《 5. Doodles. 》

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   She's not talking to him and he's getting really irritated.

It's the next day and Michael thought it was a good idea to arrive early to class, which caught his teacher by surprise. He was usually late. But this time he wanted to be there. Mostly because he thought (Y/N) got there early and she did, but there was just one problem. (Y/N) didn't talk to Michael.

He was taking his mother's advice. Michael is going to be her friend and not push her away as he did. She was odd, but he could use a friend.

It might be a good chance for him.

But now it was hard. Hard because (Y/N) just gave him a look and then walked off. It wasn't like yesterday when she just cheerfully came up to him after school.

   On the other hand, when the little lady woke up, she wasn't herself since she got sick all of a sudden. Yes, overnight she began to cough a lot, which made her get a sore throat. It made her lose her voice and she couldn't talk to anyone, especially Michael.

She feared that if she talked to anyone or even got near them they'll get sick. (Y/N) wasn't about to let that happen, so she kept away. The kiddo played with her pencil and doodled a few flowers in her notebook. Yep, she's certainly not herself today.

Her teacher noticed this behavior and as the rest of her classmates were doing their work, the tall female walked over to the ill child and placed her cool hand on her tiny forehead.

" Oh dear, you're burning up. Come, let's get you to the nurse. " (Y/N) nods, she got up from her seat and followed the teacher out.

Michael saw what was happening and bit his lip. He heard what the teacher said. (Y/N) is sick.

He had to admit something,  he felt a tad worried about her. Guess he'll have to at least do something for her and give it to her later, knowing that she won't come back into the classroom. The sick girl might just go home.

After a couple of minutes, (Y/N) came back, packed her things and walked out of the classroom without saying a thing.

What was he supposed to do now?


  (Y/N) was in her room. Her chest felt pain as well as her throat from the constant coughing. It only got worse when she got out of school. Her worried mother had taken her to the doctor and to get medicine. All she needed to do now was rest.

All of that drained her remaining energy and she knocked out on the way home. Now, she had just woken up from her slumber.

Her mother came into her room and gave her an odd-looking envelope. She had found it in the mailbox. Her daughter's name is written on it with a red crayon.

The confused girl took it and inspected it. The writing didn't seem familiar, but being the curious kid she is, she opened it to reveal a drawing. She assumed she was the (h/c) drawn on the left side of the page. On the right was a blond.

(Y/N) smiled to herself.

She now knew who sent this. It was non-other than Michael Myers.

How did she know? Well, there was a clown mask next to him, and she did remember that he was going to dress up as a clown on Halloween night.

" Honey, you're smiling. " Her mother pointed out and (Y/N) flipped the paper around to show her the drawing her new friend had made. She showed how great he is. Never has anyone bothered to send her anything when she was sick, not even a letter.

It made her feel fluffy.

She was going to make sure her drawing is really taken care of. (Y/N) will treasure this forever.

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