Chapter 2 (editing)

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"My love what are you saying?" I whispered, standing.

Instinctively my hand reached for his, seeking comfort.

"Maybe I should have listened to mother... 'Only sleep with town girls my boy, maids always get to clingy'" he mimicked his mother in a supposed shrill female voice. That sounded very much like the Queen.

"Clingy? But my love?"

"Will you shut up?" The prince took a threatening step forward, forcing me to take an involuntary step back. "My love this... My love that... You know how annoying you sound?"

My lip started to quiver, and my eyes pooling with tears. My arms crept up to my shoulders, hugging myself tight. A sob escaped my lips.

"Tch" he hissed, before turning back to his horse. In one strong sweep he pulled himself back up into his original stance.

"Last night you said you loved me!" I cried, rushing to his horse, pulling at his shirt, attempting to pull him back to my level. Pull him back to me. "As I gave you... Everything. You said you loved me!"

He stared down at me for a moment. All emotion was gone for that moment. I felt my heart flutter, it's strings began strumming again at the thought of him stepping off his beast, getting on his knees and begging for forgiveness. Then he would shower me with kisses and...

His loud booming laughter filled the little garden meadow. With that my little heart strings shrivelled and curled with betrayal.

"Oh you stupid maid..." He said, his piercing gaze shooting straight through me. "I lied."

With a click of his tongue his white steed raced back through the brambles disappearing.

My eyes flew open, and a gasp of pain escaped my lips as my conscious flew back to my own body.

I released the maids hands to cover my sputtering cough. Tears sprung to my eyes and my throat seemed to close. This was the pain of a heart breaking. You feel as if though your dying from the inside out.

Sniffling could be heard across from me. Gena, the maid was furiously wiping tears.

"He is... And awful person." I breathed. Attempting to regain my previous composure.

"I just want to forget... I want to move on..." She whispered.

"I cannot make you forget, but I can make your heart whole." I took her hands once more, I closed my eyes on instinct, soon I could almost feel the bright red glow of the her new heart through her chest.


The white maid smiled gratefully as she left my tiny little shop.

(Below is unedited)

I walked to the back of the shop were a creaky staircase was located. At the top, by bedroom awaited me. I lay down in my bed, fully clothed and wrapped my soft blanket around me. My pillow was soft and I could feel the pull of sleep start to shut my eyes. Before I knew it,

I had drifted off to sleep.

The morning sun shone through the little curtains, it felt hot against my skin. I felt groggy, which meant I had slept perfectly.

As I got out of bed and started getting ready for the day, I thought about a dream I had last night. The White Prince was in it, tearing his maids' hearts out. In my dream, I was so upset. I had tried so hard to force him to stop but he wouldn't. As I stared at myself in my bathroom mirror, my eyes were were like windows to a sad soul as I remembered what his family did to mine.

As usual, my thoughts trailed off to the clouds and eventually I snapped back to reality. I forced a smile and instantly I felt better. Not happy, but better.

I brushed my shiny black locks and applied a small amount of mascara. The little tube was hard to come by, and I had spent a years worth of savings on it.

My high mood continued down the tiny steps into my shop. It was freezing, and shiver traveled down my spine. I knew I needed to set up shop for the day but I wandered to the window, opened the dusty curtains and savoured the sunlight hitting my face.

I gave a slight grunt. As I heaved a rock from the corner of my shop. A gush of wind blew my hair as I propped the front door open with the rock and let the sunlight pour in. Today is going to be a good day.

Before I could down and wait for customers, I needed to gather my apron from the dreaded hook behind the wooden counter. My body was petite, not to mention incredibly small, and I needed to leap several times before I could grab onto the neck of my apron.

I mustered as much energy as I could and leapt for the hook. Didn't reach it. I tried again, this time, I jogged before jumping.

"Do you need a little help?"

The voice from behind me startled me.
I tuned abruptly and whacked right into the person who spoke.

It was a guy, and a gorgeous one at that. His hair was long and blonde, with blue eyes that sparkled like water. He was wearing strange clothing, clearly foreign.

"Oh sorry!" I mumbled while trying to regain my focus.

"I just came in to ask for some help, are you busy?" His voice sounded nervous, the same way I was feeling. As he spoke he reached up and took my apron off its hook, then he held it out waiting or me to take it.

"No, no. I'm not busy at all. I just opened shop." I turned and sat down behind the counter.

"What can I help you with? Do you want me to fix your heart?"

"Wait, what? You can fix hearts?" He looked extremely confused at this point and I decided I should fill him in on local happenings, as he definitely was not from around here.

"Well, yeah. I can mend broken hearts using my family's inherited magic. Nobody else here has magic like this. Just me."
I gave a proud smile.

" That is so cool. This place..... Actually, is there a chance you can tell me where I am?"

"Wait, you don't know where we are?" I was starting to look as confused as he did.

"N-No I don't. I was just at a party, and I started to wander, and I walked in my garden, and I saw a rabbit, and I thought he talked-" He took a big breath because he was talking a million miles a minute.

"And I fell down a rabbit hole."

Hey guys! Give me your feed back and don't forget to vote! In the comments tell me who you think this mysterious guy is ;)

Xo tori and Iz

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