Chapter 4

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We finally have a picture of Phoenix! His face claim is Seth Atwell, and I promise he is guy, he's just a really pretty boy. Can y'all see why he was bullied for "looking girly"? And yes, I badly photoshopped his hair and eye color... Please pretend it looks real.

Phoenix's POV

Finally, my new "family" leaves me alone in what is apparently my new room. It's huge. Like, twice, no three times the size of my room back home. And it's super... Clean. And blank. They said I could decorate it however I want, I wander if that means I can't paint the walls, because this ain't gonna fly. I'll ask at dinner.
Anyways, I start my unpacking. All my clothes literally fit in one draw of the dresser, but thats really sad so I hand up the shits and pants and put all the rest in the dresser.
My two book series that I couldn't leave he without, The Werewold series and the Ingo series (actual book series that are both super freaking good, y'all should look them up) go in the book shelf, along with an old photo album. I'll have to buy all new bathroom toiletries to go in the bathroom, and that's it. That's literally all I brought with me other than a necklace that was my Abuela's favorite that I now always wear.
Eventually, Sophia knocks on my door and pops her head in when I say 'come in'. If she notices how few things I have, she doesn't mention it.
  Dinner is ready. It's spaghetti and meatballs. Is that OK? I forgot to ask if there is anything you are allergic to or don't like. If you don't want spaghetti I can whip up something else for you?"
I shake my head. "I'm not allergic to anything and spaghetti is fine. The only things I really don't like are spinach and meat loaf, but I'll still eat them in if have to." She looks relieved
  "Alright, sounds good. Let's go ahead and go downstairs. Oh! Two of Griff's friends are here too and will be eating with us, but you probably won't see much of them after dinner. The boys tend to hide in the media room and play games all night."

Griffin's POV (Real quick because I thought getting to see this part from his point of view would be interesting, but I'm not stopping this chapter at 300 words.)

My father, two best friends and I are all sitting at the table, but it's dead silence. I'm kind of nervous about eating with Phoenix, even though I don't really know why, my friends are eager to finally meet him and I think my dad just wants us all to get along. Finally he and my mom come into the dining room and my friends stare at him, like, super obviously. He clearly notices as he takes to staring at the time and shifting slightly from side to side untily mom points to where he should sit, not that it isn't obvious, there is only one seat left, right next to me. Alex and Kelly are sitting across from me, dad is at the head of the table and mom at the other end.
Alex and Kelly share a look then keep starting at Phoenix. I can tell by the looks on their faces that they have a lot to say, but can't say anything with him sitting right there.

Phoenix's POV (we're back)

I sit next to Griffin's and across from his friends that won't stop staring at me and pick at my spaghetti. Try though she might, not even Sophia can break the awkward silence that hovers over the table like a cloud.
The food is actually really good, but being stared at like an animal at the zoo makes me lose my appetite. Dinner finally ends and, like Sophia said, Griffin and his friends quickly vanish, as does Damian. I breath a sigh of relieb once the staring is gone and start to take the dishes towards where is remember the kitchen to be.
  "Oh! You don't have to do that!" Sophia says, startled. "The maid will get it."
I freeze. The... Maid? They have a maid? This is like one of those American dramas! I set the plates back down.
  "By the way, you said I could decorate my room, does that mean I can paint the walls?" I ask and Sophia looks excited.
  "Of course! We'll take you to the store tomorrow to pick out a color, if you want! You can also choose some different furniture, desorations bed sheets, anything you want!" she quiets down a bit. "We know that this move can't be easy for you and Damian and I want you to have a space that is completely yours and that you are totally comfortable with."
I smile a bit, "thank you. I really appreciate that."
Leving the cleaning up to the apparent maid, I go back up to my room and start planning on what I want to do with it.


UUGH!! This is my shortest chapter yet but I am really trying to get this story rolling so interesting stuff starts happening~~ please bear with me, guys.

Anyways, finally got this out, I hope y'all like it!!

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