Chapter 1

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Up top we have Zac Efron as Griffin DiAngelo. Most of the character photos will actually show the character a little older than when they are introduced. Like, Griffin is fourteen in the story at the moment, but the picture is more what he will look like at around 18.

Griffin's POV:

"Hey, Griff, could I talk to you for a moment?" my mom asks as she sticks her head into the media room where my friends and I are playing call of duty. I glance over, fully intending to ask her to wait until later, but the look on her face makes me get up and walk over to her. Her face is pale and her eyebrows are furrowed, making a deep line between them. She is looking down at the land line phone in her hand like she can't understand what it is.
"what's up, mom?" I ask, keeping my voice quiet because I have a strange feeling about whatever she needs to talk to me about.
She looks up at me and just watches me for a moment before gesturing for me to step into the hallway and shutting the door to the media room behind me. Before the door closes all the way, I see all my friends watching us curiously.
"Griff-" she starts then pauses, seeming to work whatever she is trying to say around in her mouth for a moment. "You remember when I told you about your brother that lives with my mother in Colombia?"
I slowly nod. "The people I thought you were making up when I was little."
She sighs, "Well, they're not made up. You see... My mother just... Passed away from a heart attack about a week ago."
I step forward and give her a hug that she awkwardly returns for a second. "I'm so sorry, Mom. Are you OK?"
She clears her throat and brushes a strand of brunette hair behind her ear. "Yes, well, my mother and I were never very close, but thank you."
I nod again and take a step away from her. She clears her throat again,
"but that's not all. Your brother that was living with her just called me and faxed me a copy of her will. He will be coming to live with us soon."
I take another step back from her, then another.
"What? B-but we don't even know him! He could be a sociopath!" Mom sighs again and rubs her temple with one hand.
"I highly doubt that he is a sociopath, and this isn't something that is up for discussion. I'm telling you so you can mentally prepare yourself to suddenly have a brother. He will be here in a little under a month and we need to get a room ready for him and get him signed up for school."
"What?!" I exclaim, "No. Nope. No way. I am not going to be brothers with some unknown person and go to school with him. I refuse."
"Griffin!" mom snaps. "Please don't be like this. He is your brother and our son and he has no where else to go. The person who raised him just died. Can you even imagine how he must feel? I'm not asking you to be best friends or anything. Just please be nice to him. This isn't going to be any easier for him than it is for you."
We stare at each other for a moment and I cross my arms.
" Does this mean that I can't hang out with my friends over the summer anymore."
Mom sighs again and puts a hand on my shoulder.
"No, honey. I just want you to under stand what's going on and I would like you to help us get ready when you can, but I'm not going to keep you from enjoying the summer. Now go back in there and have fun with your friends, OK?" she gives me a tired smile and pats my shoulder a couple times before pulling her hand back and walking off down the hall.
I shake my head and stare at my shoes, mulling everything over. For my parents sake I will try not to make this any harder than it already is.
After a moment, I take a deep breath and go back into the media room, ready to be interrogated by my friends, and interrogate me they do.
I dodge their questions for a while, until they finally get the hint that I don't want to talk and we go back to the game. It's not as fun this time, though, and by the time their parents come to pick them up, they have killed me countless times.
The rest of the summer is crazy busy. Between football practice, hanging out with my friends and getting fready for my so called brother, I feel like there is hardly any time to breath.
The room we decorated him is rather plain, since we don't really know what he likes. As far as I know, he and my parents haven't even contacted each other since he called and told my mom that our grandmother had died.
Anyways, the room has light blue walss with a white rug on the hardwood floor, gauzy white curtains, and empty bookshelf, desk, dresser, closet and nightstand. The bed has a white and blue color scheme. Other than that, it's just empty. It's even more bare than a hotel room. I guess he can decorate when he gets here... I really hope that we will get along, or that he will just stay out of my way. I don't think I can ever really be brothers with someone I've never met.
Now all the preparations are made and school starts in two weeks and it's the big day. He will be arriving today.
My parents drop me off at football practice and wish me good luck with nervous smiles. They are heading to the airport as soon as they see me off and when they pick me up, there will be an unfamiliar face in the car. I suck at football paratice all day and get yelled at multiple times by the coach for getting distracted. I even get pelted in the face with the ball at one point. All the while, my friends shoot me glances at are a mix of curious and worried. I've dodged their questions all summer. Guess they'll find out today.


Wooh. It's done. Two in one day. If yall are lucky, I may get you another today. How do you like Griff so far?
Sorry for how short the chapter is, the later chapters will be longer.

Thanks for reading and please leave votes and comments :)

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