The Dojutsu's Awakening Ch. 4

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Kurami POV

Once we woke up I decided it was time for us to finally live alone. I had been thinking this for a couple years now, I looked at Naruto who looked more mature with his muscles. I smiled then he woke up "Kurami~ why are you already awake?" I smiled then hugged him "Because the chunin exams are soon, you need to train to increase your strength without your Biju abilities," he sighed "Ok so ten years in the training zone.... And we bring Sasuke along with us, Kakashi can train him in that zone," he said and I simply nodded.

After we had completely woken up we went to training grounds 7 and saw my team there "Ok he's going to be really late again so let's just talk for a bit," Naruto said to the team and I tensed "Naruto I need to talk to you about something important..." I gained his attention and he looked worried "I want to get our own place to live," I said and he sighed from relief "You had me worried that you were breaking up with me, I'm ok with getting our own place, it's going to happen eventually anyways," I smiled and he grinned a wolfy grin.

After a while Kakashi showed up "Sorry guys there was this ol-" he never got to finish because Naruto cut him off "Just tell us you went to visit your friends grave, don't make something up," Kakashi sighed and nodded "Sorry but I have something important for all of you!" He said with his signature eye smile "Here are your Chunin exams registration forms, fill them out if you want to enter but remember you all have to enter or none of you get in," he said casually while everyone except Naruto, Kakashi, and I. After their initial shock they began signing the forms "Why did you freak out if you were all going to sign up? Sakura not signing up I understand but Sasuke?" He laughed nervously "Sorry just trying to spice things up a bit," he said scratching the back of his head.

After we finished with signing the papers we went to relax for the rest of the day.

Naruto POV

I woke up and went to the first exam location. As I got there I saw Sasuke and Sakura as well as a lot of other genin trying to get into the exam location "What's going on here?" I asked and Sasuke scoffed " These two idiots up there won't let us in," Sasuke said angrily "You know that this is a test right?" I said and Sakura looked at me in shock "What do you mean?" She asked I chuckled and so did Kurami "That's just a genjutsu," I said as I pushed my way to the front "Hey your the gate guards!" I said and they looked shocked "Release!" I said and the sign that said "First Exam Room" disappeared now saying "Storage Room" making everyone gasp.

I was walking away when I heard someone shout something "THAT ORANGE HAIRED GIRL IS THE SIGN OF YOUTH, I WILL MAKE HER MINE!!!" I turned and was angry with multiple tick marks. I saw a kid in a green spandex suit "HEY AS*HOLE IM GOING TO KILL YOU IF YOU TOUCH A HAIR ON MY GIRLFRIENDS HEAD!!!" He was taken aback by my words "Cursing is very un-youthful! I Lee will save the orange haired girl from this un-youthful person!" I was now releasing 9 tails level killing intent making him freak out "I ROCK LEE CHALLENGE YOU BLACK HAIRED BOY TO A FIGHT FOR ORANGE HAIRED GIRLS LOVE!!!" Kurami was holding back a laugh "OH YOUR ON!!!" I yelled getting him to do a fist pump.

We walked to an open area and I was breaking one of my eleven seals giving Shukaku level power to me. He got into a fighting stance while I focused all of my chakra to defend my body. He charged me with a series of kicks and punches that did nothing to me. He jumped back and began releasing tremendous amounts of chakra for someone like him but before he could a guy similar to him showed up and punched him in the head "Lee this is a horrible thing to do! You still have to go to the Exams and yet your fighting! How un-youthful!" He shouted and Lee began crying anime tears "I'm sorry Guy sensei!" "Lee!" He said getting I to a hug with anime tears as well "Guy sensei!" "Lee!" Now a beach showed up and the sand was real. I walked up to them and broke all but one of my seals and said "Release!" Dispelling the extremely powerful genjutsu "Wait you can dispel my genjutsu?!" The older spandex wearer asked extremely surprised "Yes I can but it takes a lot of my power to do so," I said with my Biju voice making them raise an eyebrow "Why do you sound like that?" The younger one known as Lee said "Give me a second," I said before I put a barrier around us "This is a space-time barrier so I can explain everything to you," I began telling them what and why I sound like this earning them in a battle ready position "Don't worry, I have no intention on raising a hand on this village as long as it doesn't raise a hand to me," I said making them relax "My only questions are how did this happen? and why has the village been turning a blind eye to Danzo and his ROOT agents?" I just shook my head "They believe he shut his organization down already, and they call themselves shinobi," I said with a head shake.

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