Everybody Thinks I'm Crazy

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"Hey. Everybody..." the short Mexican guy paused, "I think Nico has a girlfriend we didn't know about." he finished with a smirk.

"Nico? Have a girlfriend? I don't believe it." a girl with choppy, brown hair stated.

"Oh. It's the Asclepius girl." A blonde girl stated, disinterested.

"Hi," a guy, wait, a male satyr said.

"Hey. What's your name?" another guy with short blonde hair asked.

"I highly doubt Nico has a girlfriend." a guy with darkish brown hair stated, "Anyways, I'm Percy, blondie is Annabeth, who is also known as my girlfriend, choppy hair is Piper, Mexican dude is Leo, the satyr is Grover, and the guy with the short blonde hair is Jason."

I nodded at each name.

"So sit down. And as Jason said earlier, what's your name?" He smiled.

I sat down and Nico sat across from me. To my left was the satyr, Grover. And to his left was Jason, then Percy.

To Nico's right was Leo and to Leo's right was Piper then Annabeth.

"My name is Demonna." I stated.

"Alright back to the subject at hand," Leo began, "Are you Nico's girlfr..."

I cut him off. "No."

"Ok. So what's your favorite color?" He asked.

"Light blue and black." I answered.

"Favorite plant?" Grover inquired.


"Month of birth?" Piper asked.


"Book?" Annabeth wondered.

"Any and all books."

"Weather?" Jason asked.

"Stormy with lots of thunder."

"Nice," he agreed.

"Hobbies?" Percy asked politely.

"Reading, drawing, and practicing my healing skills. What is this? 20 questions?" I remarked.

"Probably," Nico muttered.

"Oh my gods. Nico talked. Someone take me to an insane asylum. I think I'm going crazy." Leo stated, looking serious.

"You're not going crazy. I just feel like talking today." Nico stated, angrily.

I stifled a giggle and smirked behind my hand.

"So who's hungry?" Percy asked.

My stomach growled. Come to think of it, I didn't have lunch.

"Taco Tuesday. Yum." Leo stated eagerly.

"Yeah. Yum is correct!" Jason agreed. They all murmured in agreement.

All except for me and Nico.

"What about you Demi?" Nico spoke up so suddenly that the table instantly quieted down.

"Well... Um... I don't like tacos..." I said quietly.

"What do you like then?" Piper inquired.

"Pomegranates..." I trailed off.

"That's good. Nico likes pomegranates too." Percy chirped.

Nico blushed slightly.

"Is Nico blushing? Gods, what is going on here?" Leo exaggeratedly asked. Nico lost his blush and it was replaced with a glare. It was directed at Leo.

"You're still short. Something is definitely going on here." Jason joked.

"But I grew an inch since last month dude." Leo complained.

"Really? 'Cause you still look short to me." Annabeth teased.

"Alright! Who switched our personalities?!" Leo asked angrily.

"Oh gods, Leo is getting angry, Nico is actually talking in full sentences and blushing, Annabeth is teasing and Jason is joking. What else is going on that's wrong?" Percy groaned.

"Your complaining Percy. That's another thing that's wrong." Piper added.

I laughed. They stared at me. I laughed again.

"What's so funny?" Nico asked.

They stared at me expectantly.

"I don't know. I just felt like laughing. Which is something I never really do..." I trailed off then exclaimed, "Gods! Something really is going on here!"

"I think it's because you all are hungry." Grover stated.

"Well I didn't have lunch so that's probably it." I said in agreement.

"What were you doing that is more important than lunch?" Percy inquired.

"Hmmmmm," I thought, "Ask Nico. He knows."

"Oh gods. We didn't need to know that." Leo stated, grossed out.

"What? No! Ew! Gross! Jeez. We were exploring a cave. You, sir, have a messed up mind."

"No I don't! I'm just immature," he stated slowly.

"Alright I'll go get the food. You all stay here," Percy announced.

"Yay! Food!" Piper exclaimed, "I'm starving."

•Time Skip•

"Alright," Chiron boomed, "Time for offering then go to the campfire circle."

I grabbed the two pomegranates that I didn't eat and headed to my dad's, also known as Asclepius', offering shrine and placed a pomegranate in the fire and watched it be engulfed in the orange and yellow flames.

I turned around and debated with myself. Should I or should I not. I shouldn't, people will look at me like I'm crazy. But, I should, he never offers anything to his parent. I sighed in defeat of myself and walked over to the shrine no one ever offers anything to. The Hades Shrine. I stopped in front of it and dropped the pomegranate in the fires that eagerly ate it up hungering for more, then walked away.

Of course people stared at me and stopped doing what they were doing. So instead of shrinking down at all the unusual stares and looks that said SHE'S CRAZY!, I held my head up high, back straight, shoulders firm and unyielding and strutted proudly like it was something I did everyday. Which isn't exactly a lie. I do do it everyday, just after everyone leaves to go to bed for the night.

Although I usually bring more pomegranates.

I stopped at the bottom edge of the stands. People stared at me as they walked by probably thinking. She's a crazy one. I dismissed the stares and waited for whatever boring thing that was about to happen. But this time it wasn't boring.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2016 ⏰

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