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maisie's pov:
i've been living with joe for over a week now and i'm so happy with my life but i still have my down days. depression is a thing a suffer with and i was diagnosed with it at the age of 13. i've had help but it didn't seem to work. i used to self harm and starve myself as i didn't feel like i was enough to be in this earth. it's hard but i have to fake i'm happy for the sake of others

i walk downstairs into the kitchen to find joe sitting up the island with a bowl of cereal
"hey mais" he greeted me
"h-heya" i stuttered
"you alright?" he said raising an eyebrow
i nodded my head not speaking so i couldn't give it away
i grabbed myself a coffee and sat at the sofa and went onto my phone. a text popped up from lily
meet me in the park in 5 it's urgent

wtf. i got up and rushed to my room to get changed into something appropriate to go out in. i brushed my hair and teeth and skipped putting in makeup as i was in a rush. i wonder what she wants.
i put my shoes on near the door when joe shouts me
"where you going?"
"lily said she needs to meet me at the park now" i said out of breath
"be safe" he replied coming over to me and hugged me
i smiled back and ran out of the door all the way to the park. it's only a 3 minute run. i got to the park and saw no one here. i pulled out my phone and texted her asking where she was when i felt a sharp pain in my leg. i looked down and i had been stabbed. i looked behind me and there stood lily and 2 other girls who i couldn't quite recognise.
"wha-what's going o-on?" i asked trying to to screem. suddenly all three of them started punching me and kicking me to the ground in my stomach. the pain was unbearable. i tried screening but saw darkness.

joes pov:
it had been 2 hours and i've been texting maisie to see where she is but each time i had no reply. i started to wonder where she was. it's not like her to not reply. i decided to go out and find her at the park.
once i got there saw a crowd of people. i eventually got closer and saw that everyone was staring at maisie unconscious on the ground and paramedics helping her
"woah, omg maisie" i said crouching down
"excuse me sir can you step back we need to get her inside an ambulance" a paramedic pulled me back
"that's my daughter" i cried
"come with us" i followed them to the ambulance and travelled to the hospital staring at maisie the whole way. she looked so pale and bruised. what an earth happened?

maisiee pov:
i woke up in a hospital bed attached to a drip. i sat up confused
"lay back down and rest" a voice spoke. i turned to my left to see joe sat there. he looked tired and worn out
i did as he said and stared at the ceiling
"i'm sorry" i cried. joe quickly got up and stood by my side.
"there's no need to be sorry mais, i just want to know what happened" joe said stroking my head. i took a breath and decided to explain

"she did that to you?" he asked again
i nodded my head in tears
"i don't know what i've done to deserve that?" i sighed
"neither do i but at least you're alive" joe said getting me a bottle of water from the cart at the end of my bed and i huffed back at his response. his head snapped towards me and pulled a confused face and i just looked down.
there was an awkward silence until the doctor walked in the room
"maisie, you can go home as soon as you want you just need to be careful as rest for a few days" he spoke and i nodded my head
"can i please have a word with joe" he said and joe followed him out of the room. i wonder what they're talking about

joes pov:
"this is probably going to be hard news to receive but we did a couple tests on maisie and she had depression, anxiety and is under weight majorly for her age. she also has a few self harm scars on her legs, some new and some old" the doctor spoke looking at his paper
i stood there shocked. such a young beautiful girl suffering with so much and never said anything.
i nodded my head and walked back into the room trying to process what i've just been told.
"everything okay?" maisie asked
i nodded my head
"we best get going home" i spoke quietly
maisie looked at me confused but got up and ready to leave

we reached the house and maisie layed down on the couch and i sat beside her turning on the tv
"tomorrows your birthday right?" maisie said and i smiled
"and i'm having a strictly/birthday party" i said grinning
"oh yeh, i need to get my outfit ready" maisie said about to get up
"no you're not doing anything now.  auntie zoe will help you tomorrow when you're feeling better" i said stopping her from getting up
and she sighed
"what did the doctor say to you?" she said curiously
my stomach filled with anxiety. i don't know how to tell her
"urmmm"i gulped
maisie laughed
"come on, it can't be that bad"
"actually it is and i don't know how to put it" i replied rubbing my hand through my hair
"w-why would you hurt yourself mais, you have so much to to live for" i stuttered holding back my tears
her eyes went wide
"h-how did they find out?" she whispered
"they said the scars on your legs are bad" i said softly
she broke down in tears
"i'm sorry i'm a disappointment" i rushed to her side and pulled her gently into a hug
"don't ever think that. shhhh breathe" i reassured
she eventually calmed down
"if you ever want to do it again just tell me okay, i'll be there for you" i said kissing her forehead
"t-thank you"

the next day:
maisie's pov:
it's joes birthday and zoe just picked out a cute outfit for me to wear. the party starts in 30 minutes and i'm waiting for joes strictly partner to be revealed as he hasn't told me who it is yet.
"you alright maisie?" joe said walking past me getting a woman with bright red hair a drink.
"yeah i'm just fed up of waiting to find out who your partner is" i spoke pretending to be angry
the woman chuckled and joe smirked
"what's so funny?" i asked confused
"maisie meet dianne, dianne meet maisie" joe introduced us to eachother
"WAIT" i shouted
"shhhh, no one else knows" he laughed
"oops sorry" i said sheepishly and they laughed walking off together. they kind of look cute together.

it's been an hour since everyone found out and the party has officially begun. lots of people are tipsy and i'm sitting with zoe as she doesn't drink
"so what do you like doing in your spare time then?" zoe asked me
"urm well i did used to do dance lessons before i went into the care home. i wanted to carry on but the care home wouldn't allow it" i said putting my head down
"awe i'm sure joe will pay for you to have them" she smiled at me
"really?" i asked smiling back
"of course, you mean the world to him" she giggled and she looked towards him who was dancing with dianne. he looked over our way and shouted my name. i went over and he started to dance with me
"come on maisie, show us your moves" dianne danced along with the music and i laughed at her. i started to dance and she applauded me and i thanked her.
it was a little later and i was on my way to go to my room when i got a shooting pain in my stomach and i ran to the toilet and threw up blood. someone behind me started to tie up my hair. after i finished i turned around and was stood dianne
"i know i don't know you that well but i don't think that's normal" she spoke rubbing my back
"it's fine. i got into an accident yesterday and the doctor said it might happen" she raised an eyebrow and proceeded to help me clear up.
"please don't tell joe though"
"why not?" she said putting bleach in the toilet
"because he'll go into panic mode and i want him to enjoy his party" i looked down and she said okay and hugged me
i thanked her and we walked back out together.

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