Chapter 9

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" It is him who made you do it isn't ? I am going to kill him! " I could hear Klaus's voice clearly outside Hope's bedroom. Hope's aunt, Freya glanced at me disapprovingly.

Klaus had woken up from the sleeping spell and found us on her bedroom floor. I woke up first. Klaus made me tell him what had happened. A few minutes later Hope began to stir from her sleep. After making sure Hope was alright, Freya dragged me outside of the room to give Klaus and Hope some space.

" No you are not going to kill him or anyone else. I made that choice myself and I have the right to do so. It would be better for all of us if you stop hovering over me." Hope replied fiercely and came storming out of the room.

Klaus came out behing her and was about to follow her when he saw me. He moved towards me in a menacingly.

" You must be pretty pleased with yourself aren't you? Hope tries to see the good in everyone and that's why she thinks you are here to redeem yourself. But I know from centuries of experience that for people like us, their is no redemption."

I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach. I guess I sort of knew that there was too much damage done for me to ever become a normal human but hearing it from Klaus was like a slap in my face. I could have taken any physical attacks from him but not this.

But Klaus continued relentlessly, " You think Hope loves you? She can never like a monster like you. You know that she was dating your brother, Landon before all of this. He was good for her. She was happy with him. Hope is a smart girl and I am sure she will figure out this herself. You will see."

I saw no point in arguing with him because he might actually be right and anyways the thought that hope would love me never occurred to me. My unexplained attraction to her has been largely one-sided and I never expected her to have the same feelings for me. So, I started to walk away.

"Not so fast." I stopped and turned around to face him.

"My sister here has a theory here about you. Why am I the only one who remembers Hope? Also I only started remembering her after you attacked me. It seems like you were the one who returned my memories."

So they figured out. Damn it.  Back then, I saw that Hope was very hurt that her own father does not recognise her so I couldn't help but restore his memories.

" Yes I did. So what? You should be thanking me."
I replied, holding my ground.

Klaus's face became darker but his face twisted into a smile as he replied. " It is interesting that you did not bring back Landon's memories even though you knew Hope wanted that. What would happen when Hope finds out about this. Perhaps I will go out and tell her myself now."

I could never face Hope again if she finds out.
" However, I will not tell her if you restore Landon's memories and walk away." He finished with look of satisfaction on his face.

I left without saying another word but Klaus already knows that he got what he wanted.

I saw Hope outside the house in the garden.
"Hey, are you ok?" I asked tentatively because we haven't gotten a chance to discuss what had happened when we were unconscious and I did not know how she will react.

" Hey Clarke, I am fine. I just came out for some air. Listen, I am sorry for what my dad always saying. He is just mad at me so just ignore whatever he said." She replied softly.

If only If it was that easy.

" Umm... its alright. Actually, I am sorry for what happened when we were unconscious. I shouldn't have..."

" What? You were unconscious too? What happened? " She asked, looking shocked.

" You don't remember? We were fighting with Malivore."

" No. Maybe it was just a nightmare." She replied dismissively.

" So I guess I am officially a tribrid. Thanks Clarke. " She said as she hugged me.

So she did not remember our kiss. I should be feeling relieved but I felt disappointed instead. Anyways it should not matter, I won't be staying with her after Malivore is dead. " But why can't you? " asked a small voice inside my head. I quickly subdued it as Hope stepped out of my arms.

"We should go to the pit and put my blood into it now." She said, already thinking ahead.

" You go first. I have something personal to do. I will catchup with you soon"

"Alright" She replied weakly but did not try to probe into it.

I promptly left before I changed my mind. I will return Landon's memories and then join hope at the pit. After Malivore is dead, I would leave this town for good. I don't think I can stomach them. getting back together.

However, as it always is, I realised much later that my father had once again ruined my plans, when I went to meet Hope at the location after restoring Landon's memories.

"Its gone Clarke. I searched everywhere. The pit just disappeared." I listened with dread as Hope told me frantically.

Hey guys, thanks for your support so far! It means a lot to me because this is my first piece of writing and I am learning as I write. Merry Christmas & Happy holidays!

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