Hey! You! Be my friend.

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"Jake! Unlock the door now!" I screamed as I pounded on the cabin door at my half brother.

"No! Go get a friend. And give me an hour." He added.

"You want me to not be here when you girlfriend gets here, isn't that the case." I said.

"That, and the fact you have no social life. Now go!" He added.

"Fine." I huffed.

I turned around and started descending the stairs. As I reached the last step I saw a boy about my age walking past the cabin.

"Hey! You! Be my friend!" I shouted to him.

He looked at me as he kept walking. It pissed me off that he ignored me.

I ran up to him and stopped in front of him. He narrowed his eyes at me.

"I'm serious, be my friend." I told him.

He started to walk off an I grabbed the front of his shirt. He glared at me but I ignored it.

"Look. I'm not very social and 'be my friend' is all I got. So could you make it easier on both of us and go to the beach with me."

He continued to glare at my hand on his shirt. He then looked up at me suspiciously and said,"Could you let go of my shirt. I don't liked to be touched."

"So he does talk." I stated whilist rolling my eyes. He glared at me again.

"So are you going to the beach with me?" I questioned.


•Time Skip•

"Sooooooo," I paused," this is the beach..."


"Ummmmm... I like the beach."


I cringed. Making a friend was gonna be harder than I originally thought.

"Do you like the beach?" I asked.

He sighed, looking sideways at me.

"Not really. How long do I have to stay here with you?"

I stopped and glared at him.

"Until we are friends."

"I'm not a very good friend." he said, looking at the water, as if to avoid my eyes.

"Neither am I. Let's be not-very-good-friends together." I stated.

He laughed quietly. "You're persistent aren't you?"

"I try my best. Hey, I never got your name." I said, grabbing his arm.

He glared at my hand again. And yet again I ignored his glare.

"It's Nico di Angelo."

I stared at him. In awe. Because he's the Ghost King.


"Well Nico, looks like we're gonna become great friends. Whether you like it or not."

He looked straight at me, with an amused smirk.

"If you say so."

Be My Friend (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now