𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟿: 𝙰𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚎

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"New teammate and sensei? Why?" Sasuke asked Tsunade.

"Because one, Kakashi is in pretty bad shape and won't be able to go on any other missions for almost a week. Second, it's a two man squad now." Tsunade said.

"And we can't keep it that way? We handled ourselves pretty good when fighting the two Akatsuki members." Sasuke argued.

"Tsunade-sama, I wouldn't really mind having a teammate but throughout the years there hasn't been a problem when it's just us and Kakashi-sensei on missions, so why now?" Sakura asked.

"I'll admit it, you and Sakura carried your own weight and all but it wouldn't hurt if you had an extra hand to help you two out.."

Sasuke sighed. He wasn't very supportive of this new teammate and new sensei idea Tsunade had planned, mostly because he felt like the new teammate would have lots of things to learn about when joining and he wasn't sure if the new sensei would even know how to give orders correctly.

"Listen... I know these four years have been hard. I know you both miss Naruto deeply, trust me, I do as well." Tsunade says frowning and so did Sakura. "As much as I don't want anyone to fill his role in Team 7, I'm afraid I must... I'm sorry."

Sakura frowned and looked out the window and down at the village before turning to the hokage mansion where they found Naruto's "dead" body.

'I wish Naruto was here. Would this have happened if I joined Orochimaru?' Sasuke thought:

Before he could even say anything else they both heard someone burst through the door and saw a heavy breathing Shizune there.

"Tsunade-sama! We.... have... a problem!" She panted as she walked up to the desk.

They all looked at her worried. "And what is this problem, Shizune??" Tsunade asked.

"One of the Akatsuki members might be here! In the village!!" She said and Sakura gasped as Sasuke's brows furrowed.

Tsunade eyebrows furrowed as well as she bit down on her lip before slamming her hand on the desk.

"Send out every ANBU we got! If they're still here we don't know how strong they can be!" Tsunade ordered.

Naruto's POV

The water flowed peacefully, and the birds chirped and flew from tree to tree as the wind blew against them.

It was a new day, the sun shined bright over all of nature.

And there laid Naruto Uzumaki, against the hard rock cement, his legs in the water and the sword just above his head.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked at the beautiful blue sky with clouds.

"Am I dead?" He thought as he stared at the sky. "Probably, what a shame.."

"Baka, you're not dead."

Naruto gasped in surprise as he heard the Kyuubi's voice.

"Besides, if you were dead I wouldn't even be talking to you right now.."

"Thanks for the info.." Naruto said.

The blond slowly sat up, he felt very bad pain in his head, it felt as if it was about to split in half.

He had few scrapes and cut marks from his battle with Kisame. He couldn't really feel his hand as much.

"I was able to heal you a bit while you were out."

"Thanks Kyuubi.."

Naruto slowly got up and felt like he was about to fall again but stayed up and fought through the pain.

He looked over to see his mask, there were a few broken pieces and it was dirty but it was surprisingly still in good shape.

He picked it up along with his sword, he popped his neck and his fingers, relief flowing through his body.

He rested against a rock wall to help keep him standing a bit as he remembered all that had happened.

The last words Kisame said to him kept repeating in his head. 'Tobi sends his regards.'

Naruto then angrily punches the rock wall cursing as he felt pain in his knuckles and a bit of blood trickled out.

"After all I done.... this is how they repay me?!" Naruto mumbled as he took his fist off the rock.

"What now, Naruto?"

Naruto hasn't really thought of it as much of what to do.

"Seeing that the Akatsuki don't want anything to do with you, are you going back to the leaf?"

Naruto then thought about the old memories of the leaf.

He remembered all the verbal abuse he received from the villagers. Soon he remembered the academy days, Sakura and Ino always fighting over their precious Sasuke-kun.

He remembered all the punches he received from the two kunoichi's and how he wasn't treated fairly.

Finally he thought of Sasuke, he remembered their arguments and how the sole survivor of the Uchiha clan was always quiet and made it seem like he was the best out of everyone.

He remembered how he fought Sasuke at the final valley where long ago Madara and Hashirama, the first Hokage fought.
He remembered the promise he fulfilled for Sakura only to get punched in the gut by her when he was nearly dead and out of chakra.

He bit down on his lip just thinking about these horrrible memories that soon his hatred for Sasuke, Sakura, and the entire village grew.

And soon he thought that joining the Akatsuki would be the best idea, he stood by them for missions and such thinking that he had finally been accepted. How he was so wrong..

And now here he is, leaning against a rock in anger as his hatred grew even more for both the leaf village and the Akatsuki.

"No.. I'm not going back.." He replied to the Kyuubi.

The Nine-Tailed Fox looked down on his host in interest of what Naruto has planned.

"I'm tired of being treated like a damn toy to everyone. I was willing to give both the Leaf and the Akatsuki my all when it came to helping them, and look where that got me." He grumbled as he walked further and the pain in his body went away as his hatred took over.

"I've now realized that I can no longer depend on anyone anymore, except you and myself. I've let everyone get away with this but now I'm through with the shit." Naruto said as he put on his mask and removed the bandage from his head.

"I'm going to kill the Akatsuki. Every. Last. One. Of. Them." He said. "I won't back down from it either."

The Kyuubi's eyes then widened in shock as he looked in Naruto's eyes.

The Sharingan had finally awakened in his eyes, his hatred grew stronger and Kyuubi almost chuckled.

"Then when I'm done with the Akatsuki, I'm going to destroy the leaf. I'll for damn sure make it so that they feel the pain I felt throughout all the years I lived in that damn village!" He raised his voice.

"Those bastards didn't give a damn about me. But when I'm at their fucking doorstep they'll wish they did, and they'll be begging for their lives." He said grinning behind the mask.

"I'll have my way with Sasuke soon, both the Akatsuki and Leaf will fall down by my hands.. I'll show them what it's like to lose everything they've worked for. Believe it."

Naruto finished as he stood tall and went to a specific hideout he would go to, back in the academy days.

He promised himself he would destroy the Akatsuki and the Leaf, he would do so without remorse or guilt..

Naruto Uzumaki is no longer that high spirited boy who gave everyone second chances. He now had become darker, all the happiness in his heart had disappeared and was replaced by hatred...

"I'm all alone now.."

𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝  𝙵𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚍  𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑  𝙷𝚊𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚍 (Naruto) [Read Desc plz] Where stories live. Discover now