Its Gonna Waste My Time

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"Jess! I want to talk to you!" shouted my dad. 

"Okay." I shouted back.

I ran downstairs to the living room, where my dad sat.

"Jess, you going to live with one of my old friends for a while..."

"Wait... WHAT!?"

"I have to stay in Florida for quite a while, so you're going to stay with him."

"Why can't I come!?" I practically screamed back at him! This never had to happen!

"Because this is really important for me right now, so you can't come."

"That doesn't make sense!" What is that suppose to mean!? What in the world is happening!?

"Jessie Deleon. Your going to be staying with him and that's that. Now go pack up before I force you to."

I gave a short glare and started to go up stairs. Then that's when I realized. I have my weapons with me! I need to talk to Director Levis about this!

I took out my phone and closed the door to my room. I quick dialed him and he picked up on the first ring. I talked to him about him and told me to pack it and see where I would be staying. Then call him back at what would happen.

I started to pack my stuff that I would need. Then I locked my door and closed the curtains of my room. I opened a door that blended in with the wall with my agent card. I packed all my weapons into another suitcase that needed a three pass codes to get into it. Oh yes. I forgot to tell you, but I'm a secret agent for the government, so it won't be illegal if I have to go to the airport and get it checked. Nobody knows about me being an agent except of my fellow agent friends. I have "two lives". My first one would be the me who acts good only in front of my dad. My mom died when I was four from cancer. My other life would be my agent live.

Once finished, I heard the doorbell being rang. I went downstairs with my luggage.

"Is that all your stuff?"


"Alright then... This is Manson. He's going to be taking care of you."

"Bye dad." I'm pretty cold hearted... I just am.

I walked out the door to the car that was parked in front of our house. I stuffed my luggage in the back seat and got in the passenger seat. Manson got in to the drivers seat. He started driving and I got my iPhone 4 out. I didn't want the iPhone 5 since it wouldn't fit in my pocket.

We sat in silence even though I noticed Manson was glancing over at me. I wonder why.

When we got to the house, mansion actually, I gaped at the sight. It was a house in a dream! Once Manson and I got out, seven guys came running out the large front doors.

Now I see why he kept glancing at me.


A/N: I had to re-write part of this so it won't be as good since my iPod turned off since it ran out of battery :// 

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P.S. Please comment ~M.H~ if you likey! ;o

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