twelve < DRINKS!

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AS RYN PULLED HER HAIR UP, she followed the scientist and the god of thunder

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AS RYN PULLED HER HAIR UP, she followed the scientist and the god of thunder. "Look, we're gonna go to Asgard, and you won't ever have to think of the Hulk ever again. Alright?" Thor soothed Bruce as they headed down the alleyway. "Okay."

Bruce turned, only to have green powder cover his face. He reached up, taking off Tony's sunglasses and spitting out some more powder that got into his mouth.

Thor and Ryn looked around the town, noticing all the Hulk fans dancing around. Green was everywhere, including a papier-mâché head of the Hulk. Thor and Ryn glanced at each other. Thor looked back. "Oh, this is bad."

A guard passed by, causing Thor to use his disguise to cover his face. Turning back to his friends, he noticed they weren't there. "Huh?! Banner?! Ryn?!"

Thor went into the crowd, searching for the two. He looked over a flight of stairs, seeing them in the middle of the crowd. Bruce looked afraid, and Ryn tried her best to calm him down.

Bruce backed up, accidentally bumping into a large creature. The creature stood up, turned and hovered over Bruce. He snarled at him, and Thor quickly slipped in front of him.

Suddenly, Ryn angrily stood in front of Thor. "Hey!"

As the beast growled in response, Ryn quickly and swiftly used her leg to knock the beast down to the ground. Behind the beast stood Brunnhilde. "I knew it was you, Ryn."

Ryn squealed and ran over to her best friend, giving her a big hug. As they separated, Ryn asked, "What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here? I thought you were leaving." Brunnhilde said, glancing behind Thor, noticing the small figure that was Bruce.

"We got... sidetracked." Thor explained.

Brunnhilde pointed to the raggedy cloth on both their heads. "What's with the-"

Thor interrupted. "It's our disguise."

"But I can see your face."

Thor reaches up to the cloth, and put it over his nose and mouth. "Not when I do this, you can't."

Ryn did the same thing, covering her face with the cloth. Brunnhilde rolled her eyes and walked away, slyly nodding for them to follow. The three followed, eventually ducking into a vacant building. Brunnhilde pointed at Bruce. "Who is this guy?"

Ryn's eyes went wide. "Brunnhilde! You'll never guess-"

"He's a friend." Thor interrupted. Ryn gave him a confused look.

Brunnhilde kept walking. "I feel like I know you."

"I feel like I know you too." Bruce said, confused. The four of them made their way down a hallway, until Brunnhilde finally stopped and turned around.

She shook her head. "Look, I've spent years in a haze, trying to forget my past. It seemed like the best place to drink, and forget, and die one day."

Thor nodded. "I was thinking you drank too much, and it was probably going to kill you."

"I don't plan to stop drinking." Brunnhilde said. Ryn sighed.


"But, I don't want to forget. I can't, anymore. So, if I'm gonna die, well, it may as well be driving my sword through the heart of that murderous hag." Brunnhilde said. After an awkward silence, she spoke again. "S-So what I'm saying is I wanna be on the team. Has it got a name?"

"Yeah... i-it's called.... t-t-the.. R-Revengers." Thor said, nodding at Bruce and Ryn. The two nodded back at Brunnhilde.

Thor explained. "Yeah, well, I'm getting revenge, you and Ryn are getting revenge.." Brunnhilde nodded, understanding the name. "What about you? You want to get revenge?" Thor looked at Bruce.

Bruce awkwardly looked at Brunnhilde. "I-I'm undecided."

"Also," Brunnhilde smiled. "I've got a peace offering."


AN AUTOMATIC DOOR SLID UP, REVEALING LOKI WRAPPED IN CHAINS. Loki started at the four of them, "Surprise...."

As Brunnhilde and Ryn entered, Thor eyed Loki suspiciously. He picked up an object from the table, and threw it at Loki, hitting him in the face. Loki sighed.

Thor gave a suspicious look. "Just had to be sure."

Thor and Bruce walked into the room. Bruce started at Loki, still pulling at the crotch of his pants. "Hello Bruce." Loki said. He looked at Ryn. "I don't think we've met yet. I'm Loki." Loki smiled. Ryn gave an uneasy smile back as Thor tensed up. "I'm Ryn."

Bruce spoke up. "So, last time I saw you, you were trying to kill everybody. Where are you these days?"

"It varies from moment to moment." Loki said, keeping eye contact with the scientist. Bruce's eyes widened as he looked down at him.

"Is that a Dragonfang?" Thor asked Brunnhilde, as she placed down a sword onto a table.

"It is." Brunnhilde said. Thor immediately walked over to the table.

"My god," Thor said quietly. He picked up the sword, gently holding it in his hands. "This is the famed sword of the Valkyrie."

Ryn giggled at the sudden excitement from the god.

"So, Saakar and Asgard are about as far apart as any two known systems." Brunnhilde explained, walking around Loki. "Our best bet is to wormhole just outside city limits. Refuel on Xandar, and we can be in Asgard is about... eighteen months?"

"Nope." Thor shook his head. Walking over, to the window, pointing the sword towards a large red portal. "We are going through the big one." Ryn gently grabbed Thor's arm and lowered it down.

"The Devil's Anus?" Brunnhilde asked with raised eyebrows.

Bruce looked up from a counter, eating various foods. "Anus? Waitwaitwait, who's anus?"

"For the record, I didn't know it was called that when I picked it." Thor clarified, causing Brunnhilde to roll her eyes and walk away. Bruce walked over.

"That looks like a collapsing neutron star inside a Einstein-Rosen bridge." Bruce said, pointing at the portal.

"That was oddly specific." Ryn said with a confused expression.

"We need another ship. That'll tear mine to pieces." Brunnhilde said, walking between the others with a bottle in her hand.

Ryn nodded. "We need one to withstand the damage that we are definitely going to take on our way to the... anus."

The others looked at her. Thor smirked. "That's a weird way of putting it but, yeah."

Brunnhilde raised her bottle to the air. "And one with cup holders cause we're gonna die so, drinks!"


author's note:
thank you so much for 1k reads! can't wait to go up from here.

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