The Birthday

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Noah looked up from his pillow to his watch. It shone brightly in the late night shadow that had been his "entertainment" for the last few hours. 12:00am, 25 of October. Noah couldn't believe it. The day where he was judged, ranked for who he was, was finally here.

He carefully felt his way to his light switch and tried to avoid any mirrors. He kept his eyes shut and tight as he made his was to the large mirror that stood on his corner. He placed his hand to his forehead, exhaled, and opened his eyes, moving his hand away.
Noah gasped. A 4... He was terrified. His parents were 10's, and his sister was a 9. How would his family react? Or his friends, who were averagely 7's? Or society? He was meant to be the perfect son. He didn't need to be a 4.

Little did Noah know, his dad had seen his number in the reflection of the mirror, as he was standing behind him. As soon as Noah saw the large, tall, low-tempered, monstrosity of a human being, his heart stopped.

Noahs father grabbed his hand, pulling him close, then ramming him against the wall. When Noah cried in pain, his father looked disgusted.
"What? I raised a 4 and a weakling?" He found a hammer that Noah had been using on his kennel for their dog, and slammed it in Noahs hand. He was begging him to stop, to let him be.

Noahs mother walked in and saw the commotion. Knowing this would be his only chance, Noah ran. Out of the house, through the garden, and onto the road, barely missing a car. He knew he had to get away, but he didn't know where or how. It didn't matter to him honestly. He just ran.

Authors Note: K so this was not drafted except for the idea. If you like it please respond and give feedback.💖

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