Chapter 1

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Beep... Beep... Beep...

I listen to the machine as I sit and wait. Wait for my family to come, wait for my friends to come... wait for... My husband to come. I'm not sure how long I've been here but my back is sweaty so I'm guessing its been at least an hour or so.  I'm just waking up and my head is pounding my heart is beating so fast but yet so slow. I push the button for a nurse and she comes almost immediately.

  "Hey there Mrs. Wood how are you this morning? And what can I get you?" She walks in all smiles, I've had her before it must be Thursday or Saturday she only works two days of the week. Which means I've been here longer than I thought. 

  "Please.."  I say, my throat a bit sore. "I told you Amanda just call me Madison. Also a glass of ice water would be nice. Lots of crushed ice... and some fruit I'm starving."  She walks over and checks my vitals and listen to my heart.  She's pretty quiet this time around normally I cant get her to shut up. 

    "What day is it? And where are my clothes, phone, shoes? I don't see any of my things " I ask , she stares at me for a bit before answering.

"Madison is everything okay? This is the 5th time you've been here this month and I'm concerned. I jus--

    "Just answer my question please !" I cut her off before she starts asking more questions. "And where's my husband?" I know I sound like a complete ass right now but the last thing I need is another input on my life. He loves me that's all that matters.

"Its Thursday, you've been here for almost 36 hours. Do you remember what happened?" I stare at her and there's an awkward silence before she starts  talking again. "He took your clothes home there was blood over them and he said he would wash them and bring you fresh clothes. And I believe he said he took your phone to charge it because it died. Do you need me to call Derek for you? I'm sure he'll be glad to know you're awake."

 "No, just bring me what I asked for my throat is really dry." She walks over to the door and before leaving she turns around and looks at me again. " Stacy is in the waiting room should I send her in?" I give a nod and she left. I close my eyes just for a second because I'm just so tired.    

Three days... I've been here three days and can't remember what happened. I remember having dinner and I remember us getting in the car heading home. Derek was so angry that night and we had an argument. Next thing you know I'm waking up in a hospital bed. I feel someone touching my arm and I slowly open my eyes.

"Madison! Thank god you're awake you had me so worried I cant believe this happened  you were asleep for so long I didn't know if you were gonna wake up." She's crying so hard and hugging me so tight it literary hurts but I don't care, in this moment she's the best thing that has happened to me today. "It was him wasn't it, Derek did this to you." She releases me from her grasp and looks me dead in the eye."

"Honestly I don't remember, I know we had dinner and there was an argument on the way home and then I woke up here." She starts to speak but Amanda walks in and sit my food down there's oatmeal and berries, with two cartons of apple juice, a cup for water and a pitcher of  ice.

"After you eat i'll be back to check on you  but I'm sure you'll be able to get discharged today. Now, are you sure you don't want me to call Derek for you?

"He's at work right now so I don't want to bother him ,plus I have Stacy if I need anything." She turns and leave and I take a huge drink of water before talking to Stacy. "I need you to go and find my phone and something to wear he took everything to the house and I want you to take me home when I'm discharged. You still have a spare?"

She digs in her purse and gets my housekey out. "I'll be back in an hour or so but you eat and get some rest love I'll see you soon." She walks out and I finish my food. When I'm done I walk over to the bathroom. I start sobbing when I look in the mirror. My hair is shorter, not super short but I've definitely had a few inches cut off. There's a bruise on my right cheek, a bruise on my left ribcage and a small cut on my leg. What the hell happened that night? I wash my hands and head back to bed. Its 10:30 Stacy should be back soon I'll take a nap until then.


The sound of the monitor is so peaceful as I drift off to sleep

I wake up to the sound of Amanda calling my name. "Mrs. Wood!" she says and I open my eyes and look around the room. "Umm Madison I'm back to discharge you and Stacy is in the waiting room but here are your clothes and phone."

 She points to the end of the bed where there's a plastic bag with clothes shoes and my phone inside along with some shower supply. Thank goodness cause I need a shower and just like their ice Hospital showers are the best.

"Now just keep some ice on those wounds and take it easy for a while I'm writing you a note to not return to work for about a week do you have any questions Mrs. Wood? "

"What does my file say happened to me? Did my husband say anything?" I look at her as she studies the file.

"It says that you guys were in a car accident. Mr. Wood is fine he left with a few stitches but was clear to head back to work after a days rest."

"WHAT?  and you were just gonna let me leave  not telling me my husband has stitches!" She takes a small step back and looks slightly afraid. " I'm sorry I thought you new my apologies. here's your Dr. note have a great day Miss." She hands me the paper and basically runs out the door. I grab my phone and send a message to Derek. 

About to leave the hospital Stacy brought me some clothes and were going to lunch when I leave  I'm fine I'll  see you when you get home babe Love You.

I take a shower and get dressed, when I'm ready I look at my phone and there's a reply from my mom and Derek. I'll call mom in the car and decide to open Dereks message.

So glad that you're okay darling I love you and I have a surprise for you later tonight be safe and have fun with Stacy I Love You

P.S Unfortounatly I have to work late tonight but I'll  have John stop by and deliver your give

Its moments like this where I'm glad I have him I grab my things and head out the door. Despite what happened today I'm gonna turn it into a great one.  I meet Stacy in the waiting room and we walk out the hospital it feels so good to feel the sun on my face and the breeze flow through my hair now off to have a great after noon with my best friend.

But... he loves meDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora