VX. Buying his forever home

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"You seem to be taking your training seriously." Sasuke said as he watched as Sakura increased her pure strength by push ups, and running laps around the forest. She stopped and panted, looking at Sasuke.

"I was an asshole to Naruto, and being attacked by those ninjas and freezing like that showed me that I was really ignorant, I won't always be protected, and I feel a lot more powerful in the one month of training." Sasuke sighed and ruffled Sakura's hair.

"I'm proud of you, however it's late we should head inside." Sasuke said and they heard the sliding door open, Naruto came out and saw his teammates aura.

Sasuke was calm.

Sakura was regret, inferior.

He could finally believe in his teammates, not so much Kakashi just yet, and he wasn't sure why he was taking so long.

"Wanna spar Sakura?" Naruto asked and Sakura nodded.

"Thank you." Naruto nodded and got in position, Sakura ran at him, she was throwing punches, and Naruto was blocking. Sakura was good for a Genin.

"Good, now predict. You have a great base knowledge of Taijutsu. You could be great, along with your chakra control, you could be a medic." Naruto said and Sakura sighed as she continued giving her all.

"I want to master Genjutsu." Naruto and Sasuke gave her a small smile, her eyes sparkled when she saw a smile on her stoic lover, and her bloodthirsty teammate.

"We'll support you 100%, now go rest. We'll pick this up tomorrow." Sakura nodded and bowed.

"I'm sorry Naruto!" Sakura said and Naruto sighed lowly, he wasn't annoyed but she should know he wasn't upset with her.

"I forgive you Sakura." Naruto sighed lovingly when he felt Shikamaru's arms around his neck, he leaned in as Shikamaru yawned.

"You are helping Sakura train." Naruto nodded and looked to Sakura.

"I'm no Genjutsu master, but my chakra control is amazing and I can at least help you with that, right?" Naruto said and Sakura nodded.

"Thanks for helping me Naruto." Sasuke grabbed Sakura's hand.

"You need to wash up before dinner." Sasuke scolded and Sakura sighed. The duo walked away and Sasuke spoke.

"Congratulations, i always knew Dobe." Naruto smiled lightly that only Shikamaru caught.

"I'll kill you dead Sasuke." Sasuke chuckled knowing that Naruto meant it in a light tone, him and Sakura walked in the home as he and Shikamaru climbed the tree to look at the stars.

"You like your team." Shikamaru said as Naruto sighed and placed his head on Shikamaru's shoulder.

"Sakura finally learned that she won't always be protected, that me and Sasuke won't always be there for her. Sasuke finally stopped trying to be like his older brother. They are likable." Naruto said and Shikamaru nodded.

The stars shined brightly in the sky, they sat perched up on the highest branch, as they continued looking at the stars, the night went on and soon it was time for dinner. However nobody came to find them, Asuma and Kakashi were out looking for Gato's base. Naruto looked to Shikamaru to see him looking at the stars.

"Shikamaru." Shikamaru looked down, and saw Naruto giving him a soft smile, he wondered what he was going to say.

"Thank you for liking me, I know I'm unbearable, and psycho sometimes, but you still like me enough to calm me down and hold me, and kiss me." Naruto said and Shikamaru sighed.

"I honestly didn't think I would fall for you. Father always said that Nara's were always attracted to somebody that was different from them, active, troublesome." Shikamaru tapped Naruto's forehead.

"You are crazy, a little psycho and a little bloodthirsty. However, you make me the happiest, when you smile like that." Naruto gave a sighed and tossed himself at Shikamaru, almost knocking them off the branch, Naruto chuckled lowly.

Shikamaru made him want to smile.

"Hungry?" Naruto asked and Shikamaru shook his head no. He jumped down and Naruto followed him. Naruto reaches the bottom after Shikamaru had been waiting and looked at him.

"Let's head to sleep." Naruto nodded as they walked in the home. Sasuke and Choji roomed together but Sakura found her way inside Sasuke's bed. Sakura and Ino were supposedly suppose to room together, while Kakashi and Asuma roomed together.

They walked to the room and laid in the bed, Naruto snuggling into Shikamaru as Shikamaru sighed and held Naruto. Knowing that soon they were heading home.

A week later, they arrived home and all Naruto wanted to do was go back to sleep, Sasuke had taken over Sakura's Taijutsu training, while Naruto helped with her Chakra control. However Naruto had missed sleeping in Shikamaru's actual bed, one that smelled just like him that made him smile.

"An A-Rank mission marked C, and you all did fantastic." The Ninja's but Naruto nodded and bowed, Naruto looked at the pervert, he finally stopped hiding his aura, but why was it that every time the male looked at Naruto, his Aura read a few things.

Regretful, hurt, misery.

He wondered why that was the emotion when the pervert started opening up his aura. He just looked at the man, before he turned back to Ji-San, who was boasting of Naruto's accomplishments, like he was a proud grandfather. Naruto sighed, as everybody around him, laughed and joked. Naruto turned around to leave.

"Can we pick up payment?" Naruto asked and Hizuren nodded, Naruto walked out the door and Ino and Choji who still didn't understand him was confused, Shikamaru sighed and Sasuke gave a chuckle.

"He was embarrassed." Asuma told his students, and Ino and Choji wondered, how Naruto who was strong, powerful and a little insane, be embarrassed about the small teasing they did.

Naruto grabbed his money and went into the clan part of the village, there was a small home, that used to belong to the fourth Hokage and his wife. It had went on the market for years because nobody believed they were good enough to live in it. However the house basically called out to Naruto.

"How much?" Naruto asked the woman, she wasn't biased

"This was the prestigious fourth Hokage's home, do you really wish to move in and become a pariah?" Naruto hummed lowly.

"How much please?" Naruto replied and the woman sighed, told him the amount and Naruto paid her that and went about his business. He opened the doors and looked around, the minute he stood inside, for once it felt like home.

"I love it." Naruto said as he made some clones to clean the home, while he went to buy food. He walked down the streets of Konoha, he knew a lot of people still didn't like him, however they weren't going to keep serving him poison forever.

He walked in the grocery store, ignoring the looks as he Shopped, he looked at the sweet section. He's never had anything sweet in his life. So he brought a box of chocolates, it had at least 40 different pieces. He grabbed it and paid for his items, of course he went in the line with the one that didn't exclude a rude Aura.

He walked out the store with his groceries and there stood Shikamaru. Shikamaru folded his arms, and Naruto gave kind smile.

"You've gotten better at Chakra sensing." Naruto said and Shikamaru took the bag from Naruto, and walked towards his old apartment, before Naruto spoke.

"I brought a house Shikamaru." Shikamaru turned back around, and sighed.

"You actually bought the fourths house." Naruto nodded as the duo walked in silence.

"The house feels like it was meant to be mines. So I bought it." Naruto said and Shikamaru nodded, leaning down to kiss Naruto on his forehead.

"I'll help you get settled then." Naruto smiled at Shikamaru.

He loved the teen.

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