Chapter 7 Final Battle

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Here's the last chapter of my little sister.

Hopefully you like it.


Moonlight POV

"Go! Go! Move you ask! Move! Move!" A wrecker yelled.

I immediately began to attacked every Decepticon that I found on my way. I then stopped when I noticed a couple of military helicopters get shot down by none other but Starscream.

Luckily some of the soldiers inside made it out in time. The Decepticons then tried to shoot them down but they were only able to shoot two or three of them before getting destroyed in a building.

"Wow, that was crazy" I said.

I then saw the Decepticons ships shooting at a building. My optics widened when I saw that it was the same building that Sam was on. The Decepticons were shooting at the middle so the top part will fall down.

"Sam!" I yelled.

Just then, I saw Shockwave's cyber worm attack the building.

"No!" I yelled.

I immediately transform into my second alt-mode and flew over to the building. I quickly opened fire at the cyber worm. Just then, Optimus finally showed up with his flight tech. With his help we immediately killed Shockwave's cyber worm. I then saw Optimus get shot down from the sky and crashed into a building.

"Optimus!" I yelled.

I then looked down at the responsible for this. I saw Shockwave. I growled before transforming and landing in front of him.

"Well, Well, Well, If isn't my little brother's old crush" Shockwave said.

"How's life treating you, Moonlight?" He asked.

"Fuck off bitch!" I yelled.

I immediately attacked him. I used  my twin swords to attack and defend myself. I managed to hit some of my attacks on him, but he also managed to hit me. I screamed in pain when he managed to hit me on my shoulder. The wounded was not big bit it still hurt like the pits.

"Oh, Moonlight. I'm sorry, but you will never be able to defeat me" Shockwave said with his cannon pointing at my face. I growled.

"I will spare you not because your Lord Megatron ask me to, but because I feel sorry for you" He said. He then turned around to leave.

I growled again and without giving it a second thought I jumped on his back. He tried to get me off, but I was not going down that easy then used my twin swords and killed him. I literally cut off his head from his body
I stood up and walked over to his head.

"Never turned your back on your enemy" I said the crushed his head with my pedal.

I immediately ran to the other side of the building. I found the wreckers with Optimus. I immediately bursted out laughing when I saw Optimus. He was hanging upside down tangled with some wires. The wreckers were trying to free him.

I then stopped laughing when I saw that the pillars were being activated

"Shit" I said.

I immediately transform into my second alt-mode and flew away, knowing that Optimus will be okay thanks to the wreckers helping him. I was going to try to stop Sentinel, but stopped when I sensed that my Sparkmate and sparklings were in trouble when I felt a wave of fear through the bond that we share with each other. I immediately made a u-turn and flew to where I k we my Sparkmate and sparklings were at.

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