New Arrival

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Jungkook's POV

"Hey, Jin hyung, what do we have for breakfast today?" I asked.

"Oh, today I made some grilled chicken sandwich, ramen, salad and scramble eggs." Jin hyung replied.

"Where are the others?" I didn't see my other hyungs in the dining room, which is quite unnatural.

"Did you forget Kook? Yoongi is coming back from the iron gold pack today. Your other hyungs have gone to welcome him back in the pack .
He defeated their alpha and now you got another pack to rule."

"Oh my God, hyung! I totally forgot about it!!! Why didn't you guys tell me earlier? I could have gone with the others. I literally miss Yoongi hyung so much..."

"Well, don't forget that Hoseok saw you with Taehyung in the morning. You both were eating each others faces out! So, as your lovely, handsome and kind hyung, I thought that you should spend your morning with Taehyung. That's why I told the others not to disturb you and they listened to me. I'm amazing!" Jin hyung flipped his imaginary long hair while smirking.

Min Yoongi also known as Suga in the battle field is my best friend from my childhood. I met him first when I was 5 years old. He was then 10 years old.

My father brought him to our pack from an orphanage. His pack was destroyed by some other pack we don't know about. Dad adopted him under the name of our pack because he sensed how lonely hyung was. On top of that, he felt that hyung was a strong alpha and a very loyal friend.

At first, Suga hyung was cold with everyone. He didn't talk if it wasn't necessary and didn't come out of his room. But, gradually he warmed up to us. From that time me, my other hyungs and Suga hyung became best buddies.

Hyung gave me a lot of good advice and trained me to be the most powerful alpha I am now. He saved me from a lot of dangerous things, including my dad's scoldings.

He's the second governor of my pack. I've no hesitation to say that, if Namjoon hyung is the brain of the pack, then Yoongi hyung is the strength.

My hyungs complete me. They are the reason why I love my life and myself.

"....kook..Jungkook.....Jeon Fucking Jungkook!!!!!!"

"Ahhhhh!!!! What the hell Jin hyung!!! Why are you shouting in my ear?!!"

"Language, young man! I did not raise you to be like this!! I called you so many times. But, you did not respond to me. You were in your own fantasy! That's why I shouted so loud!"

"But, hyung! You also cursed at me." I said.

"I can curse at you whenever I want because I'm the oldest among all of you! So, I have every right to curse! By the way, where is Taehyung?"

I signed at hyung's childishness and replied, "He's taking a shower. After that, he will come downstairs to eat breakfast."

"Good morning, Jin hyung!" I heard the cheerful voice of my mate and looked behind me.

There my baby stood looking so cute and squishy in the morning.  I want to cuddle him so bad. I sometimes wonder, what would happen if we met in different circumstances. Then we would be all lovey dovey from the start.

But, I'm glad that we met in an uncommon situation. Because, we can now fall for each other like normal human beings and without the mate bond.

Of course, we are attracted to each other. But, it's not that strong because, we didn't mark each other. Most of the werewolves mark their mate the second they see each other. After that, they fall in love with each other because of the power of mate bond.

I always wanted to fall in love like normal people and without the mate bond. I'm very glad that Taehyung also wants this. I'm not against the mate bond. This bond is very special because, the Moon Goddess created it so that we can find our perfect life partner. I just want to fall in love with my mate and with his consent.

"Good morning, Tae! Come and sit down." Jin hyung happily replied.

"Where are the others?" Tae asked.

Jin hyung was about to reply but I beat him to it.

"They went to welcome one of our member's back in the pack. He's the second governor in the pack and my hyung. He was on a mission and he's returning today. He stays with all of us in the house." I said.

"Wow! Another hyung! You're so lucky have so many hyungs. They are also your good friends. I had no one to care for me or support me in my pack." At first, Tae was excited but while saying the last few sentences, he seemed sad.

"Don't worry, Tae! We are also your hyungs. We are going to love and protect you forever. You will never feel lonely again and I'm going to pamper you so much that you will be fed up because of me. Also, if this brat here mekes you sad then I'm gonna beat him to a pulp!!!" Jin hyung said.

"Hyung! I'm not a brat!!" I pouted.

Taehyung started laughing. His laugh is so beautiful. If I have to bear with Jin hyung calling me a 'brat' to see him laughing, then I'm ready to do it for the rest of my life.

"Hahaha....b-both of you look so funny w-while bickering!" Tae stopped laughing.

I smiled at him. "Oh I forgot to tell you that the hyung who is coming today is also my best friend from childhood. I'm not going to say his name because he likes to introduce himself." I said.

"That's great to hear. When is he coming?"

"Hobi hyung just mind linked me 15 minutes ago that they're quite near."

Before Tae could say anything else the main door was opened with a loud bang and all of us focused on the door.

"Hey, Tae! Meet my mate....." Jimin couldn't finish his sentence.

"Suga hyung..."

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