as delilah opened the window. harry tried playing it cool by keeping his hands at his waist, slanting on one hip, and smiling with his pearly whites.

delilah held up a finger like she told him to wait. she pulled her phone out and texted him like usual.

there's a ladder on the side of the house. i use it whenever i sneak out lmaoo

harry chuckled to himself and slid his phone back into his pocket. he did as she told and the ladder was surprisingly sturdy. it was an old ladder but still in good shape. goes to show that delilah's a good person and doesn't sneak out often.

it took harry a while to get up but he finally did. at last, they were so close they could touch each other. delilah wanted to feel him and touch his hair and smell his shirt. harry wanted to feel her hand and ask her what perfume she was wearing and see if she was okay with a peck because harry thought she looked so beautiful, he couldn't but want a kiss.

harry only smiled at her, she smiled back. delilah had this smile that could make any girl gay and any boy fall in love with her and harry hated that that was exactly what she was doing. she had these brows that had so much emotion. her style was simple and cheap, h&m most likely. harry couldn't deny the attraction he had for her but he'd rather keep that to himself for now.

"we're so close we could count each others pores," harry said. others would've found it awkward but delilah found it comforting. this was what their relationship was all about. saying things that come off strong but make everyone laugh, that was them.

"lets not and say we did."

they sat on the roof for the entire time. delilah never went in to grab a bag of chips or to pour herself a glass of water. harry never asked for anything since he knew she wouldn't go get it. not because she didn't want to, she just didn't want to go downstairs to face her parents who had no idea a boy was sitting on top of their house.

"harry," delilah spoke up. the sky changed colors in the matter of minutes and all you could see were the stars and the faint clouds in the distance that would soon take over the stars and empower the city, "we're so different in person."

"we are," harry agreed, "i can feel that sexual tension we talked about. it's okay though because we're in person and it's not over text."

delilah rolled her eyes and slapped his arm gently. she wanted to push him off the edge but she liked him too much to see him hurt. then again, she'd laugh and then cry.

"last time we talked about sexual tension, we yelled at each other."

"it's not really yelling if it's over text," harry said, "you are so beautiful."

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