One last fight...

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A/n: my dudes... this episode was... oh my god.

No ones POV:

Kore stood in front of Moff Gideon with her weapon at her side. Guns were being pointed at her but she just continued to stare him down.
"It seems you don't know why you are wanted after all." Moff grunted, annoyed.
"I know exactly why you want me Imp. I just didn't realize Kamino was still operating."
He raised an eyebrow at her and smirked. "So you are like the stories told. But does your power match?"
"Would you like a demonstration?" Kore said clenching her fist, fully ready to snap this guys neck.
The mans smirk soon turned to a scowl and her raised his arm pointing to one of the white stormtroopers. "Go ahead."
Without looking away, Kore lifted her hand and started to choke the man. She heard the sound of struggling but didn't look and just squeezed harder until she heard a cracking noise and let the man fall to the floor, dead.
"Hm. Lock her up." Two stormtroopers walked you to Kore but when she glared at them they stopped moving.
"There is a condition to my surrender."
"You think you're in the position to offer demands?"
"You think you're in the position to deny them?" Kore challenged. "You don't touch them. You have me, you don't need them."
Moff looked as if he was actually considering it. He walked over to and she immediately put up her defensives and pulled out her lightsaber. This caused him to take out his own weapon. Kores eyes widened at it and her grip only tightened on the handle of her weapon.
"A dark saber..." she muttered and started to swing for the man. He blocked and soon the sound of blade on blade was all around. Kore was playing on the defensive side, expertly blocking all Moffs hits. But she got distracted when she noticed an empty Mandalorian helmet on the side of a building. Moff chose this time to swing at her neck.
"Kore!" Came Mando's worried voice out of the building.
Kore turned and moved just in time, except it hit something. It hit the hilt of her lightsaber and with much force (force like power not the force) it went through and broke Kores lightsaber.
She looked down at the destroyed weapon that she once used to kill many and tossed it to the side. Moff came up to attack her once again and Kore dodged him as best she could until he got close enough that he could grab her.
His grip tightened on her right shoulder and he yanked her forward, a sudden burning pain coming from her left shoulder. The pain was almost overwhelming at first, causing her to barely register what Moff said.
"I don't do well with ultimatums and threats. Why would we just want just a short lived creature when we could have so much more?Don't worry, you'll still function with one arm."
Kores eyes looked to the left and she thought this had to be a sick joke. Her mind playing tricks on her. She didn't even realize the agonizing scream she'd let out, she was too focused on her arm no longer being attached to her. Her right hand shook violently as she focused all her energy on trying not to pass out, from pain or blood loss. Kore stopped the bleeding with the force but when she saw troopers setting up an E-web her mind scattered. A stormtrooper came up to her and tightly chained her arm to a metal cuff. She pulled at the metal and so much electricity passed through her arm, she was sure to have burns there.
Gun fire inside the building sounded and Moff chuckled.
"Your astute panic suggests that you understand your situation. I would prefer to avoid any further violence, and encourage a moment of consideration." He glances at Kore, who had tears running down her cheeks and her hand gripped on the nub that was her left shoulder but was glaring at him with the hatred of a thousand dying suns. "Members of my escort have completed assembly of an E-Web heavy repeating blaster. If you are unfamiliar with this weapon, I am sure that Republican Shock Trooper Carasynthia Dune of Alderaan will advise you that she has witnessed many of her ranks vaporized mid-descent facing their predecessor of this particular model. Or perhaps the decommissioned Mandalorian hunter, Dyn Djarin, has heard the songs of the Siege of Mandalore, when gunships outfitted with similar ordnance laid waste to fields of Mandalorian recruits in The Night of a Thousand Tears. Or Maybe the Sith Lord herself Kore Halo. Who saw to it that thousands of innocents were killed with this very weap-" Moff was cut off when Kore spit in his face.
He casually wiped the saliva off his face and took a backhand to hers before continuing on.
"I advise disgraced Magistrate Greef Karga to search the wisdom of his years and urge you to lay down your arms and come outside. The structure you are trapped in will be razed in short order and your stories lives will come to an unceremonious end."
"What do you propose?" Greef called out.
"Reasonable negotiation."
"Like you have enough humanity in you for that."
Moff glared at Kore. "I do not take insults from a monster of your kind."
"You need this monster for your own selfish reasons."
"What assurance do you offer?"
"If you're asking if you can trust me, you cannot."
"Yeah no sh*t."
"Just as you betrayed our business arrangement, I would gladly break any promise and watch you die at my hand. The assurance I give you is this: I will act in my own self-interest, which at this time involves your cooperation and benefit."
"You can go frick yourself."
"I will give you until nightfall, and then I will have the E-Web cannon open fire. Move her someplace, isolated."
A death trooper walked over to Kore and yanked her up by her arm. She grit her teeth in pain, feet digging into the dirt ground under her. As she was about to get dragged away the sound of blasters firing started around them. The IG-11 unit rode over on a speeder bike, jumping off it at the last second and letting it hit many stormtroopers. Everyone started shooting and Kore was able to slip away to one of the alleyways in the chaos. Let's just say the trooper watching her is indisposed at the moment. Gunfire from the building Cara and Mando were in cane out, followed by Mando. He shot the first stormtrooper and then battle more.
Kore watched from the sidelines, but she was never one to stay away from the havoc of the battlefield for long. She began throwing a few stormtroopers got too close to Mando into buildings, trying to keep an eye out for Moff but couldn't spot him in the shape she was.
She had gotten distracted by the IG-11 unit being shot at and immediately went to help. With one forceful blast, she knocked over and killed the group that was shooting at the droid and the child.
The child looked at her with his big eyes and started to reach for her arm when she stopped him. She shook her head and kissed his forehead then pushed the droid away.
"Protect him." She said, no hesitation in her voice.
"Of course."
Right then an explosion was heard and two stormtroopers and two death troopers entered the building Cara was in. Kore nodded to the droid and ran after them. Her chest was tightening so much it became hard to breathe and Kore could swear she was going to die. She was going to die and it'd be soon. Kore wanted to rest... she had to rest. Tears filled her eyes as Kore continued to push herself to go and help someone who hated her for what she'd done.
The moment Kore was in the doorway she snapped two stormtroopers necks and stopped a blast from hitting her.
Sweat poured from her head as she screamed in pain and redirected the blast to hit a trooper that was about to shoot her. Cara looked at Kore, who looked awful. She was breathing harder then one should ever and looked like she was going to collapse when something caught her eye.
Kore watched as Moff shot Mando in the back of his helmet.
"No..." Kore panted. Her legs felt like lead. She couldn't move.
Mando moved so he pointed the E-Web gun at Moff, who was also aiming his weapon at him. They were in a standoff for less then a second before Moff shot the processor next to Mando and watched as it exploded. Kore could feel the blast from where she stood, watching as Mando was blown backwards, knocked out for a brief moment.
"NO!" Kore screamed so loud and powerful it blew back a few troopers. She fell to the ground crying, too tired to move, too ashamed she couldn't do anything to help the man she loved. A death trooper came up to her and forcefully picked her up, sending shooting pain throughout her body.
Cara, the IG-11 droid and Greef started shooting rapidly at the group, Cara coming over and picking up Mando's body and bringing him back into the building.
Moff looked pissed and Kore was still sobbing, different kinds of pain causing this.
"Burn them out." He growled.
"I CAN AND WILL!" He shouted at Kore before hitting her once again.
Her face was red from crying and from being hit so many times, a bruise under her eye forming.
"When you die, it'll be my hand. I'll make sure it's slow and painful and you'll beg for mercy but it will never end. I'll make sure you hurt just enough so you wish you were dead but you will never die. You'll be awake always to endure the hell which I will unleash upon you." Kore's chest filled with burning, searing hatred. She typically kept these emotions at bay but right now they spilled out like an ugly horrid oil leak, infecting everything.
Moff looked at her, clear hatred for the girl evident on his features. If not for what they could take from this girl he would've shot her in the head.
A stormtrooper with red war paint and a blow torch walked to the front of the building and started to roast the building. Kore screamed again and Moff had her muzzled. The stormtrooper walked around and started to shoot flames into the building again.
A few moments later the fire suddenly shot backwards and killed the stormtrooper.
Kores eyes widened and she watched as Moff was focused on this scene and took her chance. Gathering up what strength she could, Kore got up and got the cuff off her arm, before throwing it at Moffs head, using the force to it hit much harder. She broke into a sprint and weaved through the alleyways, shaking off any stormtroopers that were following her.
She found an entrance to sewers and went in. It was dark and cold inside them, a stark contrast to the burning feeling her skin had. Chills went down her back and relief flooded her so quick she almost fell to the floor. She knew she wasn't safe but for the moment she didn't have to run or fight or anything.
"Rest... just for a moment.... yeah... just a moment." Kore was convincing herself if she rested just this moment she'd get up and look for Dyn. But the moment she closed her eyes everything was over. Her breathing started to slow... the pain numbed away to barely a memory. The sweet taste of still darkness.
"Kore." The voice rang out like a shot.
Kores eyes shot open and she looked around.
"Dyn?!" She shouted but no one was there. Tears made their way back to her eyes and Kore begrudgingly got up, trying to make her way through the maze of tunnels. She had no clue where she was going by sight, but she knew it was right. She could feel it in her soul... they're were just this way... right... left... straight two openings... left... straight one opening... left.
As Kore turned the corner she was met the barrel of a blaster. She raised her hand instinctively, blasting the droid backwards by accident.
"Oh god, I'm sorry!" She said, rushing over and tried to help him up, but in reality did basically nothing. They walked over to the opening and Kore saw everyone. They all looked over edge until they saw the two.
"You are protected." The droid spoke.
"Dyn...." Kore breathed out, not believing her eyes. So much has happened it felt like the last time she saw him was months ago when in reality it had to be only an hour and a half at most.
"Kore." He said and then rushed over to her, taking her into his arms and not letting go. She wrapped her arm (a/n: lol I was about to write arms then I remembered.....) around his neck, ignoring the pain she was in, just happy to be back by his side. He put her down and immediately started to look her over, inspecting all of her wounds. His eyes lingered on her missing arm and he ran his thumb over the skin next to it. He moved onto the bruise under her eye, then the cut on her lip, and finally the burns on her wrist.
He felt angry and sad and so many emotions at once. He wanted to hold her in his arms at that moment, telling her it was going to be fine. But he couldn't do that. Not yet.
"Are you okay?" She asked him. Kore was still worried about the explosion from earlier.
Mando was shocked to say the least. She looked like she went through hell, she lost her arm for gods sake, and was asking if he was okay. He was angry he didn't stop it from happening.
"Are you going to be okay?" She asked again, this time, tears flowing down her cheeks. She felt ashamed she couldn't prevent it from happening.
"I'm going to be fine... I'm sorry."
"What? Why are you sorry?"
"I... I watched-" he clenched his fist and looked away.
"Hey.. hey look at me." Kore used her hand to have him looking at her again. "I chose to go out there. I chose to try and rationalize with an irrational man. This is on me."
"No, it's not."
"We can't be having this argument right now Dyn."
"You lost something-"
"It's just a limb Dyn. I can live without it. If I had lost you? That's not something I could do easily live without."
Kore pressed her head against Dyn's helmet and sighed.
"Uh guys? Not to break up this, touching moment, but there's going to be more Imps if we don't leave soon." Cara chimed in.
Mando looked over at her and nodded. He reluctantly let go of Kore and walked over to the Armorer.
"More will come. You must go."
"Come with us."
"My place is here. Restock your munitions."
She nodded to the table off to the side and then walked over to the droid.
"IG, carry this for Dyn Djarin until he is well enough to wear it. Now, go."
The droid came and took the pack before walking away. Greef and Cara followed but then Cara stopped and walked over to Kore, trying to hand her the child. Kore looked at the child who was cooing and looking at her.
She shook her head and gently pushed him back.
"Mind holding him for a bit? I can't exactly.... I can't hold him and protect him."
Cara nodded then left, leaving Kore and Mando with the Armorer.
"Be sage on your journey."
"Thank you."
Mando grabbed Kores hand and the two left, catching up with Greef and Cara. Soon they made it to the lava river and found the old ferry.
"The ferry droid is fried."
"He works in lava what do you expect?"
"Yeah, but if we push the boat out, we can get it to float downstream."
"Looks old. Will it take the heat?"
"You got a better idea?"
"Guess not."
Greef and Mando tried pushing it but it didn't budge. Kore guessed after all the time of no one using it it melted into the structure. Cara and Kore looked at each other and shook their heads.
Mando kicked the ferry and went to go get a stick to try and lodge it in between the ship.
"Come on! What're you doing?"
"Let's try this."
Kore leaned over to Cara. "Should we help them? This is getting sad..."
Cara got out her gun and pointed it at the ship.
"You guys mind getting out of the way?"
When they saw the gun they immediately backed away and let her shoot. The ship separated from the platform and Cara smiled satisfied with her work.
"Good job." Greef spoke.
They all hoped on the ship and the droid chose to say "Watch your feet. It's molten lava."
Cara looked at him and rolled her eyes. "No kidding."
They started down stream when the ferry droid woke up and started chirping.
"I don't suppose anybody here speaks droid?"
"He's asking where we want to go." Kore said.
They all turned to her.
"Down river. To the lava flat."
The droid beeped and started to paddle.
Mando walked over to where Kore was sitting and took a seat next to her.
"You speak droid?"
"It's one of my many talents." Kore looked around and stared at the river of lava. "This reminds me of Mustafar."
"You take ferry's down streams of lava on Mustafar?" Mando jokes and Kore lightly hit him in the arm. She shook her head and leaned against Mando's arm, wanting to take his hand in hers but since he was on the left of her she couldn't. She swore she could feel her hand flexing, moving each finger, but when she looked down there was nothing.
Mando put a hand under her chin and lifted up.
"Hey, we'll fix this. Okay? I promise."
Kore smiled at him and leaned onto his shoulder.
The ferry moved slowly but soon they were almost to the end.
"That's it. We're free!"
"Why you gotta jinx us man?" Kore asked, looking at Greef.
Mando looked down at the tunnel. "No. No, we're not. Stormtroopers. They're flanking the mouth of the tunnel. It looks like an entire platoon. They must know we're coming."
"Stop the boat. Hey, droid, I said stop the boat." Cara yelled but the droid didn't listen.
"Hey! I'm talking to you." She walked over to the droid and pointed her blaster at it.
"Cara, he's busted-" Kore tried telling her before Cara fired and the droids head came off.
"We're still moving."
"Looks like we fight."
"There are too many."
"Then what do you suggest? 'Cause I can't surrender."
"If we get close enough I can possibly get them all in one hit but it won't be pretty."
"No. You aren't in a well enough state to do anything."
"I'm fine."
"Kore if you weren't using that thing-"
"The force."
"Whatever. If you weren't using it on your arm you'd die. You aren't doing it."
"They will not be satisfied with anything less than Kore and the child. This is unacceptable. I will eliminate the enemy and you will escape."
"You don't have that kind of firepower, pal. You wouldn't even get to daylight."
"That is not my objective."
Mando looked at the IG and Kore knew what Mando was feeling.
"We're getting close. Saddle up." Cara handed the IG the child and walked over to the front.
"I still have the security protocols from my manufacturer. If my designs are compromised, I must self destruct."
"What're you talking about?"
"I am not permitted to be captured. I must be destroyed."
"Are we gonna keep talking, or get out of here?"
"Shut up Greef!"
"I can no longer carry this for you. Nor can I watch over the child." The droid handed Kore the child and she held him close to her chest.
"Wait. You self-destruct. Your base command is to watch the child. That supersedes your manufacturers protocol, right?"
"This is correct."
"Good. Now, grab a blaster and help us shoot our way out."
"Victory through combat is impossible. We will be captured. The child will be lost. Sadly, there is no scenario where the child is saved, in which I survive."
Kore's mind races and she felt a weight of sadness fall on her. She didn't know the droid very well but it was the last attachment to Kuiil.
"Listen, you're not going anywhere. We need you. Let's just come up with a.."
"Please tell me the child will be safe in your care. If you do so, I can default to my secondary command."
"But you'll be destroyed."
"And you will live, and I will have served my purpose."
"No we need you."
"Dyn... the child will be safe IG."
The droid nodded and turned to Mando. "There is nothing to be sad about. I have never been alive."
"I'm not sad." Mando said defensively.
"Yes, you are. I'm a nurse droid. I've analyzed your voice." The droid reached out to the child one last time before he stepped into the lava and walked to the opening of the tunnel. Everyone watched as the droid blew up and Kore held the child closer to her chest.
When they finally made it out of the tunnel, everyone had their blasters at the ready. No one near survived the blast, but then they heard the sound of a tie fighter engine.
"Mother f-really?!" Kore sighed exasperated.
It started to shoot at them and Kore covered the child while the other shot back.
"He missed!" Greef said.
"Don't bet on it happening again!"
"Our blasters are useless against him."
"Let's make the baby do the magic hand thing. Come on, baby! Do the magic hand thing."
Kore looked at him, not sure how someone could be this big of an idiot. The child just waved back at him.
"Are you always this stupid?"
Greef just ignored her insults. "I'm out of ideas."
"You has non to begin with, what do you mean out of."
"I'm not." Mando spoke and Kore looked at him, reading his thoughts.
"Oh you're an idiot too."
As Moff looped around and started back towards them Mando got his pack and placed it on his back. He started it and looked between the tie fighter and Mando, not liking this plan one bit. As Moff neared he started shooting and the moment before he flew over them, Mando shot upwards and attached himself to the ship.
He was being flung around like a rag doll and Kore put her hand on her forehead, groaning.
She couldn't tell what was happening but when Mando let go of the ship, her heart rate sky rocketed, worry coursing through her.
The tie fighters wing blew up and the ship crashed nearby but Kore was too focused on Mando. He was falling but right before he hit the ground his pack went on and he landed on both feet.
Kore rushed over to him and hugged him, then pushed him to the floor, knowing if she slapped him it'd only hurt her. Stupid armor.
"If you EVER do that again I swear I'm going to kill you." She threatened.
Greef and Cara laughed as they neared the two.
"That was impressive, Mando. Very impressive. It looks like your Guild rates have just gone up."
"Any more stormtroopers?"
"I think we've cleaned up the town. I'm thinking of staying around just to be sure." Cara said with a smile. Kore smiled back and nodded, taking the child from her.
"You're staying here?"
"Well, why not? Nevarro is a very fine planet. And now that the scum and villainy have been washed away, it's very respectable again."
"As a bounty hunter hive?"
"Some of my favorite people are bounty hunters. And perhaps, this specimen of soldier might consider joining our ranks."
"Yeah. I've got some clerical concerns regarding my chain code."
"And if you would agree to become my enforcer, clerical concerns would be the least of your worries. But you, my friend, you will be welcome back into the Guild with open arms. So, go off, enjoy yourself. And when you're ready to return, you will have the pick of all quarries."
Mando looked at Kore, who was holding the child and watching the three talk.
"I'm afraid I have more pressing matters at hand."
"Take care of those two."
"Or maybe, they'll take care of you."
The three nodded and walked off, back to the ship. It was almost nightfall by the time they reached the ship and they chose to bury Kuiil after finding his body. Kore placed his helmet atop the mound of rocks they made. After this they boarded the ship and flew off the planet.
The baby was gnawing on something and Kore took it out of its mouth. "What's this?" She asked.
Mando turned and looked at them. He touched the metal signet and spoke "I didn't think I'd see this again. Why don't you hang onto that?"
They started flying and Mando put the ship on autopilot. He turned to Kore and motioned for her to follow him, which she did. They got down to the lower of the ship. He got out a few medpacs and once Kore noticed what he was doing, she took off her top (she still had on her undergarments ya nasty people, she ain't no hoe.) to let him have an easier time cleaning it. He started to disinfect her wound and then wrapped it. Once he was done, his fingers lingered on the newly wrapped wound.
"What does it feel like?" He asked.
"I sometimes feel like I still have it. It's odd. How's your head? You were shot and blown up..." Kore touched the back of Dyn's head and he grabbed her hand. He moved it away and started to take it off when Kore stopped him.
"Wait... you can't. You can't take it off in front of anybody."
"You aren't just anybody Kore." He answer held no hesitation in it that it stunned Kore and she took her hands away to let him remove his helmet. Kores hand touched his cheek and he leaned into the touch. Her eyes looked over every feature, wanting to memorize everything. She took notice of a few scraps along his face and joked, "How is it you wear a helmet and still manage to hurt your face?"
His face scrunched up as he chuckled and Kore didn't think she could love him anymore then she already did.
"You're so handsome..." she breathed out before placing gentle kisses along each cut.
"I love you Kore." He spoke and Kore froze before melting into the words and hugging him close.
"I love you too, Dyn."
Kore sat in the lower of the ship while Mando and the child were in the cockpit. She was sitting on her knees, on a blanket with a small white crystal in front of her. Her eyes were closed and her breathes were calm and controlled as she focused on the force, and the crystal in front of her.
She'd been down her for a week, having told Mando not to come down so she'd be alone. Meditating was something she hadn't done in a while but when she sat down it all came back to her.
Slowly the hum of the ship started to return to her hearing and her eyes opened. Kore looked down at the white kyber crystal in front of her and smiled. It was ready.

A/n: OH MY GOD GUYS AHHHHHHH I HOPE YALL LIKE THIS CHAPTER THAT EPISODE THOOOOOO SO MUCH HAPPENED!!!! I can't wait till fall of next year for more.... I might die..... anyways I hope y'all liked it!!!
- emo

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