《 14. Fight or Flight. 》

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     The female took off all of her clothes and threw them in a laundry basket. She walked to the shower where the water was running at the perfect temperature. Her hand reached out to feel the water drip onto it and got in. She gasped, running her hand through her (H/C) hair, her hair getting wet as time passed by.

Without her realizing it, Michael had already found a way into her home. It was difficult to find an entrance since she kept everything locked. He had to come in through a window, that window being the one in her room.

(Y/N) used to open that window during the summer to let the cool air in whenever her air conditioning didn't work, there was probably an instance in which she just forgot to close that window shut.

The tall male examined his surroundings and listened to the sound of the shower going on. He slowly and quietly walked around, dirty, bloody hands going through her paperwork that was on her desk. It was school work, not her school work, but multiple kid's schoolwork. She was supposed to grade that stuff by the end of the month, which was today.

His attention went to a picture of her surrounded by a bunch of children. It was framed, so he picked it up, staring intensely at her. He bought it up close to his face as if he was sniffing it. A short while later he puts it back in its place and heads over to her closet.

Michael grabs the handle and pulls the door open, revealing a bunch of her clothes. On a shelf, he saw a decorated shoebox.

He grabbed it, the box is a tad heavy that he didn't even think there were shoes in there. It was an old box, worn out and traces of tape are there, making him get a feeling that the box he had in his hands is full of secrets.

Michael carefully placed in on the floor and opens it up. The first thing he sees are pictures with a younger version of himself and his best friend. He takes out his picture from the breast pocket in his jumpsuit and compares it. (Y/N)'s pictures look untouched, while his looks worn out.

It made him wonder many things.

If she had ever even looked at those pictures since she got them. The picture he held all these years are almost falling apart. Why? Because he simply can't take his eyes off of it. He wanted to remember her.

Did she even want to remember him?

Michael growled, feeling anger develop deep within him. His hands shook and stuffed his picture back in his pocket. He went through the rest of the stuff in the box, finding multiple drawings of her and him and the letters he sent to her.

One, in particular, caught his eye.

' I Have to get out of here. I want to hold and protect you. (Y/N) you mean the world to me and I'll KILL whoever touches you. '

He'd almost forgotten about this one. It was one of the last ones he wrote to her before he killed that nurse back at Smith's grove. He remembers feeling very empty since he couldn't see one of the first people that made him feel loved. It was torture, day by day passed by without having to see her.

He made it his mission to get back to her and his younger sister.  It's what mainly drove him to get the hell out of that dim-lit room and kill all those people who got in his way.

His eyes scan that letter again.

He's going to take the letter fot himself. He could use it for something.

The sound of the shower turning off immediately makes him stop what he was doing and quickly walks out of her room. Michael didn't bother to pick his mess back up or anything, he just stood at the other side of the hallway, staring right into her room without her noticing his presence.

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