Chapter Ten

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Back in the cabin, Amir moved in with them, taking their bags upstairs, dumping Zafeer and Mary's in the main bedroom onto the double bed, then moved into the room Zafeer had stayed in. Sparky ran behind to be scooped up into his hand and held easily that started purring.

Zafeer organised food to be delivered that Mary packed away in the kitchen. Proper food, which made it feel different. Zafeer also contacted her boss, explaining that she wasn't going back, which they were happy to hear and of course they would see to everything.

Between Amir and Zafeer they brought all the other boxes inside, off towards the side, ready for Mary to go through. Keeping what she wanted, needed, and the rest was going to be given or taken away. The palace had given him as much time he needed to help their future princess through this time.

Boxed filled with clothes were put aside to be taken away and given to institutions like city mission, for people in need. The rest were all part of their lives that she packed away, locking away the memories that she shared with Zafeer, keeping what was important to her. It had been too hard to do this alone.

Now she had Zafeer, who always knew when she had enough, and took her out for long walks, or did some cooking together, mainly she cooked and he watched. On their walks, she opened up more and more, talking about herself and family. When she stumbled, he just took her into his arms and held her. Mary clutched at him tightly. He was her lifeline. Anything needed, Amir made sure it happened. Sparky had taken to him.

All done slowly, one step at a time. The more she talked about her family, the weight in her heart grew lighter and lighter. The personal items she was keeping were growing and growing, all a part of them. A special moment in time.

The hardest was facing her parent's old room, turning towards Zafeer at her side. "I don't know if I can do this." The room had been stripped bare, apart from the bed. "It's not right."

He gathered her against him, cradling her head into his shoulder, while she clutched at his shoulders. "It's alright, habibti, we will do what you want, however, the sofa is out, it nearly killed me last time." She laughed, burying her face into his shoulder, rubbing her face against, warming because she loved being in his arms. She had the best sleep in a long time, all because of him. Her hold tightened, sucking in a sharp breath, squeezing eyes tightly closed.

Threading a hand through her hair, he placed his lips against her hair. "What is it, Mary? You must talk to me; you cannot keep it inside of you anymore."

"What if I lose you," a shaken tight voice choked.

He cocooned her in his arms, holding her hard against him; face buried in her hair, breathing her in. "I could ask the same. There is no guarantee in this world. No one can."

"I know," she whimpered. "Just the thought of ..." She couldn't even speak of such things.

"And you cannot put your life on hold because of the fear of loss. Have you not lost enough already? Not just your family, but your own life that had been on hold for the last five years. Habibti," he cradled her face in his hand and guided her up, so she had to look into his dark, compassionate gaze that made her heart swell. "It is time to live, breath. Your family would not want this for you, because no one would. You were already surrounded by people who love you, here, and where you worked. You were just too scared to let them in. You let me in, having no idea what that means to me. You chose me, Mary."

She stared at him with a wide eyed look, slowly nodding, because she had. His fingers caressed her cheek, filling her with that wonderful feeling of warmth, her body tingling alive. All so new, these feelings, after being numb for so long. Reaching up, eyes shimmering with joyful tears, glowing, she touched his face with trembling fingers. "You touch me like no other," her voice breathless.

A very Mary Sheikhy Christmas - novella - completedWhere stories live. Discover now