Chapter 21

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"Say, would it be alright if you met some of my friends?" Luke asked me after five minutes of browsing the festival while we held hands.

"Sure," I said. "When?"

"Well, they're actually here; I usually meet up with them during the festival. Should we go meet them?"

No. I thought bitterly. This was my quality time moment with Luke, and I didn't need his friends ruining everything. Because as soon as the friends showed up it would go from a date to a 'hang-out,' and I didn't have the patience for that nonsense.

"Yeah, I'd love to meet them!" I outright lied.

Luke seemed to buy that and said, "Great! They should be by the cider stand. I'm sure you'll love them."

I was sure I wouldn't. Our date had barely started and now it was about to be derailed by his lame-o friends.

We walked over to a cart that sold cider, and Luke spotted a cluster of people and grinned. "Hey guys!" he called out. He let go of my hand—which was an absolute TRAVESTY—and ran up to give one of his cruddy friends a hug—some brunette chick. I did my best to paint on a smile.

After their embrace, the brunette chick squeezed his cheek and in a light tone teased, "Ah, little Lukey finally makes time for us?"

What the frick. I thought. Lukey?

"Yeah, man. You're the worst," one of the three friends little punched Luke's arm. He was around Luke's height with brown hair and a playful smile.

"I know, I know," Luke laughed. He finally remembered my existence and turned back to look at me. "Guys, this is Cassie. She's the girl I was telling you guys about."

"Hi," I waved half-heartedly. I was somewhat comforted by the fact that he had told his friends about me, but it wasn't enough to overcome my annoyance at the situation.

"I'm Becca," the brunette girl wore a big smile and stepped forward to shake my hand with vigor. Her accent was a little harsher than Luke's, more like Charlie's. Her hair was cut into a bob and her hazel eyes seemed to be brimming with life. "Pleasure to meet you." She pointed at the brown hair guy. "This is Alex, my beau, and that—" She pointed at the remaining friend with rusty colored hair and a devilish grin. "—That there is Thomas."

"Nice to meet you all," I said as I took extra note of their names to later write down in some Death Note for ruining my date. Of course, I joke, as Becca seemed nice enough. But still!

"No one told me this was a double date sort of thing," Thomas whined. "I'm not even a third wheel—I'm a fifth wheel."

"Oh please, Thomas," Luke laughed. "Let's be honest, you and I both have been third-wheeling Becca and Alex for years."

"So, you and Cassie are on a date, then?" Becca asked Luke.

"Well," Luke paused for a second. "Yes."

I did smile at that. It was officially a date.

"Really?" Becca asked with a sugary tone. Suddenly her face dropped and she whacked Luke's arm.

"Hey!" He cried. "What's that for?!"

"Why'd you invite all us to hang out if you're on a date? You've got to be the worst at romance, Lucas Prescott," Becca snapped.

"Sorry! I thought she'd like to meet you all!" Luke said as he cradled his arm.

"You're an idiot," Becca scolded.

I liked her more already.

Becca walked over to me and linked my arm with her own. "I apologize for this sorry lot. They're all idiots, though, I suppose I'm not terribly bright myself at times so I guess that's why I fit in."

"Geez, Becca, you're making poor Luke look bad," her boyfriend Alex said with a light tone.

Becca shrugged. "Poor lass would've found out sooner or later."

"I think you're right, Becca," Luke said. "This was a bad idea letting Cassie meet you all."

"Well no surprise because I'm always right." With her free hand that wasn't linked around my arm, she dramatically flipped her hair back.

"Alright, alright," Alex came over and threw his arm around Becca's shoulder, pulling her away from me. "You've razzed him enough. This is why Luke never hangs out with us."

Becca interlocked her fingers with the hand Alex had draped over her shoulder. "Fine, I'll give the boy a break."

"Luke never makes time for his best friends anymore," Thomas told me, clicking his tongue. "What a jerk, am I right?"

"Well, in Luke's defense, Prince Coleman likes to have him around a lot. He barely lets me have the weekends off," I said.

Thomas stared at me a little dumbfounded for a second. "Man, I forget you guys work for the Prince. That's so weird to me."

"You get used to it," Luke shrugged. "Though, I suppose the Prince has never been as much of a novelty to me anyway, as you guys know."

I didn't know that.

"Why's that?" I ventured to ask.

"Well, my dad used to work for him."

"Oh, right," I said.

"Okay enough talk about work," Becca interjected. "We're here to have a good time and enjoy the festival! I want to see the flame throwers."

"Flame throwers?!" I cried.

Indeed, there were flame throwers producing a spectacular production. Then there was a show with literal tigers, which I found out were apparently the national animal of Aregano. Despite letting go of my hand earlier, Luke had taken it in his own once again, and I found myself laughing with his friends and overall having a great time.

We all decided to buy food from various food vendors; Luke and I got meat kabobs. Our group found a cluster of picnic tables where many couples sat across from each other and procured one that would fit the five of us. Luke sat in between me and Thomas, and Becca and Alex sat across from us. As I bit into my juicy kabob, Becca leaned towards me and said, "You know Cassie, there is one girl out there who Luke is always going to be more in love with than anyone else ."

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